10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (2024)

No matter how long you've been exercising, everyone wants a lean, toned body. But if you're new to fitness or strength training—maybe you haven't worked out for a while or you've never consistently trained before—you need to make sure you do the right things and avoid the wrong things. That's why I'm here to share 10 of the best beginner strength training exercises to get toned.

Before we dive in, let's back up a bit. What are the "right" and "wrong" things? Well, the right thing is to use strength training, which means exercising with resistance (i.e. dumbbells, barbells, or even your body weight) so you can transform your body. This method stimulates muscle growth and burns lots of fat so you can see more definition and get toned.

The wrong thing, however, is to use exercises that are inappropriate for your level of strength, mobility, or experience. The hard truth is people often see advanced exercises on social media and believe that's the only way to work out. But if a beginner tries what a fitness influencer does, they will most likely do it incorrectly and risk pain or injury (which means lots of discouragement and time off from any exercise).

In this article, I'll share 10 of my top-recommended beginner strength training exercises to get toned. These are easy-to-learn movements that build foundational strength in key muscle groups, fix any imbalances in your body, and teach fundamental movement patterns so you can safely add more complex exercises to your routine in the future.

Goblet Squats, Sets: 4, Reps: 5

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (1)

Hold the end of one dumbbell (or kettlebell) in both hands, and position it by your chest with your elbows underneath. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly out. Start the movement by sitting backward and spreading your knees apart. Descend below parallel while keeping your lower back flat. At the bottom, drive through your heels and keep your knees apart.

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Single-Leg Box Squats, Sets: 4, Reps: 8 per leg

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (2)

Start by facing away from a bench or box. Lift one leg, sit back on the bench, and come up without putting your other leg down. To make this exercise more challenging, lower the bench.

Kettlebell Deadlifts, Sets: 4, Reps: 5

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (3)

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with the kettlebell between your legs and the handle in line with the bony part of your ankles. Bend from your hips, and grab the kettlebell with both hands. Before you lift, your shins should be vertical, your back should be almost parallel with the ground, and your lower back should be flat.

Squeeze the handle hard, pull your shoulders backward, and crush your armpits. Lift the kettlebell by pushing through the ground, not by pulling up. Stand tall, and squeeze your glutes at the top. On the way down, place the kettlebell at the same spot you lifted it from.

To make this exercise easier, start with the kettlebell on a small step platform about four inches high (or even two steps if needed). As you improve, gradually lower the height until you're doing deadlifts from the floor.

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Pushups, Sets: 4, Reps: 8

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (4)

Get in a pushup position with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Keep your lower back flat, and don't let your hips sag. Lower yourself, and keep your elbows close to your body as you descend. If you can't do it from the floor, put your hands on an exercise bench.

Single-Arm Cable Row, Sets: 4, Reps: 8 per arm

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (5)

Set a cable handle to chest height. Grab the handle, take a step back, and stand facing the cable. Start the movement by pulling your shoulder blade toward your midline, and row without twisting your torso. Once you finish all your reps, switch sides.

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Hip Thrusts, Sets: 4, Reps: 10

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (6)

Lie down with your shoulders on a bench, your body perpendicular to a bench, and your feet on the floor. Rest a barbell with weight plates on your hips—and use a thick pad to cushion the barbell on your hips—and drive your hips to full extension. Push through your heels, and squeeze your glutes at the top. Lower the barbell back to the ground, and repeat.

Dumbbell Scaptions, Sets: 3, Reps: 8

Grab two dumbbells, and hold them at your sides. Stand tall with your shoulder blades squeezed together and your glutes tight. Raise the dumbbells to your sides and slightly in front of you (about 30 degrees in front of you). Repeat.


Single-Arm Farmers Carry, Sets: 2, Reps: 20 yards each arm

Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand, keep your chest up and shoulder blades squeezed, and walk. Repeat with the other hand.

Tall Kneeling Pallof Press, Sets: 3, Reps: 10 per side

Get on both knees, and set a cable handle to chest height. While facing perpendicular to the cable, bring the handle to your chest. Brace your core, squeeze your glutes, and keep your shoulders and hips directly over your knees. Push the handle straight forward, and hold for three seconds. Bring it back to your chest, and repeat. Then, switch sides, and repeat.

Band-Assisted Chin-ups, Sets: 3, Reps: 8

This list of beginner strength exercises to get toned wraps up with band-assisted chin-ups. Loop one end of an exercise band around a pull-up bar, and pull it through itself. Grab a pull-up bar with your palms facing toward you, and place your bent knee in the bottom loop of the band so it gives you support. Start by squeezing your shoulder blades together. Pull yourself up, and lead with your chest.

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert in fitness and strength training, I can provide information on the concepts mentioned in this article. Let's break it down:

Strength Training:

Strength training involves exercising with resistance, such as dumbbells, barbells, or even your own body weight, to stimulate muscle growth and burn fat. It is an effective way to transform your body, increase muscle definition, and get toned.

Beginner Strength Training Exercises:

The article mentions 10 beginner strength training exercises to get toned. Here are brief descriptions of each exercise:

  1. Goblet Squats: Hold a dumbbell or kettlebell at your chest and perform squats, focusing on keeping your back flat and knees apart.
  2. Single-Leg Box Squats: Sit back on a bench or box using one leg, then come up without putting the other leg down. This exercise can be made more challenging by lowering the bench.
  3. Kettlebell Deadlifts: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, bend from the hips, and grab a kettlebell between your legs. Lift the kettlebell by pushing through the ground and squeeze your glutes at the top.
  4. Pushups: Get into a pushup position with hands shoulder-width apart, lower yourself while keeping your body straight, and push back up.
  5. Single-Arm Cable Row: Set a cable handle to chest height, grab the handle, and row without twisting your torso. Switch sides after completing all reps.
  6. Hip Thrusts: Lie down with shoulders on a bench, feet on the floor, and a barbell with weight plates on your hips. Drive your hips to full extension, squeeze your glutes, and lower the barbell back to the ground.
  7. Dumbbell Scaptions: Hold dumbbells at your sides, stand tall with shoulder blades squeezed together, and raise the dumbbells to your sides and slightly in front of you.
  8. Single-Arm Farmers Carry: Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand, keep your chest up and shoulder blades squeezed, and walk. Repeat with the other hand.
  9. Tall Kneeling Pallof Press: Get on both knees, set a cable handle to chest height, and push the handle straight forward while bracing your core. Switch sides after completing all reps.
  10. Band-Assisted Chin-ups: Loop an exercise band around a pull-up bar and grab the bar with palms facing toward you. Place a bent knee in the bottom loop of the band for support and pull yourself up.

These exercises are easy to learn, build foundational strength, and teach fundamental movement patterns. They can help fix imbalances in your body and prepare you for more complex exercises in the future.

Remember, it's important to start with exercises appropriate for your level of strength, mobility, and experience to avoid the risk of pain or injury. It's always a good idea to consult with a fitness professional before starting a new exercise program.

I hope this information helps you on your fitness journey! Let me know if you have any further questions.

10 Strength Training Exercises for Beginners to Sculpt a Toned Body (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.