AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (2024)

AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep

AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (1)AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (2)

AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (3)AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (4)

Erin Lavonne Bennett

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Rising Star

This semester-long online course is the first part of a year-long series, aligning with the College Board’s AP Human Geography curriculum. Includes AP exam review and test prep!

Class Experience

US Grade 9 - 12

Intermediate - Advanced Level

Follows College Board Advanced Placement Curriculum

Aligned with Advanced Placement (AP) Standards

4 units


16 lessons//

16 Weeks

Unit 1

Thinking Geographically

2 lessons

2 Weeks

Thinking Geographically

Week 1

Lesson 1

🗺️ Geospatial Technology

Understanding the world through the eyes of a geographer.

Week 2

Lesson 2

🔁 Cultural Ecology

Compare the concepts of environmental determinism and possibilism.

Unit 2Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

6 lessons6 Weeks

Population and Migration Patterns and Processes

Week 4

Lesson 4

📈 Population Part 2

The Demographic Transition Model

Week 5

Lesson 5

👶🏼 Population Part 3

Population Theory

Week 6

Lesson 6

✈️ Migration Part 1

The movement of people across geographical boundaries, involving factors such as push and pull factors, patterns, and impacts on both origin and destination areas.

Week 7

Lesson 7

⛴️ Migration Part 2

Dive into Wilbur Zelinsky's Migration Transition Model, an insightful framework that links migration patterns to demographic changes.

Week 8

Lesson 8

🗺️ Migration Part 3

Urbanization takes center stage as we examine its role in shaping migration trends and demographic changes across the globe.

Unit 3Cultural Patterns and Processes

6 lessons6 Weeks

Cultural Patterns and Processes

Week 9

Lesson 9

💛 Culture Part 1

Examine the heart of communities, traditions, and the dynamic evolution of what we define as 'culture.'

Week 10

Lesson 10

🛍 Culture Part 2

See how elements of culture spread throughout the world and time.

Week 11

Lesson 11

🔆 Introduction to the Language and Religion

Continue our study of the cultural landscape of culture.

Week 12

Lesson 12

👄 Language

Uncover the intricate ways in which language shapes our understanding of the world and is shaped by it in turn.

Week 13

Lesson 13

⛪️ Religion

Examine the intricate ways in which faith shapes identities, landscapes, and cultures across the globe.

Week 14

Lesson 14

🌎 Ethnicity

Explore the definition of ethnicity, how it differs from race, and why understanding these concepts is key to comprehending the diverse tapestry of human society.

Unit 4Cumulative Review

2 lessons2 Weeks

Cumulative Review

Week 15

Lesson 15


Review of Units 1-2

Week 16

Lesson 16

Review & Final Assessment

Review of Units 3 & 4 and course assessment

  • 1.A Describe geographicconcepts, processes, models,and theories.1.B Explain geographicconcepts, processes, models,and theories.1.C Compare geographicconcepts, processes, models,and theories.1.D Describe a relevantgeographic concept, process,model, or theory in a specifiedcontext.1.E Explain the strengths,weaknesses, and limitations ofdifferent geographic models andtheories in a specified context.2.A Describe spatial patterns,networks, and relationships.2.B Explain spatial relationshipsin a specified context or regionof the world, using geographicconcepts, processes, models,or theories.2.C Explain a likely outcomein a geographic scenariousing geographic concepts,processes, models, or theories.2.D Explain the significanceof geographic similarities anddifferences among differentlocations and/or at different times.2.E Explain the degree to whicha geographic concept, process,model, or theory effectivelyexplains geographic effects indifferent contexts and regions ofthe world.3.A Identify the different typesof data presented in maps and inquantitative and geospatial data.3.B Describe spatial patternspresented in maps and inquantitative and geospatial data.3.C Explain patterns and trendsin maps and in quantitativeand geospatial data to drawconclusions.3.D Compare patternsand trends in maps and inquantitative and geospatial datato draw conclusions.3.E Explain what mapsor data imply or illustrateabout geographic principles,processes, and outcomes.3.F Explain possible limitationsof the data provided.4.A Identify the different typesof information presented invisual sources.4.B Describe the spatialpatterns presented in visualsources.4.C Explain patterns andtrends in visual sources to drawconclusions.4.D Compare patterns andtrends in visual sources to drawconclusions.4.E Explain how maps, images,and landscapes illustrate orrelate to geographic principles,processes, and outcomes.4.F Explain possible limitationsof visual sources provided.5.A Identify the scales ofanalysis presented by maps,quantitative and geospatial data,images, and landscapes.5.B Explain spatial relationshipsacross various geographicscales using geographicconcepts, processes, models, ortheories.5.C Compare geographiccharacteristics and processes atvarious scales.5.D Explain the degree towhich a geographic concept,process, model, or theoryeffectively explains geographiceffects across variousgeographic scales.© 2020 College BoardCourse Framework V.1 | AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description
College Board official training and certification to teach AP Human Geography, 2015Currently hold a professional NC teaching license for secondary social studiesTaught public high school AP Human Geography 2015-2018Each year, my rate of passing scores was higher than the national averageME in Educational TechnologyBA in HistoryBA in Psychology 

2 - 4 hours per week outside of class


Frequency: available upon request

Feedback: available upon request

Details: The course consists of weekly modules that include instructional videos, multimedia presentations, reading assignments, Cornell notes, and weekly assessments consisting of AP-style multiple choice and FRQ questions.


Frequency: available upon request

Details: Each weekly module culminates with a quiz, and a final exam consisting of 50 multiple-choice questions and two FRQs. The final exam is worth 20% of the final letter grade.*Please not that you will need to sign up the official College Board AP Exam separately from this course***Important Info***If you have not already arranged to take the AP exam in May, you will want to start looking for the location early in the school year, because exams have to be ordered by Nov. 15th to avoid a late fee. You can go to this website to find local high schools that host the AP exam. Then you can call the school and ask for the AP Coordinator and have them sign you up and order your test. Many allow students from other schools/homeschoolers to take exams there. https://apcourseaudit.inflexion.org/ledger/


Frequency: available upon request

Details: The final grade for the class is 80% the weekly quiz average and 20% the final exam. They will get a certificate of completion with a letter grade at the very end of the course.

1 file available upon enrollment

Course Textbook: The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, by James M. RubensteinWeekly reading excerpts will reference this text. Reading excerpts provided through the course are intended for instructional reference only and can't be read by screen readers or other assistive technology features. Another resource I highly recommend, especially as a study review tool as the exam approaches, is the iScore5 App. It works well on mobile devices, and the creators are the same people who wrote the first wave of official APHG exams. It costs $4.99. Learn more at https://iscore5.com/ap-human-geography/

In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:

AP Human Geography introduces high school students to college-level introductory human geography or cultural geography. The content is presented thematically rather than regionally and is organized around the discipline’s main subfields: economic geography, cultural geography, political geography, and urban geography. Culture is firmly embedded into each chapter of the class. Students will learn why people move from place to place, analyze different religions that are practiced throughout the world, discover how food is made and consumed throughout the planet, and explore how, why, and where homes are constructed on our diverse planet. The approach is spatial and problem-oriented. Case studies are drawn from all world regions, with an emphasis on understanding the world in which we live today. This will better prepare students to become productive citizens in a growing and complex society. Historical information serves to enrich the analysis of the impacts of phenomena such as globalization, colonialism, and human–environment relationships on places, regions, cultural landscapes, and patterns of interaction.The class will utilize the following third-party resources:- Students will need access to Google Slides or PowerPoint for certain assignments. I recommend students use Google Slides, because it is free and also provides Google Drive as a place to organize and save their work. https://docs.google.com/presentation/u/0/?tgif=d- Kahoot for review activities: https://kahoot.com/schools-u/- Edpuzzle for interactive multimedia instruction and and instructional videos https://edpuzzle.com/- Padlet will be used to create virtual gallery walks and class discussions https://padlet.com/- Instructional resources will be created and organized with Canva and Articulate 360 https://www.canva.com/ https://rise.articulate.com/
The Cultural Landscape An Introduction to Human Geography 12th edition, James M. RubensteinAMSCO AP® Human Geography, 2nd Edition, David PalmerSummer Institute AP Human Geography training by the College Board, 2015 AP Central AP Human Geography Course Description, at https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-human-geographyWhy Geography Matters: More Than Ever, Harm de Blij21st Century Power of Place Video Series, Annenberg Learner

Erin Lavonne Bennett

Joined April, 2023




Rising Star


AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (9)

Teacher expertise and credentials

Utah Teaching Certificate in Social Studies/History

North Carolina Teaching Certificate in Secondary Education

Master's Degree in Education from Lesley University

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from University of Colorado at Boulder

Bachelor's Degree in History from Metropolitan State University of Denver

Hello! I'm an experienced educator with a strong background in both traditional and online teaching environments. I hold a Master of Education in Educational Technology and have earned a Microcredential in Inclusive Teaching for Equitable...

Self-Paced Class


weekly or

$320 for all content

16 pre-recorded lessons

16 weeks of teacher support

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1 year of access to the content

Completed by 12 learners

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Ages: 12-17

AP Human Geography Part One: Population, Migration, and Culture + Exam Prep (2024)


How many questions do you need to get right to pass the AP Human Geography exam? ›

The AP® Human Geography score calculator (previewed below) from Albert reveals that you need to get 30 of the 60 multiple-choice questions right and be awarded a minimum of half of the possible points in the free-response section in order to pass the exam.

Is AP Human Geography the hardest AP class? ›

Consider that classes commonly thought of as the most challenging AP classes (like Physics C: Mechanics and Japanese) have high passing rates while classes often considered easier (like Human Geography and U.S. Government and Politics) are among the classes with the lowest passing rates.

Is AP Human Geography the easiest AP? ›

AP Human Geography is widely recommended as an introductory-level AP course. Students tend to regard the course content as "easy," while the exam is difficult. Historically, the majority of students earn the lowest possible score on this exam.

What is the fail rate for AP Human Geography? ›

AP Human Geography – 54.40% AP English Language – 56.10% These 6 lowest pass rate subjects ^^ also have some of the most test-takers. So even though the pass rates are lower, WAY more students take them in the first place.

What percent is a 5 on AP Human Geo? ›

75% or more = 5.

What percent is a 5 on an AP exam? ›

Usually, a 70 to 75 percent out of 100 translates to a 5. However, there are some exams that are exceptions to this rule of thumb.

Which AP has the lowest pass rate? ›

1) AP Physics 1

At many high schools, AP Physics is notorious for its difficulty level. In addition, it has the lowest overall pass rate of any AP exam.

What's the hardest AP exam? ›

Physics 1

How many people got a 1 on the AP Human Geography exam? ›

2024 Score Distributions‌: History & Social Science
AP African American Studies15%8%
AP Comparative Government & Politics16%12%
AP European History13%7%
AP Human Geography18%30%
6 more rows

Do colleges care about AP Human Geography? ›

And like all AP courses, AP Human Geography can help you stand out during the college application process and gives you the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both.

Is the AP Human Geography exam curved? ›

Why are AP® Human Geography scores curved? Advanced Placement exams are designed to model college courses, many of which are curved.

Are AP exams curved? ›

AP test scores are indeed "curved," but it's more accurate to call it a "scaling process." Instead of a traditional curve that compares your performance to other students' performance, the AP exam scaling process converts your raw score (the number of points you earned through multiple-choice questions and free- ...

Which AP has the highest 5 rate? ›

AP classes: ranked according to frequency of perfect scores
  • Chinese Language and Culture: 57.2%
  • Japanese Language and Culture: 47.5%
  • Calculus BC: 38.3%
  • Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism: 32.6%
  • Computer Science A: 23.9%
  • Italian Language and Culture: 20.6%
  • Physics C: Mechanics: 23.5%
  • Music Theory: 19.9%
Oct 31, 2022

Is a 3 on AP hug good? ›

With a score of 3 or higher on the AP Human Geography exam, you can earn up to three hours of college credit. Some schools, however, require a 4 or 5 for college credit. Some colleges offer both advanced placement and credit, which allows you to skip the course and receive credit for it.

How many questions do you need to get right to pass the AP Gov exam? ›

Albert's AP® US Government and Politics score calculator (previewed below) shows that you would need to answer at least 28 of the 55 multiple-choice questions correctly and at least half of the total possible points on the free-response questions to get a score of 3 or higher.

What is a passing grade for AP Human Geography? ›

The average score for the AP HUG exam fluctuates each year. But the percentage of students who pass the exam remains pretty consistent. To receive a passing score, students must receive a 3 or higher.

How many questions do you need to get right to get a 5 on the AP Calc BC exam? ›

There are a total of 108 possible points on the exam, and the curve varies from test to test. Most of the recent College Board practice tests put the minimum number of points for a 5 somewhere between 65-70 total points.

How many questions do you have to get right on the AP World History exam? ›

Albert's AP® World History: Modern score calculator shows that you need to answer 28 of the 55 multiple choice questions currently and receive at least 29 points on the free response questions.

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Author: Roderick King

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.