Kerry Cassidy – Galactic Anthropology (2024)

November 28, 2023February 2, 2024 / Galactic Anthropology / 6 Comments

During a 2016 interview with Kerry Cassidy (1) William Tompkins talked about six extraterrestrial Nordic-looking men who lived in Burbank, California with their families. He described how they completely blended in with the locals, although their children received a different kind of education while attending school. He mentioned this example after he had first spoken about humans from Earth who participated in the Solar Warden Program (2) who would live and eat on Nordic bases. It apparently went both ways and somehow nobody seemed to recognize them as aliens, who would have a lifespan of some 3,700 years (3).

Just imagine that your children would have been able to get a college degree at the age of nine, and them tuning into telepathic classes while just sitting in local classes with normal human kids. Would they have appeared a bit distracted sometimes (12).

We have spoken about extraterrestrials among us in earlier articles. You might remember the Alpha Centaurians (Selosi) who worked in Paradise, California (5) or those Ahel looking people (6). During the interview Tompkins even suggested that both George Bush sr, Clinton and Obama were in fact reptilian shapeshifters, and he reassured us that Donald Trump is not one of those (7).

Kerry Cassidy – Galactic Anthropology (1)

These extraterrestrials sometimes gave advice to Skunkworks from Lockheed (8), but that they were no contractors. They had a different task here. If you have something to add, please join one of the Study Groups (9).

In February 2024, JP told Dr. Salla about how certain Nordics would actively be blending in in our society (13).

(1) William Tompkins: Selected by Extraterrestrials (2/2) ◄ Project Camelot | Kerry Cassidy ◄ 2016-12-15
(2) Excelsior and Solar Warden
(3) We have learned that the people from Meton would have an average life span of about 2,000 years (4). What kind of Nordics would those who lived in Burbank have been? What would be their star system of origin?
(4) Having a Life Span of Two Thousand Years – The Metoni in the Proxima Centauri System
(5) Wilco*ck Interview on Centaurians and the Fire in the Town of Paradise
(6) Getting acquainted with the Ahel
(7) I couldn’t hear him clearly, so I am not sure if he also added George Bush jr. to the list. If his father would be one, he would probably be one as well. This element is a bit too odd for me at the moment. What do you think? (9)
(8) In the article on Robert Dean (11) you can see a picture of Ben Rich, the CEO of Lockheed Skunkworks and you can read a bit about his ideas of how extremely advanced their secret technology was.
(9) Telegram groups:Galactic Anthropology(general updates),Galactic Anthropology Study Group,Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Groupand theGalactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also afacebook pagethat you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See:Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her owntelegram channelwhich is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): :Galactic Anthropology on X
(10) Hotwire – Burbank California
(11) An Interview with Robert Dean
(12) Thinking about Classes, I was reminded of the classes on Arcturian ships that Melanie Charest talked about. See for more: Children’s Classes in a Spaceship
(13) Nordic Extraterrestrial Assimilation Program – JP Update #29

November 27, 2023November 27, 2023 / Galactic Anthropology / Leave a comment

I was introduced to this field of extraterrestrial disclosure by the fascinating work of Elena Danaan and along the ride I got into contact with other contactees and I wrote a few articles on them too. Somehow I had never gotten to write anything about one of the great heroes of the disclosure movement, William Tompkins (1). In order to remedy that I started to watch two parts of an interview Kerry Cassidy did with William Tompkins back in 2016, a year before he passed away (2,3). In the first part he said something that reminded me of the current construction of the Jupiter Hub (4).

Kerry Cassidy – Galactic Anthropology (2)

In the interview William Tompkins talks about the initial goal of the Apollo program. He said that the idea was to first go to the moon, and then to set up bases on all inhabitable planets or their moons, and then even reach out to the 11 or 12 nearest star systems. These ambitious plans were obstructed by what he calls the Reptilians/Draco’s, the ones we have gotten to know as the Ciakahrr (5).

William Tompkins described how he was given information by the Nordics (6) and that they never intended their information to be used for military purposes. Instead they gave us the information in order to allow us to set up a kind of galactic businesses. These trading hubs would give them and us the opportunity to exchange material and goods. Below you can hear Tompkins explain it himself:

It now seems safe to assume that our galactic friends also like to trade. The Jupiter Hub (4) is being constructed in order to facilitate – amongst other things – trade between various star nations. We have heard JP talk about underground facilities where extraterrestrial species come in to trade (11) and we were also told about a Galactic Guild of Merchants (12), a kind of trading organization between a lot of species.

Tompkins clearly stated that the Ciakahrr prevented these plans for interstellar trade that the Nordics would have already been working on with humanity in the 20th century. Now the Ciakahrr are no longer part of the equation the original plans seem to unfold after all. I am quite glad to hear that certain star nations want to set up these trading posts to exchange material between them and us. That sounds far more benevolent than species that simply come in to plunder our resources. Share your thoughts at the Galactic Anthropology Study Groups (13).

(1) I did mention him in an article on cloning, see On Human Cloning in the Secret SpaceProgram
(2) William Tompkins: Selected by Extraterrestrials (1/2) ◄ Project Camelot | Kerry Cassidy ◄ 2016-12-15
(3) William Tompkins: Selected by Extraterrestrials (2/2) ◄ Project Camelot | Kerry Cassidy ◄ 2016-12-15
(4) On the Construction of an Interstellar Hub near Jupiter
(5) The Ciakahrr
(6) I don’t know what kind of Nordics he is talking about. Would it have been people from Selos (7), or from Erra (8) or some other group? I guess he wasn’t working with the Aldebaran Ahel (Jadaiahil) (9). If anyone knows the answer, don’t hesitate to share it with me.
(7) On the Selosi from Alpha Centauri B
(8) Getting Acquainted with the Ahil
(9) The Jadaiahil are Nordics that live on a planet in the Aldebaran star system. See (10, p.288)
(10) Danaan, E. (2020) A Gift from the Stars
(11) A Cloaked Laser Tube from a Mountain Base to Hide Spaceship Traffic
(12) Galactic Guild of Merchants
(13) Telegram groups:Galactic Anthropology(general updates),Galactic Anthropology Study Group,Alex Collier and Andromedans Study Groupand theGalactic Anthropology Library. You can of course also comment below the articles here. There is also afacebook pagethat you can join. In October 2023 I started a Laura Aboli Archive to store the multiple ways the Deep State is losing its terrible grip on our world in a topic format with very topical subjects. See:Laura Aboli Archive. Elena Danaan also has her owntelegram channelwhich is accessible for most people. In November 2023 I started a new account on X (formerly Twitter): :Galactic Anthropology on X
(14) Japan And International Trade

Kerry Cassidy – Galactic Anthropology (2024)
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