How to Use Puppy Pads Effectively | Bulldogology (2024)

You may already be familiar with disposable dog diapers and pads, but have you considered utilizing a potty pad for your pooch?

Puppy pads play a crucial role in your dog’s toilet training, but certain dogs require more guidance. Therefore, it’s essential to instruct your puppy on the correct use of these pads.

Let’s keep you posted on this article. We will give you tips and tricks on how to use puppy pads and potty training your dog properly.

Table of Contents

What are Potty Pads

Potty pads are a great way to help your dog be more comfortable and healthier. They’re made from a soft material that’s easy on their feet, and they provide a clean surface for them to work on.

The pads are designed for dogs who have trouble urinating in their house or yard. They keep the ground dry, which helps prevent bacteria from growing on it.

Also, they help keep your home clean by preventing tracking dirt into other areas of your home.

They can help make housetraining easier by reducing the number of spots where your dog may pee or poop.

If you keep them clean, they’ll last longer and be less likely to smell when nature calls!

If your dog urinates or defecates in the house, you should try to catch it in time so you can clean up the mess.

However, if you don’t catch it soon enough, then it will smell worse than ever before and make your home smell like a barnyard!

This can cause health problems for humans and pets alike because of bacteria getting into our homes through our pets’ feet or noses!

You can buy potty pads in bulk at most pet stores or online. If you use potty pads at home, you should always check to make sure that they’re clean and free of any harmful chemicals or microbiologicals (germs).

Also, you may check our range of potty pads for your pup’s training.

See to it that the surface where you put the potty pad is clean and smooth so that the pad doesn’t get stuck on any rough edges or debris.

Importance of a Puppy Pad

How to Use Puppy Pads Effectively | Bulldogology (2)

It’s a great idea for your puppy to have a potty pad for several reasons.

Prevents Urine or Feces Tracking

A puppy pad prevents your dog from tracking urine or feces through the house. It has a waterproof bottom so that you don’t have to worry about accidents in the house!

Lessens Smell

It helps reduce odors, which is especially important for small dogs who tend to have more frequent accidents.

Offers Comfort

Having a puppy pad will make your dog feel more comfortable, which can help with housebreaking and separation anxiety.

Protects Furniture

It will help protect your carpet or furniture from damage when your dog has accidents.


It keeps your home smelling fresh and clean, which is important in keeping germs at bay!

Safe and Healthy

It helps you keep your dog safe from germs and bacteria that could lead to infections. Your pup will also feel more comfortable and secure on his turf!

Potty Pad Setup at Home

Potty-pad setup at home for dogs is an important step in the training process. It helps you and your dog get to know each other better and establishes a routine that can last for many years.

Who needs it:

Dogs who have accidents in the house or yard

Dogs who are scared of the toilet

How to do it:

You will need a small box (about half an inch smaller than the size of your dog’s waste) that you can set on the floor in any room where you want your dog to go potty.

Make sure the box has a hole in the top so that it fits over the opening of its bowl.

If your dog refuses to use its potty pad, try putting some treats inside instead!

You will probably need two boxes if you have multiple dogs or if they are bigger than average dogs; one is usually enough for smaller dogs.

The second box should be placed near where you want your dog to go but not directly above it.

You want them to learn where their potty area is without seeing it directly ahead of time every time they use their toilet!

You can purchase an already-made potty pad from a pet store or online. These are usually made with plastic or paper, so they are easy to clean and easy to dispose of when your dog does use them as an indoor toilet.

Another way is by using newspaper or plastic wrap. You must use something that is not disposable because once it is used as an indoor toilet, it will need to be disposed of in a trash bin rather than thrown away in the garbage can with other trash (which could contaminate it).

Make sure there’s enough room for your dog to comfortably step onto the mat without falling off it into the floor below!

You can use kitty litter instead of newspaper or plastic wrap if you don’t always want any extra mess on your floors during the day or night hours when your pet is allowed outside for bathroom breaks (and even then!).

You may also want to consider using an area rug as an alternative solution (or if you have carpet).

The rug should be able to absorb urine without getting ruined by moisture from it being tracked into the house.

Why Potty Train Your Dog

Your pup needs to be outside for his business. If you don’t take care of this, he will get into a lot of trouble.

He will be getting into fights with other dogs or other animals who are trying to get into his area, and he may even get attacked by an animal that wants to eat him!

Potty pad training your dog is a great way to make sure he stays healthy and happy. This can be a long process, but it’s worth it in the end.

Here are some of the reasons why you should potty train your furry pal:

Potty training helps your dog feel confident and comfortable.

Starting early with potty training helps you build a stronger bond with him that will last all his life.

It helps him understand positive reinforcement and helps you get through any behavioral issues he may have later on in life.

Potty training can be fun for both of you!

Your pup wants to go potty just like kids do, so he is happy when he goes where he should be going!

This makes your puppy’s potty training easier than ever before. He won’t have any control over where things are going to happen.

You need only show him where the bathroom is and wait until it’s time for him to use the toilet again.

Your dog will be more active and make him less likely to get sick in an accident in the house. This can help him live longer and happier overall.

You will save money on vet bills with regular cleaning up after your pet.

Potty training success saves time in other areas of life too!

When dogs don’t have accidents at home, they’re less likely to have accidents elsewhere like on walks outside or in public places which saves everyone involved from unnecessary trouble.

Common Mistakes in Potty Training Puppy Owners Make

Potty training your dog can be a challenge. The truth is, you’re not the only one who has faced this, and there are some common mistakes that new dog owners make that can cause problems later on.

The first thing to remember is that your puppy will not be able to tell you when he needs to go.

He will just want to do his business where he is. You’ll have to wait until he is done before you can move him somewhere else.

There are several common mistakes in potty training your pup that will help him learn faster and make it easier for you to train him. These mistakes include:

  • Not knowing how long it takes your puppy to pee or poop.
  • Forgetting about your puppy when doing his business.
  • Using harsh training methods when trying to train him.
  • Not giving him enough time alone at home so he can go on his schedule.
  • Using the wrong method. If you’ve read our blog before, you know that we recommend using a puppy pad for your puppy’s first few weeks of training.
  • Not giving enough praise when they go outside!

Accidental training is also a common mistake to be aware of when potty training your dog.

This is when your pet becomes habituated to elimination on the floor and associates it with being happy and relaxed rather than going out to do his business.

As a result, your dog won’t be willing to go out when they need to poop.

Ignoring signs that your pet needs to go out is another common potty training mistake to be aware of and avoid.

These signs include sniffing around and scratching at the door or trying to get up when you are near the door but have not opened it yet!

Ways to Troubleshoot Dog Potty Mishaps

How to Use Puppy Pads Effectively | Bulldogology (5)

Dog potty mishaps can be embarrassing, but they’re also a sign your dog is doing something right.

If you can’t figure out what’s going wrong, you may be missing an opportunity to teach him a new behavior. Here are some potty training tips for how to troubleshoot potty accidents:

If you’re unsure if he needs to go outside, try waiting longer and giving him more time in the house.

Try placing food dishes outside and seeing if he sniffs around the area if he still needs to go out.

If he refuses to use his crate as a bathroom (or thinks it’s a playpen), try putting treats inside the crate so that he thinks of it as his “potty place.”

During accidents, such as on the couch or in bed, try redirecting him not to do it loudly enough that he knows what you mean.

Keep a puppy in a crate while you are away from home, so he can’t accidentally get out.

Make sure that if you have other pets in the house (like cats), they’re not around when your dog is potty training. They may try to chase after him!

How to train a puppy to use pee pads?

How to Use Puppy Pads and Potty Training Guidelines

Potty pad training your pet with a puppy pad may not be that easy but it’s possible if you follow proper guidelines.

Use a litter box mat. Put the pee pad under the litter box to keep a tidy surrounding.

Make use of furniture protection. You will need a quick solution to protect your furniture if your pup is still wet from his bath or if she sheds a lot.

Huge pads are effective to cover house furnishings like chairs or couches.

Protect the garage from stains or any mess during oil changes. Puppy pads are not just for cleanup. They help remove huge stains on the ground.

Follow a potty pad routine. Dogs learn more quickly when they can see what they’re supposed to do. This makes it easier for them to understand what you’re asking of them.

By using a potty pad, you can provide your dog with visual reinforcement without having to watch them go potty!

Plan for a 24-hour schedule. When housetraining your dog to do potty, strictly follow a schedule. Establish a routine for you and your pooch.

He may need to go outside in the morning, after his meal times, his play times, and just before his bedtime. Account for every moment of his activities.

Actually, the sample schedule varies depending on his age. Observe how many hours he can hold his bladder every day. From there, start planning for his pee or potty breaks.

Assign a designated area for an indoor potty. Dogs have the instinct to mark their territory, so keeping their paws clean is important so they don’t have accidents in the house or on your furniture.

Make sure to frequently change the puppy pad whenever necessary. Potty pads should be changed frequently because they get dirty very quickly.

You should change them once every two days at most if you’re using the same potty pad over and over again.

It’s also possible to change the pad at least once per day if you’re changing pads every few hours or more often than that.

Observe your dog always. Don’t give him treats or toys while he’s using the potty pad.

You can make him feel like he needs to do it more often than he does! This will help you with where to put puppy pads.

Deal with accidental mess immediately. Potty pads should not be used in any area where there is no extra room around the edges.

It’s because they will expand as they absorb liquid from urine and feces which will leave an unsightly mess behind (especially if you don’t change the pads often enough).

If there isn’t enough room around the edges, you may need to purchase another type of dog training pad instead.

There is no need to wash or dry the potty pad after each use as long as it is placed on the floor and not on the furniture or carpet.

If you do wash the pad, only use a mild detergent that does not contain bleach or fabric softener.

Train to use puppy pads in the crate. Don’t give him treats or toys while he’s using the potty pad. This can make him feel like he needs to do it more often than he does!

Teach your dog to go to the pad. Use potty pads the same way you would use regular dog litter boxes.

If you want him to go on the pad, place it near where he prefers to go potty and encourage him by saying “go potty” or making noises that sound like going potty (such as clapping or blowing air through your mouth).

Introduce outdoor potty training. If your dog does not want to go outside when he is on the potty pad, try putting him in his crate or kennel for about 15 minutes before you attempt to take him out again.

This way, he can get used to being confined there for longer periods without being able to use the bathroom.

This will help him associate going outside with being uncomfortable and uncomfortable behavior will stop soon after that!

Try moving the potty pad towards the door. Move it just outside the door the next time. Now, place the pad near the toilet area outdoor.

You can then remove this pad and eventually stop setting it out for him. Instead, he will be using the outdoor patch.

Alternate indoor and outdoor spots for potty. See to it that your pet gets familiar with the outdoor and indoor potty spots. You can do this successfully by taking him to both spots each time.

Alternate indoor and outdoor potty for weeks to make him accustomed to using both.

Provide positive reinforcement. Give your pal lots of praise but be sure to time it appropriately. Keep your voice low and friendly.

You may try playing games like “find it” or “roll over,” which will get him excited about finding something. Reward him with praise or treats when he finds it.

Refrain punishment. It is not advisable to punish your pup for every accident he commits.

He tries to learn how to follow your instructions. You need a lot of patience during the training.

Never yell, hit, or shout at him. Otherwise, he may only associate punishment and fear with toileting.

FAQs on Potty Pad Use and Training

Here are some of the questions frequently asked by dog parents or owners you might have in mind:

How to get a puppy to use a puppy pad?

As mentioned earlier, you need guidelines and successful potty training to make your puppy use his pee pad. These include potty pad routine, schedule, indoor potty area, observation, mess management, potty training, and positive reinforcement.

Is using a potty pad a good idea?

Potty pads are a useful tool for training when your dog needs frequent potty breaks. Also, refer above for the benefits and importance of the pads. It keeps him healthy and well-behaved in his potty and pee breaks.

How to use pee pads at home?

Pee pads are very useful in the potty training process of your dog, especially at home since he cannot just pee or poo anywhere.

How long should puppies use puppy pads?

Well, there isn’t an exact time set for your pup to stop using pee pads. It depends on when he can learn where to do his business without the pad. Start his pad training inside the house until he gets used to doing it outside.

When to take puppy pads away?

Similar to the previous question, you can take away the pads whenever necessary. That is when he is not dependent on the pad anymore. Be sure that he will be able to do it properly.


With the guidelines and tips provided above, you should now know how to use puppy pads to potty train your dog. Our guidelines and tips will be your aid in disciplining your dog on how to handle his mess.

Enjoy a Hassle-Free, Cleaner Home with Bulldogology Premium Pet Training Pads

We know that the process of housebreaking can be stressful for both of you and your furry friend. That’s why we designed the Bulldogology Premium Pet Training Pads to help pet owners like you potty train their pets without any hassle. It’s the best way to ensure that your pet is comfortable and squeaky cleaneven when you’re not at home. Our Bulldogology Premium Pet Training Pads is the best choice!

Now with Bullsorbent Polymer Technology

  • Absorbs and turns liquid into gel right away keeping your floors dry all day long.
  • With sticky adhesive tapes to keep your pet from making a huge mess.
  • With built-in attractant to help potty train your dog when you’re not around.
  • Perfect for indoor and outdoor use, use it as food and water mats, for kennels, or even when traveling.
  • Instantly eliminates the stinky smell to keep your home fresh and clean.

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How to Use Puppy Pads Effectively | Bulldogology (2024)
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