Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease? - Luxury Dentistry NYC (2024)

Welcome to LDNYC, where we illuminate the path to your brightest smile!

Today, we’re delving into a common question that many of our patients ask: Can you get dental implants with gum disease? It’s a concern that weighs heavily on the minds of those considering dental implants as a solution for missing teeth.

So, let’s explore this topic together and shed some light on the interplay between gum health and dental implants.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a sneaky adversary that affects the tissues supporting your teeth. It starts quietly as gingivitis, with symptoms like red, swollen gums that might bleed during brushing. If left unchecked, it can escalate to periodontitis, leading to tooth loss and other health complications. But fear not, preventing and managing periodontal disease is within reach with proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and appropriate periodontal disease treatment.

Gum disease might seem like a formidable foe, but it’s one that can be tackled with diligence and expert care. Whether you’re just starting to consider dental implants or are ready to take the next step, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our commitment is to provide a seamless experience, tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that even if gum disease has been a part of your dental history, it won’t dictate your dental future.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the superheroes of restorative dentistry in NYC and beyond. They’re sturdy titanium posts that replace the roots of missing teeth, topped with crowns that mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth. The pros of dental implants are numerous, including their durability and natural feel, but they’re not without their cons, such as the initial investment and the need for a healthy jawbone for placement.

Moreover, dental implants offer benefits beyond just restoring your smile. They help preserve bone density in your jaw, preventing the sunken appearance that often accompanies tooth loss. Additionally, unlike traditional dentures, implants don’t rely on neighboring teeth for support, preserving the integrity of your remaining natural teeth.

The Interplay Between Gum Disease and Dental Implants

The relationship between dental implants and gum disease is complex. While implants can restore smiles and chewing ability, the presence of gum disease can complicate the process. Healthy gums are a non-negotiable foundation for successful implantation. So, what happens when gum disease enters the picture? Let’s find out.

Getting Dental Implants with Gum Disease

The road to dental implants in New York City or anywhere else begins with a healthy mouth. Active gum disease can be a roadblock, but it’s not the end of the journey. With comprehensive treatment to resolve the infection and restore gum health, dental implants can still be a viable option for many patients. This may involve non-surgical interventions such as professional cleanings and scaling, as well as surgical procedures to address deeper pockets of infection or regenerate lost bone and tissue. By effectively managing gum disease and optimizing oral health, patients can proceed with confidence toward achieving their desired outcomes with dental implants.

Preventing Gum Disease in Dental Implant Patients

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to gum disease in dental implant patients. Maintaining impeccable oral hygiene and regular dental visits are crucial steps to ensure the longevity of your implants and the health of your gums.

In addition to diligent oral care practices, adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and avoiding tobacco products can further reduce the risk of gum disease and enhance the overall success of dental implant therapy. Moreover, patients are encouraged to stay vigilant for any signs of gum inflammation or bleeding and to promptly report any concerns to their dental provider.

By prioritizing preventive measures and proactive monitoring, implant patients can safeguard the integrity of their oral structures and maximize the lifespan of their dental implants for years to come.

Treatment Options for Gum Disease

From deep cleanings to advanced surgical interventions, there are several treatment options for gum disease. The goal is to halt the progression of the disease, regenerate lost bone and tissue, and create a stable environment for existing or future dental implants.

Professional cleanings, scaling, and root planning are frequently utilized as non-surgical therapies for gum disease and the maintenance of dental implant procedures. These procedures aim to eliminate plaque and tartar buildup, minimize inflammation, and enhance gum health. Surgical techniques such as flap surgery, bone grafting, and guided tissue regeneration may be required for more severe dental implant situations in order to address deep pockets, replace damaged bone and tissue, and improve the structural support surrounding dental implants. Dental practitioners can effectively control gum disease and maximize the long-term effectiveness of dental implant therapy by customizing treatment to each patient’s unique needs.


Q: Is it possible to get dental implants if I have gum disease?

A: Yes, but the gum disease must be treated first to create a healthy foundation for the implant.

Q: How can I prevent gum disease if I have dental implants?

A: Stick to a rigorous oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings.

Q: What are the pros and cons of dental implants?

A: The pros of dental implants are a natural look, improved oral health, and durability, while the cons include cost and the need for surgery, summarizing the pros and cons of dental implants.


In the quest for a dazzling smile with dental implants, gum health cannot be overlooked. At LDNYC, we don’t just see dental implants as a procedure; we view them as a pivotal step toward enhancing your quality of life.

We believe that a healthy smile is more than just beautiful—it’s a testament to your overall well-being. That’s why we’re dedicated to offering comprehensive care that goes beyond the surface, addressing any underlying issues to secure the success of your dental implants. So, let’s move forward together, towards a future where your smile isn’t just dazzling; it’s a beacon of health and confidence.

Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease? - Luxury Dentistry NYC (1)

Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease? - Luxury Dentistry NYC (2)


Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease? - Luxury Dentistry NYC (2024)
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