Everything You Need To Know About the 75 Hard Challenge (2025)

Never give up. Never surrender. You can do anything if you just put your mind to it.


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We often rely on mantras like these as a form of motivation. When faced with difficult challenges, we hold on to these ideologies in an effort to push ourselves beyond our current limitations. The goal? To strive for improvement and feel confident in our strengths as we push beyond our comfort zones.

When it comes to physical fitness and our overall well-being, affirmations like these can help when we’re attempting to tackle a new workout routine or a brand-new diet plan or even trying to do small everyday things.

But do we ever run the risk of pushing ourselves too far? And how do we know we’re actually doing enough? Should we, perhaps, in an effort to take better care of ourselves, know when to rest instead of charging forward?

A viral trend known as the 75 Hard Challenge has turned many of these questions on their heads by inspiring people to take part in a strict 75-day lifestyle program. For 75 days, participants must complete five critical daily tasks that double down on exercising twice a day, sticking to a rigid nutrition plan and strengthening your mental fortitude — all without rest, cheat days or substitutions. If even one task is overlooked or left partially completed, the clock restarts, and you’re forced to begin the 75-day program all over again starting with Day One.

Can a rigid program like this be healthy? Or could it actually cause more harm in the long run? Health and sports/performance psychologist Matthew Sacco, PhD, shares why the 75 Hard Challenge raises far more concerns than rewards for most people and how certain aspects of the program can actually be put to good use regardless of the state of your physical, mental and emotional health.

What is 75 Hard?

The 75 Hard Challenge was started in 2019 by Andy Frisella, podcaster, entrepreneur and CEO of the supplement company 1st Phorm. One part-fitness program, one-part-nutritional plan, the 75 Hard Challenge centers around the idea of “mental toughness”: That you have to push past your comfort zone and challenge yourself to the extreme in the effort to make long-term lasting improvement on your mind, body and overall outlook on life.

“This is another one of those fad lifestyle plans,” states Dr. Sacco. “On the surface, it’s very much about your willpower and your ability to push yourself and stick to something very rigidly.”

For anyone who has a tough time sticking to new routines and lifestyle changes (like eating healthier or exercising five days a week), change can be difficult. But the 75 Hard mentality has one overarching golden rule designed to get you to avoid cheat meals and quitting on your goals: You must participate and complete every aspect of the five-rule challenge every single day for 75 days; if you fail to deliver, you start all over, and attempt another shot at completing each daily task for another 75 days.

Although Frisella and 75 Hard fanatics swear by their own personal experiences that the program is life-changing, much of its promise is anecdotal. There’s little-to-no scientific evidence the program itself is beneficial, says Dr. Sacco, even when individual parts of the program stem from healthy ideas about forming healthy habits.

“To my knowledge, there’s no science behind it and no research behind it because it’s really kind of anecdotal,” he says. “These very rigid rules become problematic because they boil down this idea that any single person should simply be able to make these choices day-in and day-out without understanding the more interconnected parts to it.”

What are the rules?

The 75 Hard Challenge is designed to push you to improve in the areas of physical fitness, emotional resilience and mental insight — all within the context that you should press on when faced with indecision, pain or discomfort.

“It speaks to this idea that we’re supposed to be able to suck it up, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move on,” explains Dr. Sacco. “But that’s not a good long-term philosophy, especially if you have chronic, ongoing medical issues.”

The program’s five critical tasks, or core values, are meant to be completed daily for 75 days. And each of the following areas have varying benefits and risks associated with them:

1. Follow a nutrition plan of your choice — no alcohol or cheat meals

On the 75 Hard Challenge, you can start any diet or nutritional plan, but you’re expected to stick to that plan firmly for 75 days. That means, you can try any healthy or trendy diet or eating style, including:

  • Mediterranean diet: A well-rounded, heart healthy diet recommended by many healthcare providers focused on plant-based foods and healthy fats (think lean meats like chicken and fish).
  • Keto: A high-fat and low-carb diet designed to improve metabolism and muscle mass.
  • Vegan: A diet that avoids anything that comes from animals (think meats, eggs, dairy and meat-based broths) and focuses solely on plant-based proteins, fruits and vegetables.
  • Flexitarian: A mix of vegan and vegetarian diets but with the added flexibility of semi-occasional meats and animal products.
  • Paleo: The Stone Age diet that focuses on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts, eggs and seeds while giving up grains, legumes, dairy, refined sugars, added salt and high-processed foods.
  • Pegan: A dietary mix of paleo and vegan, with 75% of your diet focused on plants and 25% focused on meats, eggs and fish.
  • DASH: A nutritional plan that helps lower the risk of high blood pressure by consuming higher amounts of potassium and less sodium.
  • The Whole30 diet: An elimination diet that gives up dairy, grains and legumes but focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs and lean proteins, some fats and nuts.

Whichever plan you choose, you have to stick to it. There’s no room for error and it’s frowned upon to just one day decide you’re going to eat outside of the nutritional box you’ve put yourself in. That means you can’t have a cheat meal along the way or have any alcohol — not for nutritional reasons, but in the effort to drill down on discipline.

If you break away from your nutritional plan of choice, you have to start over. And that can be hard for anyone trying a diet for the first time or anyone with certain dietary restrictions.

“This can be very challenging for people because in our society, food is a very emotional thing, and sometimes, it’s hard to make abrupt changes and make sure you have everything you need and know how to pull it all together even once you’ve settled on a plan,” recognizes Dr. Sacco.

Still, focusing on nutritional value is a huge piece of the weight management and overall healthy pie. Dr. Sacco recommends talking to a healthcare provider before starting any diet plan to make sure it’s right for you. In most cases, the Mediterranean diet may be the best option because of its broad-based approach to nutrition and its accessibility.


“There are a lot of rules to the Mediterranean diet, but there is some softness to that, too, in that you’re open to having green, leafy vegetables, lean meats and other things,” he adds.

2. Two 45-minute workouts — one MUST be outside

In general, it’s good to participate in moderate-intensity aerobic exercises 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Doing so will likely increase your blood flow, improve your metabolism and provide substantial benefit to your heart and other areas of your body. Such physical activity can also help improve or prevent conditions like:

  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Heart disease.
  • Depression.

Sounds simple enough, and like a pretty important thing to do, right? Not to mention, you have a lot of choices when it comes to exercise, including:

  • Cardiovascular exercises.
  • Swimming.
  • Cycling.
  • Running.
  • Yoga.
  • Pilates.
  • Strength training.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Now, imagine working out twice a day, every day, without a day of rest — and imagine ramping up from doing no exercises each week to doing them twice a day, every day, for 75 days in a row.

For those of us who are unfamiliar with exercising at such high frequency, or for those of us who have other disabilities and conditions that impact our level of mobility and flexibility, the 75 Hard Challenge can feel like an impossible task.

And even those who do workout on a regular basis still run a higher risk of injury if they over-exert parts of their body and/or never take a day to rest and recharge.

“Psychologically, it does reinforce your commitment to physical health when you exercise twice a day,” says Dr. Sacco. “But the mentality of pushing through, and that exercise is supposed to be hard and it’s supposed to hurt further increases that risk for somebody to push beyond just being sore and risk injuring themselves.”

Plus, if you’re new to physical fitness and you’re not sure what to do, or you’re just getting back into it after taking a long break from exercise, you’re more likely to over-extend your abilities, putting you at further risk for injury.

3. Drink 1 gallon of water

This one is pretty clear: We could always drink more water in an effort to hydrate our bodies. It’s also a good substitute if you’re trying to cut back on soda and other sugary concoctions. In general, the daily recommendation for water is 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men — and those amounts fluctuate based on factors like your activity level, metabolism and body type.

A gallon feels like a lot of water to have in one day, but if you’re actually spending a lot of time working out, your body might need it.

“There’s a behavioral component to consider when drinking that much water because for some people, you have to work to refocus your attention,” notes Dr. Sacco.

“It’s such a significant amount of water, you would have to be continually drinking water all day. So there is some benefit in that you’re more likely to replace some of those other drinks you’d be having if you weren’t drinking a gallon of water a day.”

4. Read 10 pages of a nonfiction, personal development-focused book

So, how does reading fit into this 75-day challenge? Well, we know that there’s a significant connection between our mental and physical health. Taking time out for self-care, and thinking of self-improvement from a mental standpoint, can all benefit your overall health.

While this challenge chooses to focus specifically on nonfiction and personal development reading, Dr. Sacco suggests that taking time out to read anything for any amount of time daily can help you slow down and keep you grounded — especially when you’re trying to do a bunch of new things all at once.

“Reading, in general, is incredibly intellectually stimulating,” he adds. “It gets your brain going. It slows us down and keeps our minds from racing. And it activates different parts of your brain and your imagination.

“Sometimes, you need something to keep you grounded when you’ve got so much else going on or some of these other new challenges you’re trying to tackle.”

5. Take a progress picture

Healthcare providers advise avoiding weighing yourself every day because numbers tend to fluctuate — and your progress on your journey to physical fitness is more than just counting numbers. Sometimes, it takes weeks or months to see real results, but even then, the goal should always be to improve in some small way every day.

The 75 Hard Challenge tackles this daily measurement of success by asking you to capture a progress photo every day. By doing this, in theory, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to zero in on your physical changes over time.


But like the scale, hyperfocusing on your body image has its own set of risks that include:

  • Increased low self-esteem.
  • Body dysmorphic disorder.
  • Eating disorders.

“If you’re focusing on self-improvement and you’re noticing these changes, that visual cueing and feedback can be really reinforcing and rewarding,” acknowledges Dr. Sacco. “But these kinds of changes take far more than just simple willpower, and if you feel like you’re not getting enough of the results that you set out to achieve, it can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally.”

Does 75 Hard work and is it healthy?

It remains to be seen whether or not a program like this is safe and accessible for everyone. In fact, some of Dr. Sacco’s largest concerns are focused on whether the outcomes of completing the 75-day program override the potential health risks along the way, particularly for those who struggle with physical fitness and healthy nutrition.

“In order to make something like this work effectively, it would probably take a little bit more knowledge in terms of how to do two separate 45-minute workouts a day without compromising results or putting yourself in harm’s way,” he says.

“Something like this requires smart goal setting: Your goals have to be measurable, attainable, realistic and time-limited. And sometimes, that looks like walking around the block three times a week for two weeks, and then scaling that up when you’re comfortable, instead of pushing to run two miles every day without rest.”

Healthy alternatives, healthy goals

In general, if you’re interested in starting a lifestyle/fitness program like 75 Hard, it’s important that you weigh the risks and advantages and how they relate to your individual level of physical health and mental health. From there, you should try to check off your improvement list one small task at a time.

“There is sometimes this temptation to tackle everything and sometimes, that can feel like too much,” says Dr. Sacco. “For most people, making little changes and figuring out how you can get it to work in your life will help make lifestyle changes that can last for a long time.”

If you have trouble getting up early and feeling motivated to start the day, try to get up 30 minutes earlier than you normally would, for example, and then increase that by 30-minutes every week until you feel better about your start time.

If you want to cut back on sodas, maybe drink one a day instead of three. And if you’re trying to start a workout routine, maybe try to exercise once a week, then twice a week and so on.

And if there’s a day or a week you don’t meet your goals, it’s OK. Try again when you’re ready, or try a different approach. The key is to never push yourself so far that you feel uncomfortable, in pain or like you’re not doing enough.

“When we’re able to accommodate these changes in our life and make it a part of what we’re regularly doing, it comes a lot easier over time,” notes Dr. Sacco. “I think there’s a lot more to take out of the individual parts of the 75 Hard Challenge than keeping to its overall rigidity because there are some benefits to drinking water, pushing yourself with some exercise and trying to do better every day.”

If these are all things you care about, there are safer and healthier alternatives to 75 Hard, including a separate program Frisella created in 2021 called 75 Soft. Designed to be more flexible, 75 Soft inspires its participants to:

  • Eat well in general.
  • Exercise for 45 minutes each day, with one day of active recovery.
  • Drink 3 liters of water daily instead of a gallon.
  • Read 10 pages of any book each day.

Something like 75 Soft is perhaps more in line with general health guidelines and offers a much safer way to achieve your goals. But more importantly, it’s always better to be intentional about your choices. Give yourself some grace and flexibility to fail. Instead of taking an all-or-nothing approach to self-improvement, allowing yourself some wiggle room can positively impact your growth. And that’s true, whether you’re starting a new lifestyle program or focusing on one area of improvement at a time.

“None of us are perfect, and the idea of being perfect, even for something like 75 days, is very difficult,” says Dr. Sacco.

“Sticking with a strict approach to making changes for some people might work. But what actually builds resilience is having the ability to bounce back when something happens. That’s going to be more sustainable in the long haul.”

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a wide range of information on various topics, including the concepts discussed in this article. I can provide insights and information related to the 75 Hard Challenge, the rules involved, and the potential benefits and risks associated with it. Let's dive into the details!

What is the 75 Hard Challenge?

The 75 Hard Challenge is a lifestyle program that was started in 2019 by Andy Frisella, a podcaster, entrepreneur, and CEO of the supplement company 1st Phorm. It is a rigorous 75-day program that combines elements of physical fitness, nutrition, mental toughness, and personal development [[1]].

The Rules of the 75 Hard Challenge

The 75 Hard Challenge consists of five critical tasks that participants must complete daily for 75 consecutive days [[1]]:

  1. Follow a nutrition plan of your choice - Participants are expected to adhere to a specific nutrition plan of their choosing for the entire duration of the challenge. This can include popular diets like the Mediterranean diet, keto, vegan, flexitarian, paleo, pegan, DASH, or the Whole30 diet. The key is to stick to the chosen plan without any cheat meals or alcohol consumption [[1]].

  2. Two 45-minute workouts - Participants must engage in two separate 45-minute workouts every day. One of these workouts must be conducted outdoors. The challenge emphasizes pushing oneself physically and mentally by exercising without rest for the entire 75 days [[1]].

  3. Drink 1 gallon of water - Participants are required to drink 1 gallon (approximately 3.7 liters) of water each day. This is intended to promote hydration and potentially replace other sugary drinks in the participant's diet [[1]].

  4. Read 10 pages of a nonfiction, personal development-focused book - Reading 10 pages of a nonfiction book focused on personal development is a daily requirement of the challenge. This task aims to stimulate the mind, encourage self-reflection, and promote personal growth [[1]].

  5. Take a progress picture - Participants are instructed to take a progress photo every day. This visual documentation is meant to track physical changes over time and serve as a measure of progress throughout the 75-day challenge [[1]].

Benefits and Risks of the 75 Hard Challenge

While some individuals may find the 75 Hard Challenge motivating and beneficial, it is important to consider both the potential benefits and risks associated with the program.


  • Improved discipline and mental toughness.
  • Increased commitment to physical health and fitness.
  • Enhanced focus on nutrition and hydration.
  • Opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement.
  • Potential for positive changes in body composition and overall well-being.


  • Potential for overexertion and increased risk of injury, especially for individuals who are new to exercise or have physical limitations.
  • Lack of rest days may lead to inadequate recovery and increased risk of burnout.
  • Strict adherence to a specific nutrition plan may be challenging for some individuals and may not be suitable for everyone.
  • Hyperfocus on body image and progress photos may contribute to negative body image, low self-esteem, or the development of eating disorders.
  • Lack of scientific evidence supporting the overall effectiveness and safety of the program [[1]].

It is important to note that the 75 Hard Challenge may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions or individuals who are not accustomed to intense physical activity or strict dietary restrictions. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or nutrition program is always recommended.

Healthy Alternatives: 75 Soft

For those who are interested in a less rigid and potentially safer alternative to the 75 Hard Challenge, Andy Frisella created a program called 75 Soft in 2021. This program offers more flexibility and focuses on general health guidelines. The tasks involved in 75 Soft include:

  • Eating well in general.
  • Exercising for 45 minutes each day, with one day of active recovery.
  • Drinking 3 liters of water daily instead of a gallon.
  • Reading 10 pages of any book each day.

75 Soft allows for a more balanced approach to self-improvement and may be a better fit for individuals who prefer a less intense and more sustainable lifestyle program [[1]].


The 75 Hard Challenge is a rigorous 75-day lifestyle program that combines elements of physical fitness, nutrition, mental toughness, and personal development. While some individuals may find it motivating and beneficial, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits associated with the program. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or nutrition program to ensure it is suitable for your individual needs and circumstances.

Everything You Need To Know About the 75 Hard Challenge (2025)
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