TNE 5.25.23 Flipbook PDF - PDF Free Download (2024)

When I grow up


Area schools’ kindergarten class Page 10

Area schools’ graduation Page 2

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The New Era

16 PAGES THURSDAY MAY 25, 2023 NUMBER 21 VOLUME 150 $1.00

Proudly serving Chancellor, Centerville, Davis, Hurley, Irene, Parker, Marion, Monroe, Viborg, Wakonda


Graduation continued on page 2.


Back row L-R: Jerris Antinucci, Jaxson Lundy, Devin Vietor, Alex Larsen-Klueber Front row L-R: Alexus Stewart, Molli Davis, Alivea Weber, Leah Goodwin, Alysiah Olson (photo/Alan Astleford)

PARKER GRADUATING CLASS OF 2023 Bottom Row (left to right): Seth Van Vliet, Jacob Schoffelman, Jack Even, Logan Bridges, Ethan Kasten, Charlie Patten, Tanner Preheim, Gabriel Gillespie, Lane Gortmaker, Brenden Pesicka, Middle Row (Boys left to right): Hudson Eldeen, Bryan Beltran, Johnathon Pien, Payton Meyer, Kaden Avilla, Tagg Weller, Igor Lebed, Logan Rice, Zaul Centeno; Middle Row (Girls left to right): Terryn Fuller, Kaitlan Laible, Samantha Gavette, Isabelle Meins, Autumn Marsh, Kira Romereim, Reva Mulholland , Jazmi Yuleidy Lima Guevara, Destiny Pyn, Alexis Flannery; Top Row (Girls left to right): Janae Olson, Aspen Rand, Hope Larson, Abigail Nelson, Joleigh Mielke, Tayler Coleman, Alison Nankivel, Katie Simmermon, Hayley Holm, Mya Tieszen, Madison Pankratz

NEWS BRIEFS The New Era Office Hours: Viborg: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9 am to 1 pm, Friday 10 am to noon. Marion: Monday-Wednesday 8:30noon or call 605-201-6977 Parker: Monday-Friday 9 am to 4 pm Memorial Day Deadline for The New Era is FRIDAY 5/26 at 10 a.m. for publication in the Thursday edition. Parker Community VBS: June 1114 Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith building fun! Register by June 1 at parkervbs Viborg City-Wide Rummage: will be held June 24, 2023. Think about having one. More details when it gets closer. Call Linda D. if you have questions. (605)766-5487 Hurley Avenue of Flags: Anyone wishing to fly a flag on Memorial Day for a recently departed Veteran, please contact Carol DeNeui at (605)238-5444. Regulation size flags are available for sale. Marion School Summer Bear Care has openings. If you are interested please go to the Marion School Website search Summer Bear Care form on the right top corner of the website at https:// or stop in at the Main Office of the school to get an application. If you have any questions please contact Amanda Groth by email at Amanda.Groth@ or call/text her at 605999-7708 Help distribute the Veteran flags: at Parker’s Rosehill Cemetery and Saint Christina Cemetery on May 27 can meet at Rosehill Cemetery at 10 a.m. on Saturday May 27.

605 Pickled Pink Ladies hold fundraiser for Sherman families There was a great turnout for the 605 Pickled Pink Ladies Dart Tournament fundraiser at the Viborg Community Center on Saturday, May 20, with proceeds going towards the Sara Sherman and Kobee Sherman families. Sara has been battling breast cancer, and Kobee was diagnosed with osteosarcoma earlier this Spring. In addition to the dart tournament, there was both a live and silent auction, a free will donation Members of the 605 Pickled Pink Ladies present Sara Sherman and Kobee Sherman with checks to help with expenses incurred meal, and 50/50 tickets from their recent cancer diagnosis. (Photo/Renae Hansen) were sold. The 605 Pickled Pink La- with a mission to support battling cancer. They are fundraisers such as this to their motto – “No one dies group is a dart league those in the area that are well known for holding that help them live up fights alone”

The cost of protecting Zimmerman joins Viborg Ambulance crew Turner County Monique R. Hurtado | Staff writer [emailprotected]

The Turner County Sheriff’s Department serves not only the entire county, but also contracts for the towns of Davis, Dolton, Hurley, Marion, Monroe, and Parker. They normally run on a full staff of eight officers, however they have been running on a staff of only six full time officers, which has been costing the county hours and hours of overtime. They recently had a part-time officer join the force and while that does ease the burden a tad, it does not solve the staff shortage. Statistically, Hutchinson County Sheriff department has offered the lowest starting pay for incoming depuProtecting on Page 4 

Renae Hansen | Writer The Viborg Ambulance is happy to welcome Branden Zimmerman to their crew! Branden lives in Viborg along with his wife Kelli, daughter Cami and son Caden, and has been employed by Poet in Hudson for the past eleven years. Branden took advantage of the online option to take the EMT course, which consisted of two days a week of online classes and one hands-on lab in Sioux Falls one Saturday a month. The class normally runs around $850, but Branden was able to attend the class free of charge due to a grant that currently covers the cost. The opportunity to attend under that grant will also take place this Fall. When asked what inter-

Branden Zimmerman is the newest member of the Viborg Ambulance crew. (Photo/Renae Hansen) ested him in becoming an EMT, Branden said that he noticed that our ambulance was getting fewer and fewer people and that he wanted to be able to help out. He also wanted the challenge of doing something new, and the EMT course was a way of do-

ing that while helping out his community. There is a pretty extensive background check that takes two to three months to complete, so until that is finished Branden is still technically a driver, but has been with the crew since the end of February. When asked if he would recommend taking the course and becoming an EMT to others, Branden says “There’s some calls that nobody wants to go to and some stuff you don’t want to see, but it’s a good feeling that you were there and tried everything you could to help”, adding “I would encourage people that are thinking about it and wanting to possibly do it that it’s definitely doable and the course isn’t too bad”.

community 2 | The New Era | 5.25.23

Parker presents the graduating class of 2023 On Saturday, May 20, families and friends gathered to congratulate this years Seniors who crossed the stage to receive their high school diploma. Forty students attended the ceremony. Those graduating with honors include: Valedictorian Alison Nankivel Salutatorian Hayley Holm Highest Honors Bryan Beltran-Gonzalez Tayler Alexandria Coleman Haley Rose Holm Ethan James Kasten Kaitlan Aren Laible Alison Faye Nankivel A senior presenting a rose as a thank you for Janae Marie Olson Madison Mae Pankratz all the years of support and encouragement.

Honors Alexis Evelyn Flannery Terryn Jean Fuller Samantha Jo Gavette Jazmi Yuleidy Lima Guevara Autumn Joy Marsh Isabelle Josephine Meins Joleigh Noelle Mielke Reva Shayne Mulholland Destiny Marie Pyn Kira Lynn Romereim National Honor Society Tayler Alexandra Coleman Alexis Evelyn Flannery Terryn Jean Fuller Samantha Jo Gavette Haley Rae Holm Ethan James Kasten Kaitlan Aren Laible Jazmi Yuleidy Lima Guevara

Valedictorian Alison Nankivel address her fellow classmates and thanking all who helped them make it to this point.

Autumn Joy Marsh Payton Loren Meyer Joleigh Noelle Mielke Alison Faye Nankivel Janae Marie Olson Madison Mae Pankratz Destiny Marie Pyn Aspen Josephine Rand

Marion senior and Valedictorian received the Regents Scholar diploma from high school principal Bill Leberman. (photo/Alan A tradition that began several years ago, some of the senior girls decorated their graduation hats. (photo/Alan Astleford) Astleford)

Commencement held for nine Marion seniors May 20 Alan Astleford | Writer Nine Marion seniors entered the Marion school gym the final time for their commencement May 20. Escorts for the class were Sarah Cremer and Harley Crooks. Mrs. Orcutt played processional and recessional. Superintendent Brad

Berens welcome those in attendance and school principal Bill Leberman introduced those in the program. Alivea Weber was busy as she received the Regent Scholarship, created the senior slide show and delivered the Valedictorian address. Salutatorian Alex Larson-Kluber

gave the salutatory address that was followed by Mrs. Lacey Frieszen, with the commencement address. The long time tradition of presenting roses, receiving diplomas and tossing caps finished the day. A receiving line was held outdoors.

Gayville Hall presents “Elaine Peaco*ck & Friends” This weekend, Gayville Hall, the old-time music hall located in Gayville, SD, will present “Elaine Peaco*ck & Friends,” a two-hour musical extravaganza. The show, to be held Saturday, May 27, at 7 p.m., is a patriotic musical salute to Memorial Day. “It’ll be a fun evening of entertainment!” said singer Elaine Peaco*ck. “We will be entertaining the crowd with country, Patsy Cline, gospel, and patriotic, with a special military tribute for Memorial Day!” Starring in the show is Peaco*ck, an awardwinning singer, and her talented friends, including Isabel Trobaugh on piano, John Hauck on lead guitar, Faye Kruger on rhythm guitar, Fred Sayler on drums, and Dave Bergquist on bass guitar. Special guest singers Paul Peaco*ck and Jacob Sample will also share beautiful vocals. All of the musicians hail from small town South Dakota and Nebraska. Peaco*ck and Trobaugh live in Elk Point. Hauck comes from Tabor and Sayler is from Menno. Kruger and

Bergquist live in Emerson and Verdigre, Nebraska. Four of the six musicians – Trobaugh, Hauck, Bergquist, and Peaco*ck -- are South Dakota Country Music Hall of Fame Inductees. Sayler is a three-time SD Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee. A show at Gayville Hall is two hours long with a short intermission mid-way through. Light concessions – including soda, homemade goodies, and ice cream bars – will be available for purchase. Seats are $17 (tax included) reserved or $14 general admission at the door. Get reservations (to save your favorite seat) by calling 605-267-2859. On the night of the show, the Box Office will open at 6:15 p.m. with the show starting at 7 p.m. Cash or check is accepted as payment (no credit cards, please). Gayville Hall is located at 502 Washington Street in Gayville, SD. Call 605-267-2859 for more information.

Donna Rumbaugh | Managing Editor

Adults $5 Seniors $4 High School $3 Rated PG-13 Starring: Diesel, Jordana Action,Vin Adventure, Sci-FiBrewster Children $2

Jurassic World FastDominion X

Starring: Chris and Pratt,Tyrese BryceGibson Dallas Howard & Laura Dern

let the stack get too tall! Make sure to



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PG-13 - Action, Adventure and Crime Show time 7:30 pm: Friday, June 17th; Saturday, June 18th; SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, May 26, SATURDAY, May 27, SUNDAY, May 28, Sunday, June Wednesday, June 22nd WEDNESDAY, May19th; 31 ALL SHOW TIMES 7:30PM

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Stamp Out Hunger drive a success

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The second Saturday in May is the annual Stamp Out Hunger food drive hosted by the National Association of Letter Carriers. Notices were distributed to postal patrons in advance to encourage participation in the drive. Postal customers are then asked to fill a bag with healthy, non-perishable food items and place by the mailbox. The letter carrier then picks up the donations and delivers them to food banks and pantries in our local communities.

The combined effort of Turner County residents and the Post Office resulted in hundreds of pounds of groceries for local pantries. Viborg gathered 32 pounds of food for the Viborg Food Pantry. The combined offices of Parker, Hurley, and Marion put together 352 pounds of donations that were taken to the Turner County Food Pantry, and Chancellor and Davis gathered 42 pounds that went to the Lennox Ebenezer Presbyterian Exchange program. Irene collected 150 pounds and Centerville collected ten pounds of food.

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The New Era

Serving the communities of Chancellor, Centerville, Davis, Hurley, Irene, Parker, Marion, Monroe, Viborg, Wakonda PO Box 579 | 161 N. Main • Parker, SD 57053 • Phone: (605) 297-4419 Fax: 297-4015 • e-mail: [emailprotected]


SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Turner County $50/year Adjoining counties $54/year In continental USA $55/year

Jim Hensley...................................... COO Lisa Miller..................... General Manager Donna Rumbaugh.......... Managing Editor Al Astleford............. Writer/Photographer Monique Hurtado.......................... Writer Jessica Kleinsasser............Office Assistant

Michelle Stewart........... Advertising Sales Megan Punt............. Production Manager Katie Vanden Top....................... Graphics Ashley Huisman......................... Graphics Angelia Washburn...................... Graphics Ben Van Aartsen......................... Graphics

THE NEW ERA A New Century Press Newspaper © 2023 Members South Dakota Newspaper Assn., National Newspaper Assn. Periodicals postage paid at Parker, South Dakota 57053 USPS (379-020). Postmaster: Send address change to Box 579, Parker, SD 57053-0577.


community 5.25.23 | The New Era | 3

Wakonda Legion, Auxiliary planning Memorial Day observances Riva Sharples/writer It is a busy week and weekend for members of the Wakonda Legion and Wakonda Legion Auxiliary. Auxiliary members, alongside the Legion, will be putting on multiple events to remember and honor veterans over the coming week. “It is a busy week,” admits Legion Auxiliary President Donna Henriksen. “But this is what we are all about, honoring and working alongside our veterans and remembering those that gave their all for freedom!” The ladies kicked off their Memorial Day

observations this week by placing canisters containing poppies in Wakonda businesses. Everyone is encouraged to take and wear a poppy in remembrance of veterans. The poppy is a symbol worn around the world to honor and remember veterans on various holidays. Sales of poppies help raise funds for veterans organizations, and in the United States, Memorial Day is the most popular time to wear poppies. The poppy as a symbol comes from the famous 1915 poem “In Flanders Fields.” Wakonda Legion auxiliary members will place poppies on Auxiliary member graves this week to remember those who are no

longer here. On Friday, the ladies will host a Memorial Day program at the Wakonda Heritage Manor for residents. They will serve root beer floats afterwards. On Memorial Day, Legion members will perform the traditional cemetery firings. Here is their schedule: 8:15 a.m. – North Catholic (St. Columbkille); 9:00 a.m. – Pleasant Valley; 9:15 a.m. – Bethel Baptist; 9:30 a.m. – South Lodi; 10:00 a.m. – South Catholic; 10:30 a.m. – Union Cemetery; 10:45 a.m. – Wakonda Heritage Manor; 10:55 a.m. – Veteran’s Memorial in Wakonda; and 11:00 a.m. – Legion Program at the Post 13

Poppy Day in Wakonda is May 26, 2023 The Wakonda American Legion Auxiliary invites area residents to participate in Poppy Day, May 26, 2023, by supporting your Veterans and wearing the red poppy. Poppies were available at the Irene-Wakonda Elementary Program on Monday, May 15 at the Wakonda Gym and are also located at Wakonda Businesses throughout town. Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary’s three-quarters of a million members – direct female relatives of wartime veterans – raise more than $5.5 million through the distribution of the symbolic red poppies to support active-duty military, veterans, and their families. The red poppy has become a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. One hundred percent of the donations collected directly support the needs of veterans, military, and their families. Quick Facts The red poppy came to symbolize the blood shed pro-

tecting Americans’ freedom following publication of the wartime poem “In Flanders Fields” written by Lt. Col. John McCrae, M.D., while serving on the front in WWI, to honor soldiers killed in battle. Veterans handcraft the flowers with assistance from unpaid volunteers. The veterans not only earn a small wage, which helps to supplement their incomes and makes them feel more self-sufficient, but the physical and mental activity provides many therapeutic benefits for the veteran. A veteran who devotes five to six hours per day assembling the red crepe paper poppies can make as many as 2,000 to 3,000 poppies in a week. Volunteers do not sell poppies – they “distribute” them, with a request that the person receiving the poppy make a donation to the poppy fund to support the Auxiliary’s veteran outreach programs. Founded in 1919 to support the work of The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary is recognized as the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization.

Hall. Wakonda’s Memorial Day Program will be held Monday, May 29, at 11:00 a.m. at the Wakonda Legion Hall, sponsored by the Wakonda American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary. The speaker this year will be Col. Brad Lowe USMC Retired. Ron Prusa will be honored with a 50-year membership plaque. Auxiliary ladies will host a Memorial Day meal as part of the program, serving ham, turkey breast, potatoes, corn, and salads to take place after the program for a free will donation. Veterans eat for free. All are invited and encouraged to attend the event.

weather for the record Weather May 14-20 Date Hi Lo Precip Conditions May. 14 60 51 0.02 Clouds May . 15 72 46 0 Cloudy May. 16 79 50 0 Fair May . 17 80 50 0 Some sun May. 18 74 52 0.04 Fair May . 19 60 52 0 Fair May. 20 76 40 0 Partly cloudy Summer temperatures have not been that prevalent. Eighty degrees was the high for the period, and 40° was the low. Six hundredths of moisture fell. The farmers are in planting season And most would appreciate some good rains.


Chancellor Reformed honors graduates Chancellor Reformed Church honored graduates on Senior Sunday, May 21, 2023. Janae Olson and Kaitlan Laible were selected as the recipients of s $500 scholarship from the Chancellor Reformed Youth Group Jon Richter Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship was created to honor the memory of Jon Richter who was a member of Chancellor Reformed Church, active in the praise band and youth group. Both Janae and Kaitlan are 2023 graduates of Parker High School. Janae will be attending SDSU and Katilan will be attending USD in the fall. Thank you to all who applied for the scholarship. Congratulations to all 2023 graduates!

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Centerville Library to host Lonnette Kelley “Joy in the Heartland” is an inspiring story of two “at-risk” seniors traveling through the Heartland of southeastern South Dakota during a global pandemic. Experience the struggles, surprises, laughter, tears, and joy as they journey through small towns, beautiful scenery, and must-see attractions. Author Lonnette Kelley will be at the Centerville Community Library on June 5 a 3:30 p.m.for an author visit.

Golden West is bringing fiber to your homes and businesses during 2020. Fiber optic technology will provide you with faster, more reliable broadband internet speeds and stronger connections.

student news

Learn More at the OPEN HOUSE Shelby Rosencranz Full-time status is achieved Monday, February 10, 6:30 p.m. Named to SNHU Dean’s by earning credits over American Legion, 408 Orleans Ave.,12 Dell Rapids List each 16-week term or MANCHESTER, NH paired eight week terms Stop by for refreshments, giveaways (05/16/2023)-Shelby grouped in fall, winter/ and a chance win a $100 Visa Card! Rosencranz of Ireneto has spring, and summer. been named to Southern more information, visit New For Hampshire University’s or call Winter 2023 Dean’s List. 1-855-888-7777 and ask for The winter terms run from the Engineering Department. January to May. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.500 to 3.699 for the reporting term are 281837 named to the Dean’s List.



The Chancellor City Council meets at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of every month in the Town Hall


The City Council meets at 6:30pm on the second Monday School: City:

Library in Irene. The Irene City Council meets at 7pm on the first Monday after the first Wednesday of every month at City Hall. School: City:


The Parker School board meets monthly at 6:30pm on the 2nd Monday of every month in the Parker School Library. The Parker City Council meets monthly at 7pm on the first Monday after the first Tuesday. The Parker Senior Citizens meet at 5:30pm on the 1st Monday of the every month for a dinner/meeting at the Multigenerational Center. School: City:



The Irene-Wakonda School Board meets at 6pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the School/Community

City council meets monthly at 7:00pm on the first Monday of the month in meeting room of the City Office The Marion School Board meets at 7pm on the second

Monday of every month in the music/band room. School: City:


The Viborg City Council meets monthly at 6pm on the second Monday of every month at the Town Hall. The Viborg-Hurley School Board meetings be found on the school calendar School: City:


The Wakona City Council meets The Irene-Wakonda School Board meets at 6pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in the School/Community Library in Irene School: City:

Active Generations

Menus Subject to Change Call 297-0176 for information about the Parker Nutrition Center menu.




Chicken Strips, Corn, Macaroni Salad and Ice Cream Cup


Cheeseburger Deluxe, Curly Fries, Coleslaw and Cream Cheese Brownies


Salisbury Steak, Baked Potato, Mixed Vegetables and Peaches


Shipwreck Casserole, Honey Carrots, Lettuce Salad and Lemon Cake with Icing


Scalloped Potatoes and Ham, Cheesy Broccoli and Peaches 323230

The Centerville School Board meets monthly at 7pm on the 2nd Monday of every month in the library The Centerville City Council meet at 5:30 on the 1st Monday of every month. School: City:

Jongeling celebrate 60 years Harvey and Vera Jongeling will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary on June 3, 2023. An open house will be held at the Chancellor Fire Station from 4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. Please join them in the celebration! The couple requests no gifts.

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Celebrating 50 years of marriage Merlin and Kathy Vannorsdel will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on May 27, 2023. The couple requests no gifts. Cards can be sent to them at 28891 455th Avenue, Viborg, SD 57070 605-326-5795

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community 4 | The New Era | 5.25.23

Hofmeister and Osthus honored for years of service In Watertown, SD at the South Dakota State Funeral Directors Annual Convention longtime licensed funeral directors were honored for years of service. Each year the funeral directors across the state get together for a time of education to update members as to the current events in the industry. Each year longtime members are honored for their contribution to the state of South Dakota. Kenneth Hofmeister was honored for 65 years of service as a licensed funeral director. Ken was first licensed in 1958, spending

his professional career in Parker, operating the Hofmeister Funeral Home in Parker and Hurley. He is a lifelong resident of Parker and he and his wife MaryLou reside in the same home they built many years ago. Roger Osthus, a native of Centerville, operated the Osthus Funeral Home in De Smet starting in 1972. He was honored for 55 years of service having been licensed since 1968. Also included in the photo are Jon Salberg with 40 years and Darrel Isburg with 55 years.

Call to action Honoring our Veteran’s

Any Parker residents that would like to help distribute the Veteran flags at Parker’s Rosehill Cemetery and Saint Christina Cemetery on May 27 can meet at Rosehill Cemetery at 10 a.m.

Protecting from Page 1 ties in the state. However, the tides seem to have changed and now the Turner County Sheriff Department is at the bottom of the totem pole. It is believed this low payrate is causing the staff shortage and making it difficult to bring new deputies on board. A local survey of the surrounding counties does, in fact, confirm that the Turner County Sheriff Department offers the lowest starting rate. The highest being Lincoln County which starts at $27.53 per Thank you, students, for showing your four core values: trust, respect, responsibility, and safety. Front row L-R: Londynn Lat- hour and an available hirterell, Kroy Hoffman, Wyatt Janzen, Anthony Kippes; Middle row L-R: Hadley Nelson, Gannon Hogg, Emma McKenney, Mackenzie ing bonus of $7,500 for Anderson, Noah Christiansen, Myles Prouty; Back row L-R: Joser Oyer-Luna, Piper Woodring, Blake Getty, Franklin “Jax” Griffith. certified officers. Next, is Yankton County coming Keep up the great work!


in at $24.80 per hour. Followed by McCook County at $20.66 per hour with Hutchinson County following closely at $20.25 per hour. Leaving Turner County in dead last, with a starting pay of $19.71. At this rate, Sheriff Steven Luke is finding it difficult for people to even apply. In the last few years, it seems like there has been a revolving door at the Turner County Sherriff’s Department. Officers join to gain training and experience only to leave for greener pastures, in this case, higher pay. It begs the question, what is the cost of keeping Turner County safe?

years ago and the people you may know …

10 YEARS AGO, MAY 2013

Viborg/Hurley- Firefighters from Viborg, Hurley and Centerville completed their essentials performance practicals and testing at the Sioux Falls training site to become certified firefighters. Andrew Baier from Viborg, Amanda Boyd from Hurley, Shane Marshall from Centerville, Jeremy Wilcox from Viborg and Jared Berg from Centerville completed the essentials training on May 18. Irene/Wakonda- After 32 years of teaching in Irene and Wakonda and serving 700-some students, longtime elementary teacher Sue Morrison is retiring. Morrison a longtime rural Wakonda resident, began teaching in Irene in 1981, after spending four years teaching third grade at Hartington Public School and one year teaching in Sioux Falls. Marion- Nine Marion Bears were in the state track meet at Howard Wood in Sioux Falls. The lone boy is Andrew Nelson and joins Devin Nelson Kylie Hughes, Erica Schoenwald, Briana Davis, Sarah Ptak, Michelle Schoenwald, Liz Davis and Ashley Engbrecht. Local artist Sherri Sherard was featured at an art exhibit at McKenna hospital in Sioux Falls. Andrew Nelson won the region in shot and discus and earned a chance to compete in the state track meet. Awards night was held in Marion School.

20 YEARS AGO, MAY 2003

Parker-School Days. Students learn about school long ago. Third grade teacher Heather Kurtenbach and her class enjoy their lunch outside of the one room schoolhouse at Heritage Park where the third graders spent the day learning about school days years ago. Final Days of Parker School bring fun, work before students start break. Brent Sherard takes a few minutes to clean out his locker before heading out the door for summer vacation. Students try their best during the sack race at field day on May 14. Students all received ribbons for their effort. Graduation 2003. Seniors say goodbye to Parker High School. Brandi Duerksen gives her mom dawn a hug and a rose during Saturday’s graduation ceremony. Thirty-five students received diplomas during the commencement exercises. Megan DeNeui listens intently to Salutatorian Amy Christensen’s speech as Dustin Drefke takes one more opportunity to let his attention stray before being presented with a diploma from Parker High School last Saturday. Cargill: Beans $6.05, Corn $2.27 Great Plains Ethanol: Corn $2.30 Market information supplied on May 20 at I p.m. Marion-Marion meats is ready for business. Bobbi Jo Dykstra was the winner of the conference 100 and 330 hurdles, JC bb gun shoot winners were Shaun Becker, Dylan Mammenga, BradTunge, Shayne Becker, Ashley Feldhaus, Josh Viet, Ethan Schmidt Toby Schrag Katie Koehn. Hurley- SPC Tony Ciampa was awarded the U.S. Army Reserve Soldier of the Year by the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce.

30 YEARS AGO, MAY 1993

Parker-Commencement exercises for the 103rd graduating class of Parker High School will be Sunday, May 23 at 2 p.m. Stacy Letsche and Anthony Nugteren are both vale-

dictorians and Shirley Beaner and Clinton Runge are salutatorians. Construction has begun on the plan for a pedestrian mall on Parker’s Main Street. The mall will be located between Home Federal Savings Bank and Miller’s Food Center. Mable Hoogestraat, 66, died Sunday, May 6 at Sioux Valley Hospice Cottage in Sioux Falls. Marion-Josh Kippes was in the senior spotlight. The FFA banquet was held.

40 YEARS AGO, MAY 1983

Parker-Troy Schnabel was this year’s valedictorian and Tim Matthies was this years salutatorian. The markets were soybeans, $5.87; corn $2.81; oats, $1.58. Lisa Ristau of Parker received a Bachelor of Arts degree in nursing at Dakota Wesleyan University. Marion-The Marion boys track team repeated as region track champs. Members are Jay Schmidt, John Getskow, Wally Scheidt, Terry Luke, Kenny Luke, Rich Pedde, Larry Langerock, Jeff Kaufman, Dean Schoenwald, and Brad Schmidt. Girls won region also, members were Susan Murray, Lorelie Tieszen, Mary Gross, Charlynn Waltner, Rachelle Becker, Melodee Tieszen, and Lisa Schaefer Seniors in the spotlight: Jeanette Wendt, Shannon Wentzel, Ryan Schmidt, Jay Schmidt, Dean Schoenwald and Brian Stucky.

forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Florence Marie, to Mr. Leslie Don Lyon. Pearl E. Wirtz passed away on May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gunderson celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, May 6.

80 YEARS AGO, MAY 1943

Parker-Francis Baily of Parker secured a clerical job in Washington, D.C. Crystal Rundall is home from the training school for nurses. Eugene Arthur Dunning’s home on leave from the Naval Training Station at Farragut, Idaho. Corp. Leland L. Anderson and John Straatmeyer of Parker were drowned at Swan Lake when their boat capsized due to a squall and heavy wind that hit the lake. John Straatmeyer of Lennox and Donald Overgaard of Centerville were rescued by Peter Hansen who runs the resort.

100 YEARS AGO, MAY 1923

Parker- County Road Supt. Steinger and his men are building a fine road. A road that Turner County will be proud of. Mrs. Al Grebel and J. A. Steninger from the M. E. Sunday School and Misses Sadie Vogal and Zoe Pearson, from the Presbyterian Sunday School are delegates to the state Sunday School Convention in Aberdeen. 50 YEARS AGO, MAY 1973 Rex Fancher and Wm. Selby were at Yankton this Parker- Saturday evening supper guests in the Earl week, being initiated into the consistory. Bormann home were Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Overgaard 110 YEARS AGO, MAY 1913 of Sioux Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Dragsten of Viborg - The Baptists are planning on erecting an Fairbult, Minn. addition to their church in the near future. On May 18 the Parker golf team traveled to Mitchell Centerville- The J.H. Queal and F.M. Slagle Lumber for the Region golf tournament. Yards donated the lumber to build a band stand on Doug Richards shot well enough to qualify for state. a vacant lot between the Journal office and Mrs. E. Jerry Flynn graduated from USD on Saturday, May Martins residence property. 12. 120 YEARS AGO, MAY 1903 Deone DeVries will graduate with honors from ParkerGeorge Dirks of Marion made Parker a busiMitchell Area Vocational School in practical nursing. ness visit on Monday. 60 YEARS AGO, MAY 1963 A.Jay Anderson left on Tuesday for Canton and other Parker- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Friman are the parents points in the interest of the Deering Company. of a daughter named Anita Renee and weighed 7 The stork hovered around the home of the Clerk of pounds, 10 ounces. Courts Stevens on Saturday morning then flew low Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Richards are the parents of a and left a baby boy. daughter born May 17. She has been named Lori Anne While Mrs. Wilford Blue, baby son and Miss Ellen and weighed 7 pounds. Blue were coming into town on Saturday, their horse Centerville- Glyndon Knutson set a new state B became frightened, shied short, overturned the buggy track record in the quarter mile at the State Track and dragged the occupants a few rods before becomMeet in Mitchell Friday by running the distance in ing detached. the prelims at 51.4 seconds. In the finals he won the Mrs. Blue was considerably bruised about the head, event but in the time of 51.5 seconds, which is also a but the baby and Miss Blue were apparently unhurt. new school record. The mile relay team also set a new 130 YEARS AGO, MAY 1893 record of 2:32:8 and placed second in the state meet. ParkerSeveral movers’ outfits bound west passed On the team were Leroy Johnke, Eldon Knutson, Jim through town this week. Anderson and Glyndon Knutson. John Alton and family moved into the Pikesly house Viborg- Announcement is made in this issue of the the fore part of the week. opening of the M&N Lumber Co. on north Main Street The new resident of Cornelius Unruh, north of town, by the owners, Norman Nielsen and Ralph Morrison. is said to be one of the finest in that part of the county. Extensive remodeling is being done on both the exteThos. McAear’s dray team indulged in a lively runrior and interior of the building. Present plans call for away at the Milwaukee Depot the first of the week. A the front portion of the building to be used for display lady who chanced to be in the course of the horses and sales with the rear being used to store lumber and was knocked down, but fortunately was not injured, other building supplies. and the horses were caught before any damage was 70 YEARS AGO, MAY 1953 done. Parker- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendt, announce the

community 5.25.23 | The New Era | 5

Poker Run for HOSA Faydra Christensen | Writer It turned out to be not such a bad night for a little fun around the town of Hurley on Friday night. Tom and Linda Nelson coordinated a small-engine poker run to raise money for HOSA ( Health Occupations Students of America) which is for future health professionals. The Poker Run started off at the Hurley Bar, and made stops at Derby’s, the Frankus Household, Jorgensen Trucking, the Wurtz household, and finished at the Nelsons. All top placed winners, Julie Sawyer, Tom Nelson, and Tommy Wurtz donated their winnings back to HOSA. All together, the poker run raised $1,007.00. This is Viborg-Hurley’s first year hosting a HOSA chapter, so imagine the surprise

when they had two students qualify for National competition and you can also imagine the lack of funds the chapter had being in existence for such a short time. The two students who qualified were Zoey Christensen in Vet Science and Shane Harms in Sports Medicine. So, the chapter has been on a fundraising frenzy since April to try to afford the cost of traveling to the National HOSA Convention in Dallas, TX in June. Along with the poker run, parents stocked the concession stand for home softball games, and students have gone to businesses to ask for donations. Thank you to all who have donated, and if you would like to donate, donations are accepted by any HOSA student and/or the school.

The Poker Run stop at the Frankus home. (submitted/photo)

“Welcome to Hurley” sign gets an update Renae Hansen | Writer When Charlie Larsen drew a picture years ago of what he thought the Welcome to Hurley sign he had in mind should look like and published it in the Hurley Leader, he included a note saying that if anyone wanted to make any changes they should let him know or “keep their mouth shut”. Apparently everyone agreed, since the sign went up as planned with lots of support from the Hurley community. When well-known Hurley resident Eldon Harmon passed away, his wife Jan donated memorial money to the city, which helped plant the seed for the sign. More money was donated and a bricklayer hired, and the work began. Charlie’s wife, Meredith Goodhope Hansen Larsen, donated some land for the cause, and Morris Larsen

Old welcome sign gave four fourteen-foot tall pine trees for the spot. A tree mover from Tea was hired to move the trees from Morris’s place five miles southwest of Davis, and Charlie tells us that even though they had several breakdowns along the way,

the trees eventually found their way to their new home in Hurley. After twenty some years, many of the bricks had started to crumble and the sign needed a little TLC, so bids were taken to redo the sign,

with the lone bid coming from Centerville. Once again, the people of Hurley donated their labor and money to give the sign the facelift that it

needed. Charlie would like to thank all of the good people of Hurley who helped with the sign, both at its beginning stages

and with the recent update. Because of the help of those people, the sign is once again ready to welcome visitors to town.

Daneville Heritage Museum By: Cheri O’Dell Our recent visitors have been coming from near (across the street from the Viborg-Hurley Elementary) and far (across the ocean from Denmark). Last week, on Monday, we were honored to host Torben Groengaard Jeppesen and his wife Jette from Odense, Denmark. Mr. Jeppesen has quite impressive credentials (read more in an article written by New Era Writer – Renae Hansen). After a very interesting visit we sent the Jeppesens on their way with a copy of our Viborg Centennial Book to assist in his research and a museum t-shirt to remember us. On Wednesday we greeted twenty-five excited third graders and their teacher, Mrs. Anderson for a tour and scavenger hunt at the museum. They had many great comments and questions. We love to see the enthusiasm of our young visitors! We hope we lit a little flame of interest in our history. The saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” certainly rings true. Mange tak to the city maintenance guys, Jody and Randall, for saving some treasures from the trash. We won’t name names of where they came, but

Viborg-Hurley 3rd Grade class with their teacher, Mrs. Anderson, along with Bob Christensen and Laura Stevens of the museum. they retrieved some precious items from Viborg’s City Wide Pickup - for which we are very grateful. Last week we received a donation of 20 old Danish Books. The oldest dates 1877. We thank the donor who traveled from Kansas to deliver these books. It was important to her that they find a home where they can be preserved and appreciated. As I was scrolling through one of the books as I was doing inventory, a page caught my attention. Although it is written in Dane, I could pick out the words

“Centerville, Syd Dakota”. In- have seen guests from Massa- braska, Kansas and Denmark. or far, we’d love to have you cluded with the story is the chusetts, Texas, Colorado, Ne- Whether you come from near visit the museum. photo of an attractive young woman. After a little research and translation, this could be a future story. Stay tuned! The museum has recently We will sell the following located at the farm 27036 455th Ave, Parker SD, or joined the Southeast South from Parker SD go 3 miles north on SD Hwy 19, 1 miles East on 272nd St., & Dakota Tourism Association. 1.5 miles north on 455th Ave on: With this new avenue to promote our museum we hope to attract more new visitors to the museum and to become a This is an online only 8’x20’ Flatbed trailer; Loading Chute; working chute; 3pt tourism destination. auction. Below is a partial listing with more de- slip scraper; 3pt 6’ cultivator; 2 Round bale feeders; 500 As summer approaches, tails and pictures in the catalog. You are welcome gallon poly tank; 12’ x 4’ gate; 10’ x 4’ gate; Case Stanour visitors have increased. to come bid with us at the Wieman Auction facil- dard tractor for parts; JD style A for parts; 5 -Farmall F20 Thus far in May, in addition ity near Marion, SD on sale day or call our staff at for parts; Farmall F12 for parts; Case SC rear end; Case to South Dakota visitors, we 800-251-3111 if you are not comfortable bidding VAC rear end; Behlen grain dryer As-Is; cement mixer; on your own. Wieman staff WILL NOT be at the Feterl 6” x 27’ auger; Ford 13’ pt cultivator; Running gear; auction site until after the auction is completed. S&H power wagon w/gear; Farmall F-20 (mostly complete); Farmall H (mostly complete); 2 Melroe 11’ Drills; TRACTOR – TRUCKS – TRAILERS - MACHINERY – Farmall F-12 Frame; JD 37 Sickle Mower 7’; JD 127 gyro MISC. mower; Case 3pt 4 bottom plow; JD Manure spreader; of difference; stories about global health. Case 1370 D. Tractor, PS, 3pt 2hyd, 20.8-38 rubber, trac- 300 gallon Sprayer with 26’ boom; MF Side delivery We have a local author to celebrate durtor runs good!; Case 830 D. Tractor; 1995 Featherlite 6.5’ rake; 2 steel rims 42”; PT seeder; Lincoln AC-225 welder; ing Danish Days this year. Viborg-Hurley x 20’ GN Stock Trailer; Landoll 12’ Soil Master; 1973 Ford Bench 4” vise; Waterloo 3 piece toolbox; roll of barb wire; graduate, Daniel Dangel, will be at the liF500 w13’ Box & hoist; 1973 Ford F600 w/16’ box & hoist; log chains; Portable Fuel tank; Upright Diesel Fuel Tank brary during Danish Days to talk about his JD Styled B (mostly complete); Case DC Tractor; Case LA w/stand; Upright Gas Fuel Tank w/stand; series of books and sign your copy if you tractor; Gleaner F Combine; Gleaner FG 4RN corn head; AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Pickup and payment hours will would like him to. We have Daniel’s first Gleaner FG 3RN corn head; Brady 21’ field cultivator; NH be 1p.m. to 5p.m. on sale day & 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on two books “World Against Them: The End 850 R. Baler; Kewanee 22’ Disk; Case 14’ Chisel; Case 4 Wednesday and Thursday, June 7th & 8th. Forklift on of Hope” and “World Against Them: Above bottom plow; JD RWA 14’ Disk; IHC 800 Cyclo 6RN plant- site at 27036 455th Ave, Parker SD to help load through the Flames” at the library for you to check er; IHC 400 Cyclo 6RN planter; 15’ hyd lift drag; Case 13’ Thursday June 8th. All items sold As-Is and need to be out. Daniel’s third book is being published tandem disk; 3pt bale fork; HMDE 3pt bale fork; MF 3pt removed within 2 weeks! Call Auctioneers at 800-251within the next month and is titled “Update blade 8’; Side Delivery Rake; Dual 250 Loader & grap- 3111 with any questions. on Grievances of Life”. Daniel will be here ple; (2) 9’ gates; Old wagon frame w/4 steel wheels; PT Saturday, July 15 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. and would love to visit with you about how he’s pursuing his dream of being an author. If you have driven by the library lately, you have probably noticed how beautiful our garden is becoming. We’re so thankful WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION CO., INC for the ladies who work so hard to provide Auctioneers & Clerks such a beautiful setting for our patrons to 44628 SD HIGHWAY 44, MARION, SD 57043 walk through to get to our doors. Thank 1-800-251-3111 • you all so much! 332016


TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2023 • 11:00 CST

Viborg Public Library news Linda Jorgensen | Assistant Librarian It looks like it’s going to be a very busy summer at the library. Summer Reading sign-up is complete and we have 46 kids registered. We’ve been really busy lining up fun activities and think the kids are going to have a great time. Books have been ordered for our Tween Book Club which begins June 5. This is a new experience for us and we are hoping the kids will enjoy our weekly meetings. I know I am looking forward to what the kids have to offer when we begin discussing our first book which is “The Forgotten Girl”. Please remember to check out our Facebook page for updated information. Just search for “Viborg Public Library”. We try to post any new events or changes as they come up. We’re excited to let you know about the National Library of Medicine traveling exhibit which will be hosting July 10 – July 14. This exhibit centers on making a world


commentary 6 | The New Era | 5.25.23

Freeman museum offers free admission to teachers FREEMAN: Heritage Hall Museum & Archives is again inviting area teachers to visit the museum as their guests this summer. “We’re offering free admission to teachers in the larger community this summer to give them an inside look at what we have to offer,” said Marnette D. (Ortman) Hofer, who is executive director & archivist at the Freeman museum. “We want to be a partner in education for our area youth,” she said. “A visit here can help ‘unlock history’ for students in the 202324 school year. We’ll be glad to provide a personalized tour to any teacher who wants to learn more.” “We’re particularly eager to show off our updated Natural World Gallery, which includes our mosasaur exhibit and a refreshed diorama of native animals. A new forces of nature area highlights some of the hardships of living on the prairie; that includes a display of photos of the tornado that caused major damage here in 1965.” The museum has 25,000 square feet of galleries containing a wide array of interesting artifacts and exhibits. The exhibits tell the immigration story of Germans-fromRussia settlers and others who arrived in southeastern Dakota Territory in the 1870s, persevered and helped build the Freeman community. “With more than 20,000 artifacts, our exhibits are an excellent resource for studies on South Dakota and Native American history,” Hofer noted. Exhibits include a Native American Winter Count,

The Heritage Hall Museum & Archives in Freeman includes the Diamond Val- The recently opened Natuley one-room country school that served students until 1969. ral World Gallery includes a casting of Steven R. Riggs collection and our younger guests year-round a mosasaur skull, Standing Bear exhibit. that can be adapted for specific based on a mosasaur fossil in a colOther exhibits include a 1927 groups. bi-plane, a horse-drawn hearse, “We offer group rates and lection at Heritage Hall general store, town jail, summer will work to accommodate your Museum & Archives. kitchen, print shop, service sta- schedule. Although our regution, vintage cars, motorcycles lar winter hours (from October and agricultural equipment. through April) are noon-4 p.m., “We look forward to welcom“We have four historical build- we will gladly open our doors ing teachers for a complimentary ings that bring history to life, at other times to accommodate tour,” Hofer said. including a one-room country school schedules. school that can offer a unique ‘his“The history of this part of About HHM&A torical’ classroom experience for South Dakota is rich and diverse, Heritage Hall Museum & Arup to 25 students. We also have Hofer said. “We believe that stu- chives is a non-profit museum two churches and a recently re- dents and educators alike will be that tells the story of Germansstored 1880s pioneer home. fascinated by what they can dis- from-Russia immigrants and oth“Although the museum is de- cover at our museum.” ers who settled in southeastern signed as a self-touring experi“If you have any questions or Dakota Territory in the 1870s. It ence, we can arrange for guided concerns, please don’t hesitate to includes two exhibit halls with tours,” Hofer said. “We also have contact us at 605-925-7545,” she more than 25,000 square feet of staff that is available to work with said. displays of artifacts ranging from you on developing a specifically You can also email info@heri- household items to agricultural tailored experience for your class. and learn equipment. The archives library We have created activities for more online at https://heritage- includes more than 10,000 books,

Technology is great... until it isn’t! Donna Rumbaugh | Managing Editor

[emailprotected] never mind...

Thank you to everyone who submitted something to the paper via email this past week. If you did not receive a reply or a thank you, it is because our email servers went down on Thursday of last week and remained down on and off until press day. If you submitted something and it isn’t in the paper, we apologize and hope to get it for the next paper. We have tried setting up our email on Macs, on Windows PC’s, on our phones, using hotspots, using WiFi, at our homes but nothing is working. I may have an I.T. degree, but I am ready to go back to using pigeons! Please be patient with us as we work to get back up and running. GAYVILLE HALL PRESENTS

ELAINE PEAco*ck & FRIENDS A Patriotic Salute to Memorial Day Featuring Singer - Elaine Peaco*ck

Pianist - Isabel Trobaugh • Faye Kruger - Rhythm Guitar Drummer - Fred Sayler • Dave Bergquist - Bass Guitar

SATURDAY, MAY 27 • 7 P.M. Gayville Hall, 502 Washington Street

maps, periodicals and photos. The four historical buildings are adjacent to the museum. The complex is located south of the Freeman Academy campus and sits on the northern edge of the sprawling Prairie Arboretum. The museum’s regular winter hours (September-April) are weekday afternoons from noon to 4 and by appointment. Summer hours begin May 1 and continue through September; open daily from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. weekends.

“From the Front Porch” Renae Hansen | Writer [emailprotected]

Congratulations to Mac Sorlien on hitting a hole in one at Glenwood Golf Course on Sunday. From the smile on his face on the golf course’s Facebook page, it looks like he was a pretty happy guy about the accomplishment. The family of Kay Gordon found a wonderful way to remember her this past Sunday. Her daughters Toni and Nicole had heard that the lake was trying to get a new sprayer for mosquitos, and they also knew that Kay was passionate about the cause and “bought every gadget out there to get rid of them”. They then decided to do a “Margaritas for Mom” to not only honor her birthday on May 22 but to do a little fundraiser to help pay for the sprayer in their mother’s name. Kay was a well known “lake person” and we can’t think of a better way to remember her for her birthday. It may have been a small engine poker run that was held in Hurley last Friday night but it had some mighty big results, raising $1,070 to help send the Viborg-Hurley HOSA students to Nationals in Dallas, TX this summer. Four kids are going for this once in a lifetime opportunity, and their fundraising goal to send them is $3,000, so the funds raised during the poker run will put a nice dent in that. All of the winners donated their winnings back to the cause, and some people just donated money. We love to see how much support our kids get from our communities for causes like these. The Viborg library had some special guests recently.

Assistant Librarian Lori Jorgensen is in the midst of goat birthing season, with over 80 babies being born so far and more to come, and many of the babies require a little extra TLC that often includes bottle-feeding. She found herself in a bind when she was scheduled to work at the library on a day that she also had two baby goats that required frequent feedings, but if you know my sister Lori you know she can solve almost any problem she encounters, so she loaded the babies up in a laundry basket and headed to work with them in tow. The babies were a huge hit with the kids that came in that day, and also with quite a few adults, but they sure didn’t remember to hush when they were in the library. Not that anyone was complaining, the bleating of the baby goats was adorable. She’s had requests to bring them back with her, but in true goat style they’ve already outgrown the laundry basket and are living the good life in the goat pen at Jorgensen’s farm. We were sad to hear that Alene Wiebesiek passed away last week, just three days after her 100th birthday. I’ve heard so many people that when they heard the news say “she was such a sweet lady”, and that she definitely was. Our sympathy to her family and friends. She will be missed. It’s hard to believe that the school bell will be ringing for the last time this week and the kids will be out for the summer. When I look back at my childhood, I find that it’s the summers that I miss the most. The sleeping in every morning, the days spent swimming at the lake and the evenings spent playing ball, taking the bus to swimming lessons and playing with my friends, there are just so many good memories of summers growing up here in Viborg. I hope the kids all have a great summer too, and I hope they look back some day with as fond of memories as I have of growing up here on our front porch.

Call 605-267-2859 for reservations


letter to the editor Recently, a reporter got fired for sending a prank call to a so-called “friend.” The recipient of the prank call said he felt “threatened” by the call. The reporter was made to apologize and plead guilty to a Class 2 misdemeanor and pay a fine. There is no question that this was a lapse in judgment. But compare this, and the reaction to it, to what is currently being pulled on landowners across the state and political leaders’ reaction to that. I was in Leola on Monday, May 15, 2023, for a rally put on by landowners who are having the biggest prank of their lives played on them. There are landowners all over the state that are being threatened with Eminent Domain by a private company, Summit Carbon Solutions, to build a pipeline to carry highly pressurized CO2 and dump it in the ground in North Dakota. Approximately 15 or so present and past legislators were there to support the landowners and speak on property rights. Why do I call this the biggest prank of their lives? Because the person who felt “threatened” by the prank call from that reporter, is the same person who a lot of these landowners voted for to represent them as the party chair of the South Dakota GOP, Dan Leder-

man. He is now one of dozens of paid lobbyists for an out-of-state company who has a stake in this pipeline. Talk about getting pranked! The constant fear of lawsuits, intimidation, condemnation and threats by the company Lederman represents, Summit Carbon Solutions, are real and now part of the landowners’ everyday lives. Over 80 South Dakota landowners have been served with condemnation lawsuits for their land. Four counties have been sued by Summit because of ordinances put in place to protect their citizens. Jokes aside, it is not actually a prank at all, but an attack on the constitutional liberties of generations of South Dakotans. Not only do the landowners feel threatened by the possible use of Eminent Domain by a private company, but they also feel betrayed by the elected officials, whom they have elected to protect their rights, have voted against bill after bill after bill to protect them from this pipeline company and the loss of their property rights. If we are all honest with ourselves, this pipeline is just the beginning and is part of a bigger issue. I represent District 3, mainly the city of Aberdeen, and I ask you this question: when will it be your house

or your business or your church taken by Eminent Domain because someone else determines what is best use of that property? We as elected officials have been told this will be so good for “economic development.” When people who want to move to our state find out that one of their basic rights, property rights, is not being defended from a private company, they won’t move here. What makes moving to South Dakota desirable is that we honor freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… and owning land and working that land is someone’s pursuit of happiness. Economic Development will happen when we keep our state the most desirable place to live and raise a family. I believe a HUGE apology is needed from many elected officials who have been trusted by their constituents to protect these rights and many others and have failed to do so. It is not too late for political leaders across the state to protect our constitutionally protected rights! Brandei Schaefbauer District 3 SD House of Representatives

county 5.25.23 | The New Era | 7

2023-2024 Officers- Brittany Weegar (Historian), Camden Nelson (Sentinel), LaMiya Baker (Secretary), Thea Sorlien (Reporter), Bailey Weegar (Vice President), Paisley Skonvold (President), Addison Sayler (Treasurer) and Nathan Knutson (Advisor) (Submitted photo)

Celebrating the seniors- Jacob Campbell, Estelle Lee, George Johnson, Ryder Christensen, Shane Harms, and Wyatt Huber. (Sub- Honoring the FFA advisors- Nathan Knutson (Advisor), Thea Sorlien, and Wendy Harms (Advisor) (Submitted photo) mitted photo)

Viborg-Hurley FFA holds yearly banquet

By Faydra Christensen The Viborg-Hurley FFA Banquet was held on May 8, 2023. The banquet is a way for the chapter to celebrate all they have accomplished this past school year. They honor their seniors, award and scholarship winners, along with announcing their new leadership team. The food is always Installation of officers- In with the new, and out with the old…. Well some of them anyway. In the installation of officers, the delicious prepared by parents for everyone. It is a positive student who held the position this school year installs the officer for their position the next school year. (Submitted photo) experience for all involved.

Too many veterans lose their life to drug addiction Veronica Raussin | Community Outreach Coordinator This Memorial Day, millions of American families will take time to honor the memory of the men and women who lost their lives fighting in the nation’s wars. It can be a challenging day for Veterans, their families, and friends. It can also be a harsh reminder of all the veterans who made it home but lost their lives to substance use, suicide, or overdose. Too many veterans lose their lives to drug addiction. It takes communities and families to intervene to help these men and women get the support they need. In South Dakota are over 60,000 veterans, most of whom are wartime vets. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over 3.9 million veterans nationwide have a substance use disorder or mental illness. Additionally, substance use disorders significantly increase suicidality among veterans ages 18 and older. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are also common among veterans ages 18 to 49. Community-based treatment and recovery services are critical for veterans struggling with

these problems. “Early intervention does save lives, but it can be challenging for friends and families to know what to do or say or where to find help,” said Michael Leach of There is no simple answer to the question of why veterans become addicted to or dependent on drugs and alcohol. However, there are numerous causative factors. For instance, many veterans struggle to adjust to civilian life. They may experience financial hardships, difficulty finding employment, or accessing benefits. Veterans are also at a higher risk of experiencing mental and emotional health concerns because of their military service. This can often be compounded with physical injury and chronic pain. Untreated trauma among veterans is all too common. All or some of this leads to drug or alcohol use to cope with mental or physical pain. Outside of the usual supports provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the VA facility locator, there are other options to consider: • The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation has services

available to veterans; • The South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs provides resources for veterans and their families; • Helpful hotlines include the Veterans Crisis Line, 1-800-273-8255, or the Lifeline for Vets, 1-888777-4443; • SAMHSA has a treatment facility locator where veterans can find specific programs for their needs. Families are also critical when supporting a loved one who is struggling with addiction. It’s ok to express concern. Begin the conversation by speaking to them openly and honestly about their drug and alcohol use. Take steps to intervene. Offer them help to find treatment. Be compassionate and patient with what they are going through. When communities and families come together, amazing things happen. It’s never too late to offer a helping hand, advocate for more resources, and speak up for veterans who are struggling in silence. Veronica Raussin is a Community Outreach Coordinator for, passionate about spreading awareness of the risks and dangers of alcohol & drug use.

garden to go

The Dandelion debate Donna Rumbaugh | Extension Master Gardener [emailprotected]

If you haven’t heard, May is now considered No Mow May in many towns. This is when mowing ordinances are given a pass to allow the dandelions to grow to help the bees. The trending new thought process is that letting the early flowering weeds grow uncontrolled is helpful to pollinators. This trend has gotten pretty heated and has pitted neighbors against each other, reprimanding them for spraying or mowing the weeds, while others are angry with those who let their yards turn into virtual jungles claiming it’s “for the bees”. Personally I think the whole thing was thought up by people looking for an excuse to not have to mow their lawns, so I am going to throw the horse hockey flag on this theory. Now before you get all up in a roar and start yelling about the poor pollinators and how they need to have these weeds to pollinate, let me plead my case. I, too, am and advocate for the pollinators. I have a pollinator garden out in my pasture, so you see, I am not the evil bee killer. But just like humans, there are some things that are better for bees, and some things that they might like, but are not so good for them and dandelions are like crack for bees. Leaving dandelions to destroy your lawn, and your neighbors lawns in order to benefit pollinators is like leaving your toddler unattended on a daily basis with nothing but all you can eat Twinkies. Dandelions are not very nutritious for bees, but they are full of nutritional benefits for humans! Pollen from trees like willows, maple and fruit trees have higher

Dandelions can quickly take over lawns and choke out grass. (photo/Alexxis McKenney) food value for bees than the yellow weeds. Some will argue that dandelions are important because they bloom so early, providing the first flower. hockey! Trees put out pollen way before the dandelions do, and violas, tulips, daffodils, hyacinth, crocus and calendula bloom first, followed by many spring borage crops. If you feel like you need to feed the bees by not controlling the dandelions in your yard, then by all means, go for it. It’s your yard after all. But take into consideration the effects of your choices have on your neighbors lawns as well. I feel like letting your weeds seed out to become noxious is worse than letting your dog do his business in the neighboring yards and just leaving it there. Remember, unlike Vegas, what happens in your yard does not necessarily stay in your yard.

Fallen, but not forgotten Wakonda man sentenced for theft in connection with health care

Greg Whitlock | SDDVA Memorial Day stands as a solemn American tradition that honors the sacrifices of those who have served. It is a day we dedicate to those who fell in defense of the ideals, beliefs, and values we hold sacred. As a nation, we must remember these heroes and their sacrifices. We must remember what they did, why they did it, and appreciate what it means to each of us individually and to the entire nation. America has been blessed as no other country in the history of the world has ever been. The sacrifices of our armed forces have given us the security and the freedom to grow and flourish as a nation. Throughout our nation’s history, the freedoms we enjoy have been won and protected by an elite group that understands the greatest and most selfless love. The men and women of our armed forces risk the ultimate sacrifice to protect fellow

Americans and citizens of the world from tyranny and oppression. Every time they put on the uniform, these heroes renew their commitment to pay any price, to bear any burden, so that we might be free. Daniel Webster once said, “Let their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored.” On this Memorial Day, let us all pledge to renew our dedication to the true meaning of the day. Let us all enjoy the lives we lead because of the generations of Americans who gave their lives for freedom. And let us continue to educate our children about the price paid for their freedom. Our greatest duty to the men and women who have died in service to our country is to never forget what they have done for each of us. They led colorful, vivid, and passionate lives, and we owe it to them and their families to honor and pay tribute to their sacrifice.

United States Attorney Alison J. Ramsdell announced today that U.S. District Judge Karen E. Schreier has sentenced a Wakonda, South Dakota, man convicted of Theft in Connection with Health Care. The sentencing took place on May 15, 2023. Cody Carstensen, age 47, was sentenced to two years of probation and a special assessment to the Federal Crime Victims Fund in the amount of $100. Carstensen was also ordered to pay restitution. Carstensen was indicted

by a federal grand jury in October of 2022. He pleaded guilty on January 23, 2023. The conviction stemmed from incidents between June of 2019 and February of 2022, when Carstensen, who was a registered pharmacist in Scotland, South Dakota, knowingly and willfully embezzled, stole, and converted without authority several drugs valued at more than $100. Carstensen, in his capacity as pharmacist, received deliveries of controlled sub-

stances intended for a hospital and pharmacy. Instead of placing all of the delivered controlled substances in the inventory for the hospital and pharmacy, he stole the substances from several deliveries and used them for his own purposes. This case was investigated by the Drug Enforcement Administration and the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Ann M. Hoffman prosecuted the case

church news 8 | The New Era | 5.25.23

church listings

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Tri-County News

American Legion Hall – 921 Rev. David Maxson, Pastor com REFORMED CHURCH - ARC Roy Morris, Pastor PARKER Main St., Centerville Sundays: Rev. Marc de Waard Worship every Saturday at FIRST BAPTIST Phone: 605-937-8585 Worship: 10:00 a.m. Sundays: 500 3rd St., (P.O. Box 47) 11:00 a.m. - at the church and (605) 297-3259, (605) 297theseedcommunitychurch@ Mondays: Worship. 9:30 a.m. Chancellor, 5701 live-streamed on Facebook: 3258 continued from front pg. AA and Al-Anon meeting: Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. (605) 647-2731 (office/mesHurley Adventist Church. Wednesday May 24: Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Worship 7:30 p.m. sage) 60+ Coffee Crew: 10:00 a.m. continued from front pg. Wednesdays: BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH HARMONY Sunday May 28: FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERANMeal at 5:30 p.m. - DAVIS Sunday May 28: PRESBYTERIAN Worship: 10:30 a.m. CHURCH – LCMS Adult Bible Study and Youth Pastor Barry Miedema 9:30 a.m.: Worship (live and CHURCH 351 Broadway, Centerville Group 712-540-8131 on FB page) (605) 261-9664 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN www.FirstEnglishCenterville. From 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Worship: 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m.: Coffee hour Services begin at 9:00 a.m. Steve Hammer org Monday May 29: on Sundays and conclude [emailprotected] Parsonage Phone: 605-563IRENE VIBORG American Legion Memorial with fellowship and coffee Sundays 2904 IRENE UNITED METHODIST SPRING VALLEY Day Service, June Speaker, following the service. Worship: 9 a.m. Thursday, 9, Pastor 2022 Tri-County News Church Phone: 605-563-22013 CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH Randy Rasmussen : 9:30 a.m. Thursday, June 9, 2022 Tri-County News Rev. Kurt Laskowsky: 571Pastor Judy Sayler - RURAL MONROE GRACE LUTHERAN 277-7398 228 S. Dakota Street Pastor Max Whitehead MARION CALVARY REFORMED Office: 297-4417 Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Worship Worship: 9:00 a.m. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Pastor Clint Richardson Pastor Henrique Fleming IRENE OUR REDEEMERSunday School: 10:15 a.m. Pastor Dent (605) 297-4283 Off www.gracelutheranparker. continued from Scott front pg. Thursday, June 9,102022 Tri-County News CENTERVILLE UNITED 3 LUTHERAN CHURCH Wednesday - Bible Study at 605-648-3704 Sunday Worship: a.m. com continued from front pg. CHURCH 29432 Hwy 81 Parson’s Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. Wednesday May 24: continued from front pg. OF CHRIST Insurance: 7:30 a.m. FIRST CHURCH OF MONROE Worship: 6:30 p.m. continued front pg. 700 Main St. ST.from AGNES SIGELEMB CHURCH OF MARION Pastor Dean Witkop Sunday May 28: Church phone: 605-563-2704 CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR SAVIORS 27196 442nd Ave. Marion, SD Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. Worship: 9:00 a.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship in West one mile from Hwy 81 LUTHERAN CHURCH 57043 Adult Education: 10:00 a.m. continued from front pg. person On Lesterville Road Pastor Max Whitehead (located five miles west and FREEMAN And live-streamed on [emailprotected] continued from front pg. one mile north of Marion) FREEMAN MISSIONARY FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN, Facebook at IRENE Pastor David Glader CHURCH LCMS “United Church of ChristLUTHERAN CHURCH Time Change beginning June (605) 648-3850 Stephen Roussos, Pastor Brian Mosemann, Pastor Beresford/Centerville” Pastor Mark Ostrem 4 – 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. (605) 925-4288 Phone: 387-5188 225 East Main News Street Wednesday May 17: [emailprotected] Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. Thursday, June 9, 2022 Tri-County DELAWARE REFORMED Bible Study: 2:00 p.m. at BETHESDA LUTHERAN, LCMS www.freemanmissionaryWednesday Bible Study in Jct. of Hwy. 17 & 18 ST. COLUMBAParson’s Insurance-Note Time Pastor Brian Mosemann Marion Phone: 605-647-5868 RURAL MAYFIELD Change, Contact Pastor Phone: (605) 387-5188 Sunday May 28: 5:30-6:30 p.m. RODNEY MIKLESON Rev. Gary Gegstade Fr. Randy Philips Friday May 19: Sunday Worship: 9:00 a.m. Prayer for our Service: 10:15 Food Pantry: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Rodney served as a Medic (Location a.m. ST. CHRISTINA continued fromalternates front pg. each in the TRONDHJEM Army from 1970-1973. DALESBURG BAPTIST FREESunday May 14: week with First English Worship Service: 10:45 a.m. Phone: (605) 297-4983 He was stationed in Fort RiPastor Darren Regehr LUTHERAN CHURCH Worship: 10:30 a.m. -Parker) Fr. Tyler Matson continued from466th front pg. 30503 Ave. Pastor Mark Ostrem VCIS: 7:00 p.m. at Parish Hall3 ley, Kansas, SALEM MENNONITE Sundays:June Mass9, 112022 a.m. and spent time in 022 Thursday, Tri-County News Tri-County News 3 Thursday, June 9, 2022 Tri-County News 605-253-2622 30060 448th Ave., Volin Looking ahead-June 5-8 VBS Germany. EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN 28103 443RD Freeman, 57029 Daily Mass: Tuesday 6 p.m. 9:00 a.m.-1 :00 p.m. Pastor Kristi Holler Pastor Robert Engbrecht Thursday 8 a.m. Sunday: FAITH UNITED LUTHERANBETHANY LUTHERAN Sunday: Phone: (605) 925-4553 Confession: Tuesday 5 p.m. Donna and Julie Nelsen (sta BOB HANSEN 9:30 Henriksen a.m. Sunday School CHURCH (ELCA) CHURCH Worship: 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. UNITED METHODIST Fire and Resuce building 10:30 a.m. Worship 44874 303rd St., Rural Volin the Wakonda Klawonn . Sunday School follows wor- Bob was in the Army Rick Andrus, Pastor 605-370from 1959-1961. Pastor He wasKent stationed at Fort continued from front pg. continued fromCHURCH front pg. – RURAL to Ruth Engman. Wednesday: Sunday School: 9:30 BETHESDA ship 0708 Leonard Wood, Missouri, His duties were in Finance. Boba.m. quot6:30 p.m. Kids Club (at WAKONDA UMC Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m. 4454 273rd St. (3 ½ miles Sundays ed “first time I saw a million dollars”. The Turner County Courtcontinued from front pg. 9, 2022 continued from front pg. The church) Pastor Judy Sayler west of Marion) SALEM-ZION MENNONITE Worship 10:30 a.m. Thursday, June continued from pg. tree front with the assistance and gra house Tri-County and Highway News Department crabapple 6:30 p.m. Teen Group (6-12th 201 Kansas Street FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Steve Moerman 27844 443rd Ave Freeman, our hearts. est appreciation, Thank You, for of a mini-excavator furnished by this pro Grade, Youth Center, Daryl Dachtler, Pastorwith will be closed June 20, 2022 in [emailprotected] 57029 HURLEY And so, on behalf of the your service to our country Pollman Excavation. Owner, to beaut RODNEY MIKLESON observance of Juneteenth. Beresford) PLEASANT VALLEY 9:30 a.m. (605)Legion 648-3853 Pastor Corey Miller BETHANY LUTHERAN Irene Phone: American and a this Sunday Quilt of School: Valor Award. RODNEY MIKLESON Rodney LUTHERAN served as a Medic Mike Pollman, had a special in- honor Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Website: bethesdamarion. Phone: (605) 925-7771 CHURCH grateful nation with our deep- Rodney served as a Medic in the Army from 1970-1973. terest in this project since he is da Fire KOMSTAD COVENANT Pastor Alyssa Mitchell [emailprotected] Pastor Shadoe Hanson continued fromchurch front pg. in theCATHOLIC Army fromCHURCH 1970-1973. He was FireUniversity Chief but also 29987 Rd.,Ruth remain 45918 308th Street, Sundays: [emailprotected] Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. stationed in Fort Ri- not only HeGood wasShepherd, stationed St. in Patrick, Fort Ri- ley, Kansas, Beresford, SD Westerville Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. grand nephew. years to and spent time in Engman’s continued from605-563-2402 front pg. Phone: Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. St.and Teresa Worship: 10:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. ZION LUTHERAN ley, Kansas, spent time in Germany. The Pasque Garden Club Engman Sunset Manor in End IreneTimes pro- is unable to David travel out of their (no weekends) Tim Clever Father Roehrich Four Views of the Fellowship: 10:10 a.m. CHURCH - MISSOURI RODNEY MIKLESON Germany. completed the landscape with esteeme vides a noon meal top.m. anyone in home. Hours: Dinner meal only CENTERVILLE Kris Lee, Administrative Study: 6:00 Worship: 10:30 a.m. SYNOD Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Worship Rodney served as a Medic andHenriksen penstemon around theNelsen da com Donna and Julie (st that BOB is in HANSEN Cost: $4.00 per meal ** Phone#: 263-3318 (ask for spirea SCANDIA LUTHERAN Assistant Wednesdays: (Please check website for the Irene community Pastor Kurt Laskowsky Coffee & Fellowship in the Army from 1970-1973. Donna Henriksen and Julie Nelsen (standing) plant grasses at years. new flag pole, as well as sedum BOB HANSEN CHURCH Tri-Parish Office: Christian Basics/Catechism more information) 605-563-2904-Parsonage Following services Every the Wakonda Fire and Resuce buildin need of a delivered meal and Days: Monday thru Friday Sherry Rempp) Bob was in the Army from 1959-1961. Hestationed was stationed at Fort FireAshby and Resuce building part of a memorial He was in Fort Ri- the Wakonda Bob was in the Army from 1959-1961. Heclass was stationed Pastor Elan (605) 763-2028 5:00 p.m. at Fort 650-563-2201-Church Sunday to Ruthas Engman. Leonard Wood, Missouri, His duties were in Finance. Bob quot251Engman. Broadway Blvd. April, and May,spent June time in to Ruth BETHANY Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m. Leonard Wood,MENNONITE Missouri, His duties were in Finance. Bob quot- ley, Kansas, ed “first time I saw a million dollars”. The Turner County CourtPhone: 605-563-2458 Saturday 5:00 p.m.: St. Teresa DALESBURG LUTHERAN Germany. ed “first timeCHURCH I saw a million dollars”. TURNER COUNTY The Turner County Courtcrabapple tree with the assistance and gr house and Highway Department Sunday: (Beresford) GERMANTOWN Worship: 9-10 a.m. every UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ELCAhope that crabapple tree with the assistance and grasses. It is their our hearts. est appreciation, Thank You, for house and Highway Department of a mini-excavator furnished by this pr will be closed 20, 2022byin this 8:45 a.m. June Pancakes Sunday 8:30 a.m.: Good PRESBYTERIAN est appreciation, Thank You, for our hearts. Sunday CHURCH of a mini-excavator furnished project will not only serve And so, on behalf of the your service to our country with be closed June 20, 2022 in Donna and Julie Nelsen (standing) plant grasses at to bea Pollman BOB 9:15 Henriksen a.m. School (Centerville) PastortoMark Chase with will Shepherd Broadcasted Channel 96 Ron Olson, Pastor 30595Excavation. University Rd.Owner, observance ofSunday Juneteenth. And so, ononbehalf of the–HANSEN your service our country Pollman Excavation. Owner, to beautify their community and Irene American Legion and a this Quilt of Valor Award. observance of Juneteenth. the Wakonda Fire and Resuce building as part of a memorial 10:30 a.m. Worship Sunday 10:30 a.m.: St. Patrick Sunday worship: 9 a.m. Golden West customers 701-440-1102 (9 miles South of Hwy. 46) Mike Pollman, had a special in- honor Bob was in the Army from 1959-1961. He was stationed at Fort RODNEY MIKLESON Irene American Legion and a this Quilt of Valor Award. Church of the Nazarene, Wakonda UMC St. Agnes Sigel WakonMike Pollman, had a special in- honor the service grateful nation with Bob our quotdeep(Wakonda) Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday: 9:15 a.m. of Worship toRodney Ruth Engman. terest in this project since he is da Fir Leonardnation Wood,with Missouri, His duties were 605-310-5374 in Finance. served as a Medic grateful our deepPastor Judy Sayler Church Viborg St. Patrick’s terest in this project since he is da Fellowship Fire Catholic & Rescue members but IMMANUAL [emailprotected] with coffee fellowship time Coffee Hour not only Fire Chief but also Ruth remain ed “first CHANCELLOR time I saw a million dollars”. The Turner County Courtin the Army from 1970-1973. Karen Engelke, Pastor 201 West Following one Hwy 81 on Catholic Church - Wakonda not only FireKansas Chief Street but also Ruth remain a mile livingfrom memorial for LUTHERAN (AFLC) UNITED METHODIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH to follow. All are welcome crabapple tree with the assistance and grasses. It is Worship their hope that Engman’s grand nephew. years house and Highway Department He was stationed in Fort RiChurch/Parsonage: Lesterville Road 29686 458th Ave. CHURCH DAVIS Church to join us. We are a United Father David Roehrich Engman’s grand nephew. years to Wednesdays: come in honor of Ruth our (605) 647-2150 est appreciation, Thank You, for Plea ofley, a mini-excavator furnished byin this project willp.m. notGarden only serve The Pasque Club Engma Kansas, and spent time will be closed June 20, 2022 in Centerville, SD 57014 Ron Olson, Pastor TURNER COUNTY Pastor Jim Wipf Methodist congregation, 5:30-7:00 DLCIrene Our Redeemer 605-326-5479 Sunset Manor in Irene prois unable to travel out of their (no weekends) 8:30 a.m. Sunday The Pasque Garden Club Engman, a beloved teacher and And so, on behalf ofprothe isyour service to our country with (no weekends) Pa Sunset Manor in Irene unable to travel out of their Pollman Excavation. Owner, to beautify their community and completed the landscape with esteem Pastor Jarrod Hylden Sunday of School: 9:30 a.m. EVANGELICAL Sunday May 28: but we welcome all who Connect Youth Family Germany. Juneteenth. Lutheran Church Irene Calvary videsQuilt a noon mealAward. to anyone in observance home. Hours: Dinner meal only completed the landscape with esteemed member of&the Wakon- 45918 Irene American andfor this of Valor vides noon Sunday mealLegion to School anyone ina home. Hours: Dinner meala.m. only Phone: (605) 368-0041 Mike Pollman, had a special inhonor the service of WakonWorship: 10:30 PRESBYTERIAN 9:30aa.m.: need a church home! Programming spirea and penstemon around the da co United Hwy. 81around Lutheranfor Church Irene community that is in Cost:Irene $4.00 per meal ** for spireaPhone#: 263-3318 (ask the for da community Trondhjem and29432 penstemon over seventy grateful nation with that our is deepthe Irene community in the RODNEY Cost: $4.00 per Free meal Phone#: 263-3318 (ask Sunday: 28201 463rd Ave** allMIKLESON ages terest inRempp) this project since he is da Fireflag &Henriksen Rescue members butNelsen new pole, as Ostrem well sedum years. RODNEY MIKLESON Donna andasJulie (st Pastor Mark Methodist Church Fa RODNEY MIKLESON need of a delivered meal and Days: Monday thru Friday Sherry Lutheran Church years. new flag pole, as well as sedum BOB HANSEN 10:45 a.m. Worship -Rural Davis 10:30ofa.m. – Morning Worship SEVENTH DAY need aserved delivered meal and Rodney Days:served Monday thru Friday Sherry Rempp) remain a living memorial for not only Fire Chief but also Ruth Rodney as a Medic as a Medic the Wakonda Fire and Resuce buildin Pastor Judy Sayler First Baptist Church of Viborg 225 East Main Street served as a Medic PastorinMark Ostrem Bob Phone: was the Army from 1959-1961.VIBORG He wasCHURCH stationedOFat Fort Rodney THE SEED COMMUNITY605-647-5433 Service ADVENTIST CHURCH to come in honor of Ruth Engman’s grand nephew. the Army from 1970-1973. in the Army from 1970-1973. inLeonard to Ruth Engman. 228 S. Street Daryl Dachtler 4487 thePastor Army from 1970-1973. years 30060 448th Ave., Volin His duties were CHURCH THE NAZARENE Email: turnercopres@hotmail. CHANCELLOR 605-610-4144 Wood, Missouri, inDakota Finance. Bob quot- in The Pasque Garden Club Engman, a beloved teacher and He was stationed in Fort RiHe was stationed in Fort RiHe was stationed in Fort Ri“first time I sawout a million The Turner County CourtSunset Manor in Irene pro- isedunable to travel of theirdollars”. (no weekends) completed with of the theassistance WakonKansas, and spent time in ley, Kansas, time in crabapplemember tree with and gr ley, Kansas, andlandscape spent time in esteemed 331204 house and the Highway Department vides a noon and mealspent to anyone in ley, home. Hours: Dinner meal only Pollm See seventy us for our hearts. est appreciation, Thank You, for Germany. Germany. Germany. spirea and penstemon around the da community for over of a mini-excavator furnished by this p will be closed June 20, 2022 in the Irene community that is in Cost: meal **of the yourPhone#: (ask with for your personal And $4.00 so, onperbehalf service 263-3318 to our country Pollman Excavation. Owner, to bea new flag pole, as well as sedum years. and business observance of Juneteenth. need of a delivered meal and IreneDays: Monday thru Friday Sherry Rempp) Mike P 605-766-7827 Church theUMC Nazarene, Wakonda UMC St. Sigel American andNelsen a Donna this(standing) Quilt of of Valor Award. RODNEY MIKLESON Church of the Legion Nazarene, Wakonda St. Agnes Sigel St. Agnes Columba Mike Pollman, had a special in- honor Henriksen and Julie Nelsen (standing) plant grasses at Donna Donna Henriksen and Julie plant grasses at insurance needs Henriksen and Julie Nelsen (sta BOB HANSEN BOB HANSEN BOB HANSEN Wak Viborg Pastor Judy Sayler Catholic Church St. Patrick’s grateful nation with our deepRodney served as a Medic Arens Viborg Pastor Judy Catholic Church (Rural Mayfield) Fax #in605-766-7828 terest in this project since he is building da Fir St. Patrick’s the Wakonda Fire and Resuce building as part of a memorial the the Wakonda Fire and Resuce building as part ofSayler a memorial 1-800-333-2859 Wakonda Fire Jessica and Resuce Bob was thestationed Army from He was stationed at Fort Bob m 1959-1961. He in was at 1959-1961. Fort was the Army from 1959-1961. He was stationed at Fort 267 Engelke, Pastor 201 Kansas West one mile from Hwy 81Ruth on remain & Tammy Ruter Catholic Church Wakonda to RuthKaren inWest theone Army from 1970-1973. Karen Engelke, -Pastor 201 Kansas Street mile fromStreet Hwy 81 on tonot Fr.Fire Randy Philips only Chief but also - Wakonda Engman. to Ruth Engman. Ruth Leonard Missouri, His dutiesCatholic were in Church Finance. Bob quot- Leonard , His duties were Wood, in Finance. Bob quotSD email: [emailprotected] Wood, Missouri, His duties wereChurch/Parsonage: in Finance. Bob quot- He was stationed Irene, SD Engman. • Lesterville 263-3395 Road 331469 331468 331207 in Fort RiFather David Roehrich Church/Parsonage: Lesterville Road years Engman’s nephew. Father DavidCounty RoehrichCourt- ed “first Ple ed “first time I saw a million dollars”. The The time Turner County Courtion dollars”. Turner Pleasantgrand Valley Lutheran I saw a million dollars”. The Turner County Court605-326-5479 Irene Our Redeemer ley, Kansas, and spent time in 8:30 a.m. Sunday 605-326-5479 Irene Our Redeemer Engm The Pasque Garden Club crabapple tree with the assistance and grasses. It is their hope that 8:30 a.m. Sunday crabapple tree with the assistance and Ittravel is their hope that house P crabapple tree with the assistance and gra house and Highway Department house and Highway Department Sunset Manor in Irene prois unable out of their (no weekends) VIBORG CHIROPRACTIC Pastor Alyssa Mitchell and HighwayChurch Department Lutheran Irene Calvary our hearts. appreciation, PLUMBING Thank You, for our Germany. est appreciation, Thank You, for est ALL-STAR Irene Calvary Lutheran Church est Thank You,serve for aappreciation, mini-excavator by this project will notmeal onlyonly serve ofcompleted the landscape with esteem of ahearts. mini-excavator this project will notfurnished only a mini-excavator furnished by this pro 4591 ADDY be closed June furnished 20,anyone 2022 by inin of 331465 be will be closed June 20, 2022 in will vides a noon meal to home. Hours: Dinner Dr. Greg Long, D.C. 45918 308th Street, Westerville will closed June 20, 2022 in Irene United 29432 Hwy. 81 Lutheran Church so, toonourbehalf of with the your service to our country of the yourAnd service country Trondhjem FreeOwner, Lutheran Church Irene United 29432 Hwy. 81 Owner, service to our country with to beautify And so, on behalf of the your Church ofJuneteenth. the Nazarene, UMC St. Agnes Sigel St.penstemon Columba their community Excavation. spirea and around the todabeau co Trondhjem Free with observance Pollman Excavation. to beautify their community 30565 455th 401Wakonda N. Excavation. Owner, ofAve. observance of Juneteenth. the Irene community that is in Pollman Cost: $4.00 per Phone#: 263-3318 (askand for Pollman Kari Harmer - meal LMT** and observance of Juneteenth. DISPOSAL Parker, SD Methodist Church Pastor Mark Ostrem American Legion of Valor Award. and a Irene this Quilt of Valor Award. and a this Quilt F Lutheran Church Donna Henriksen and Julie Nelsen (sta Methodist Church Pastor Mark Ostrem Irene American Legion and a this Quilt of Valor Award. Faith United Lutheran VolinPollman, SD 57072 Mike Pollman, had a special inhonor the service of Wakonnew flag pole, as well as sedum years. Lutheran Church Viborg Pastor Judy Sayler Catholic Church (Rural Mayfield) honor the service of WakonMike had a special inBOB HANSEN St. Patrick’s Broadway Ave. Mike Pollman, had a special inhonor need 605-648-2797 of a delivered meal and Days: Monday thru Friday Sherry Rempp)Church of Viborg Mon. 9:30-7 Garbage 605-988-7588 or 113 E. Main, Irene First Baptist 225 East Main Street Pastor Judy Sayler our Service deepdeep- grateful nation with Pastor Mark Ostrem the Wakonda Fire and Resuce building First Baptist Church of Viborg 225 East Main Street Judy Sayler grateful nation with our deepChurch (ELCA) in this project sinceatheFort is daWest Fireone & mile Rescue members but terest in Fr. PastorChurch Mark Ostrem 44931 271st Ave.,from Marion, SD 57043 da Marion, Fire & members but terest in this project since he1959-1961. is terest Karen Engelke, Pastor 201 Kansas Street Hwy 81 on Randy Philips Bob 903 was in Broadway the Army from He was stationed this project since he is da Fire Catholic - Wakonda Tom: 605-661-2493 SD N. Ave. Wed. &Rescue Fri. 9:30-5:30 Cell: 929-6578 Daron Schenk 605.297.4230 228 S.Finance. Dakota Street Pastor Daryl Dachtler for to 44874 448 30060 Ave., VolinRuth Ruth Engman. 228 S.448th Dakota Street Pastor Daryl Dachtler 303rd St., rural Volin not only Fire Chief but also Ruth remain a living memorial 30060 448th Ave., Volin not only Fire Chief but also remain a living memorial for Leonard Wood, Missouri, His duties were in Bob quotChurch/Parsonage: Lesterville Road Don: 605-660-5494 not only Fire Chief but also Ruth remain Father David Roehrich 648-3490 766-2225 • Viborg, SD 299957 Brian & Linda Dykstra, owners Marion, SD Email: [emailprotected] 280800 Pleasant263-3328 Valley Lutheran 331467 331464 Engman’s grand nephew. years to come in honor of Ruth Engman’s grand nephew. years to come in honor of Ruth ed “first time I saw a million dollars”. Irene Our Redeemer The Turner County Court- Engman’s grand nephew. years to 605-326-5479 8:30 a.m. Sunday Pastortree Alyssa Mitchell 331460 withGarden the assistance and gra 331204 TheLutheran Pasque Garden a Highway beloved teacher and crabapple The Pasque Garden Club Engman, a beloved teacherClub and Engman, 331204 house and Department The Pasque Club Engman Pol Church Irene Calvary Pollman Excavation SunsettoManor Irene pro- is to travel out of their (no weekends) See us for e pro- is unable travelinout of their (nounable weekends) Sunset Manor in Irene pro- isestunable to travel out of their weekends) See us for Tri County News ourHofmeister-Jones hearts. 605-263-3941 appreciation, Thank You, for (no 45918 308th Street, Westerville this pr of a mini-excavator furnished by completed the landscape with esteemed member of the Wakoncompleted the landscape with esteemed member of the Wakonwill be closed June 20, 2022 in completed the landscape with esteeme Water & Sewer your personal 29432 Hwy. 81 Lutheran Irene your personal Dinner meal only Trondhjem Freeonly one in vides home.a noon meal to anyone in home. Hours: Dinner meal videsHours: a noon meal to anyone in home. Hours: DinnerChurch meal only And so, onUnited behalf of the your service to our country with Funeral Home 605-263-3339 Pollman Excavation. Owner, to beau Basem*nt Ex. and penstemon around the da community for Ostrem over seventy spirea and business spirea and penstemon around the spirea da community for over seventy observance Juneteenth. and business and penstemon around the daMike com Open 11:00 a.m. Methodist Church PastorofMark Mike Pollman 605-766-7827 that**is in Cost: $4.00 perChurch meal(ask ** for the Phone#: 263-3318 (ask Faith United Lutheran Lutheran is in the Irene Cost: community $4.00 per meal Phone#: 263-3318 605-766-7827 Irene community that is for ina this Cost: $4.00 perAward. meal ** Phone#: 263-3318 (askneeds for Mike Irene American Legion and Quilt of Valor Demolition Church ofasthe Nazarene, UMC St. Agnes insurance needs Pollman, had aSigel special in- years. honor insurance James A. Jones, Director new flag pole, well as Viborg sedum years. 225Wakonda new flag pole, as well as sedum years. [emailprotected] new flag pole, as well as sedum Tuesday-Saturday Wa Heidi Ptak, Agent Wakonda Site Preparation Pastor Judy Sayler First Baptist Church of East Main Street need of a delivered meal and Days: Monday thru Friday Sherry Rempp) Cal Church (ELCA) l and Days: Monday thru Friday SherryFax Rempp) Pastor Mark Ostrem need ofFax anation delivered and Days: Monday Rempp) grateful with meal our Jessica Serving Turner County Sincedeep1906 #St. 605-766-7828 Viborgthru Friday Sherry 1-800-333-2859 Pastor Judy Jessica Sayler Arens Church # 605-766-7828 Patrick’s terest in Catholic this project since Arens he is da Fire 1-800-333-2859 Ditching 26 Deadline: Friday at 267-2768 228 S. Dakota Street Pastor Daryl Dachtler 222one W. Main, Irene, SD81 &Grading Tammy Ruter Office: 605-648-2727 Cell: 605-940-8541 44874 303rd St., rural Volin 30060 448th Ave., Volin &Street Tammy Ruter P.O. Box 216 Karen Engelke, Pastor 201 Kansas West mile from Hwy on remaina Catholic Church - Wakonda not onlySD Fire Chief but also Ruth SD [emailprotected] 605-297-4402 SD email: [emailprotected] Irene, • 263-3395 Email: [emailprotected] Irene, SD • 263-3395 5:00 p.m. Em Wakonda, SD • 267-2081 Irene,email: SD 57037 Aggreg. Fill 605-263-3453 331468 331469 331468 331207 331469 Church/Parsonage: 331207 Lesterville Road 331458 Father David Roehrich331462 Engman’s grand nephew. years Plt 331204 605-326-5479 Irene Our Redeemer Pollman Excavation 8:30CHIROPRACTIC a.m. Sunday The Pasque Garden Club Engma See us for Sunset Manor in Irene pro- isVIBORG unable to CHIROPRACTIC travel out of their (no weekends) VIBORG Lutheran Church Water & Sewer completed Irene the Calvary landscape with esteem your personal 331465 331465 Dr. Greg Long, D.C. videsDr. a noon to anyone Hours: Dinner meal only Gregmeal Long, D.C. in home. 4591 Basem*nt Ex. and business Irene United 29432 Hwy. 81 Lutheran Church Trondhjem Free spirea and penstemon around the da com Mike Pollman 30565 455th Ave. 30565 455th Ave. 605-766-7827 Heating, Cooling &Demolition Plumbing the Irene that is in Cost: per meal ** Phone#: 263-3318 (ask for Karicommunity Harmer - LMT Kari$4.00 Harmer - LMT insurance needs Church of the Nazarene, Wakonda UMC St.St.Agnes Sigel St. Columba Methodist Church Mark Ostrem Church of the Nazarene, UMC St.57072 AgnesChurch Sigel Church ofColumba the Nazarene, Wakonda UMC St. Agnes Sigel Volin SDWakonda 57072 Lutheran Volin newWakonda flagPastor pole, asSite well as sedum years. F Preparation need ofSD a delivered Days: Mon. Monday thru Friday Sherry 113 Rempp) Mon. 9:30-7meal and 9:30-7 Shop (605)648-3488 Jessica Arens Fax # 605-766-7828 E. Main, Irene 113 E. Main, Irene 1-800-333-2859 Viborg Pastor Judy Sayler Catholic Church (Rural Mayfield) Ditching Jeremy Luke 360-5295 Pastor Judy Sayler First Baptist Church of Viborg 225 East Main Street Pastor Judy Sayler Catholic Church (Rural Mayfield) St.Viborg Patrick’s Pastor Judy Sayler Catholic Church Viborg Pastor Mark Ostrem St. Patrick’s 267-2768 Tom: 605-661-2493 Tom: 605-661-2493 Wed. & Fri. 9:30-5:30 & Tammy Ruter Irene, SD Wed. &Laible Fri. 9:30-5:30 Homemile (605)648-3728 Grading Daron Schenk Scott 360-3660 Schenk Karen Engelke, Pastor 201mile Kansas Street WestKaren one from Hwy Fr. Randy Philips 228 S.Engelke, Dakota Street81 on Pastor Daryl Dachtler KarenChurch Engelke,- Wakonda Pastor 201 Kansas Street West one from Hwy 81 on Fr.mile Randy Philips Catholic 448 Pastor 201 Kansas Street West one Daron from Hwy 81 on 30060 448th Ave., Volin onda SD Catholic Church - Wakonda [emailprotected] Don: email: 605-660-5494 Don: 605-660-5494 Irene, SD • 263-3395 766-2225 •331467 Viborg, SD 766-2225 • Viborg, SD 331468 208 N. Broadway/Box 560 • Aggreg. Marion, SD Fill 57043 331469 Marc Pankratz 661-6912 331207 263-3318 331467 331463 263-3328 331464 263-3328 331464 Church/Parsonage: Lesterville Road Lesterville Road Church/Parsonage: Father David Roehrich Church/Parsonage: Lesterville Road h Father David Roehrich Pleasant Valley Lutheran Pleasant Valley Lutheran Plea 331460 605-326-5479 Irene 331460 Irene Our Redeemer 605-326-5479 8:30 a.m. Sunday 605-326-5479 Irene Our Redeemer 331204 8:30Our a.m.Redeemer Sunday VIBORG CHIROPRACTIC Pol Pastor Alyssa Mitchell Pastor Alyssa Mitchell New York Life Pa See us for Tri County News Tri County News 605-263-3941 MOLLET MEMORIAL 605-263-3941 Lutheran Church Irene Calvary Lutheran Church Irene Calvary Church Irene Calvary 331465 Dr. Greg Long, D.C. your personal 45918 Lutheran 308th Street, Westerville Insurance Company 45918 308th Street, Westerville 45918 FOR 605-263-3339 YOUR Lutheran Church Irene United 29432MEMORIAL Hwy. 81 NEEDS Irene United 29432 Hwy. 81 Lutheran Church Trondhjem Free 605-263-3339 Irene United 2943211:00 Hwy. a.m. 81 Lutheran Church 30565 455th Ave. Trondhjem Free and Open Open 11:00 Mike Kari Harmer - LMT 605-766-7827 hen Jesus’Church followers were filledVolin with HolyChurch Spirit, they Church of the Nazarene, Wakonda UMC St. Agnes Sigel Methodist Pastor Mark Ostrem CONTACT MARLON MOLLET Faith United Lutheran insurance needs Bradley Carlson, Agent Methodist Church Pastor Mark Ostrem SDthe 57072 Lutheran Methodist Pastor Mark Ostrem Faith UnitedChurch Lutheran Fa Lutheran Church [emailprotected] Tuesday-Saturday [emailprotected] W Tuesday-Saturday Mon. 9:30-7 Call Tri-County News 389 S. Main St.; Freeman, SD 57029 C received the Ostrem power of God. First Baptist 113 E. Main, Irene Jessica Arens Viborg Pastor Judy Sayler Catholic Church FaxEast #&605-766-7828 Pastor Church Judy Sayler Baptist Church of Viborg 225 East Main Street Phone Main - 925-7059 St. Patrick’s Church (ELCA) PastorMark Judy Sayler of Viborg FirstDeadline: 225 Main Street Pastor Pastor Judy Sayler First Baptist Church of Viborg 225 East Street 1-800-333-2859 Church (ELCA) Pastor Mark Ostrem Tom: 605-661-2493 Friday at Visa, MC or Discover Accepted 26 at 605-263-3339 or Wed. Fri. 9:30-5:30 Deadline: Friday at Irene, SD 140 N. Main St., Parker, SD 222 W. Main, Irene, SD P.O.228 BoxS.216 & Tammy Ruter 222 W. Main, Irene, SD P.O. Box 216 Daron Schenk Karen Engelke, Pastor 201 Kansas Street West one mile from Hwy 81 on DakotaDachtler Street Pastor448th Daryl Dachtler Catholic Church - Wakonda 44874 303rd St.,Dachtler rural Volin 30060 448th Ave.,Street Volin them changed 228 S. Dakota Daryl 228303rd S. Dakota StreetVolin Pastor Daryl Access YOUR Pharmacy 44874 St., •rural 4487 in 30060 Ave., Volin Don: Pastor 605-660-5494 SD email: [emailprotected] Irene, SD • 7263-3395 God’s presence within both them and the 331462 Email: [emailprotected] 605-297-3621 Wakonda, SD 267-2081 Irene, SD 57037 766-2225 • p.m. Viborg, SD MONUMENTS & MARKERS 605-263-3453 5:00 p.m. Em 331468 Wakonda, SD • 267-2081 24 hours a day days a week! 1-866-296-9477 Irene, SD5:00 57037 331469 331458 605-263-3453 331207 263-3318 331467 331463 263-3328 331458 Church/Parsonage: Lesterville Road 331464 Father David Roehrich 331462 Ple world. 605-326-5479 Irene Our Redeemer 8:30 a.m. Sunday 331460 331204 331204 331204 Pollman Excavation VIBORG CHIROPRACTIC Pollman Excavation PollP See us for See us for See us for Tri County News Saunders Chiropractic Lutheran Water Church Irene Calvary 605-263-3941 God’s presence within us can change our world, too. & Sewer 331465 Water & Sewer your personal Dr. Greg Long, D.C. 45918 your personal your personal Lutheran Church Irene United 29432 Hwy. 81 PARTS Basem*nt Ex. Trondhjem & Wellness Basem*nt Ex. 30565605-263-3339 455th Ave. Free and business QUALITY CARS, TRUCKS, and business and business Mike Pollman Kari Harmer LMT Mike 605-766-7827 Mike Pollman Open 11:00 a.m. 605-766-7827 Demolition At church this week, breathe in God’s Holy Spirit. Demolition Methodist Church Pastor Mark insurance Ostrem needs insurance needs Fa Volin Lutheran SD 57072 Church insurance needs &Wakonda SERVICE DEALSSite YOU’LL LIKE Preparation Mon. 9:30-7 Wak Wakonda SiteJessica Preparation [emailprotected] Tuesday-Saturday Dr. Jon Saunders 113 E. Main, Irene Call Tri-County News Arens Fax # 605-766-7828 27283 447th Avenue , Marion Jessica Arens Pastor Judy Sayler First Baptist Church of Viborg 225 East Main Street Jessica Arens Fax # 605-766-7828 8 Pastor Mark Ostrem Ditching 1-800-333-2859 1-800-333-2859 Ditching PEOPLE YOU CAN TRUST Tom:1-800-333-2859 605-661-2493 267-2768 Wed. & Fri. 9:30-5:30 267 267-2768 303 N.atBroadway SD Tammy Ruter Deadline: Friday atRuter &• Marion, Tammy DaronAve. Schenk & Tammy Grading 605-263-3339 or Ruter 222 W. Main, SD 228 S. Dakota& Street Pastor Daryl Irene, Dachtler Grading P.O. Box 216 4487 30060 448th Ave., Volin Don: 605-660-5494 605-648-2100 SD email: [emailprotected] SD Irene,766-2225 SD • 263-3395 SD email: [emailprotected] et • Viborg, SD Call 648-3604 or 1-888-747-7766 Irene, SD • 263-3395 Aggreg. Fill Irene, SD • 263-3395 331468 605-648-3531 Aggreg. Fill 331469 331207 331467 263-3328 331468 331464 331468 331469 331469 5:00 p.m. 331207 Email: [emailprotected] Wakonda, SD • 267-2081 Irene, SD 57037 605-263-3453 331207 331462 331458

Memorial Day Celebration

Engman Memoria Those Who S

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Those Who Serve

Memorial Day Celebration

Engman Memor Those Who

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Memorial Day Celebration

Engman Memori Those Who S

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Meals on Wheels Program

County Offices Closed

County Offices Closed

Area Church Directory County Offices Closed

Meals on Wheels Program Meals on Wheels Program

County Offices Closed

Meals on Wheels Program

Area Church Directory Area Church Directory Southeast STAR

CHURCH DIREC TORY on Wheels Area Church Directory 287912


County Offices Closed Program


Bowlway Lanes

Tri-County Oil FORT RANDALL Body Shop & Propane COMPANY County Offices TELEPHONE 605-326-5493 Closed 287909

County Offices County Offices Closed Closed Meals





Meals on Wheels Program Meals on Wheels Program als on 296-3581 Wheels Program Area Church Directory Irene Bar & Grill You Southeast STAR Southeast STAR

Southeast STAR








605-263-3941 Tri County News

Tri County News


SUBSCRIBE TODAY 605-263-3339 [emailprotected]

Deadline: P.O. Box 216 Friday at Irene, SD 57037 5:00 p.m. 331462

605-263-3339 [emailprotected]

Deadline: Friday at 5:00SD p.m. Wakonda, • 267-2081

Call NCP at 800-621-0801


331462 331464


Deadline: Friday Wed. & Fri.Schenk 9:30-5:30 Irene, SD at Marion Office: 605-648-3619 Daron 5:00 p.m. 766-2225 • Viborg, SD331464 263-3328 263-3318 331463


113 #E.605-766-7828 Main, Irene Fax email:263-3328 [emailprotected]

Tom: 605-661-2493 P.O. Box 216 Schenk Daron Don: 605-660-5494 Irene, SD 57037

VIBORG CHIROPRACTIC Tri County News 605-263-3941 Bar & Grill Your AdLong, Could LOGUE Irene Bar &HAY Grill Irene Dr. Greg D.C. 605-263-3339 30565 455th Ave. Open 11:00 a.m. Open 11:00 a.m. Kari Harmer - LMT Be Here 203 N. Broadway Volin SD 57072 • Marion, SD 57043 Tuesday-Saturday [emailprotected] 331460


605-648-3761 Tom: 605-661-2493 P.O. BoxW.216 222 SD The Doctors areMain, availableIrene, by appointment Don: 605-660-5494 Wakonda, SD Mon. SD - Sat. Evening hours•are267-2081 also available. Irene, 57037 605-263-3453 331467 331462 331458


Mon. 9:30-7News Call Tri-County Deadline: at Wed. &Main, Fri.Friday 9:30-5:30 222 Irene,orSD at W. 605-263-3339 766-2225 • p.m. Viborg, SD331458 605-263-3453 5:00 Email: [emailprotected]



Mon. 9:30-7 Sunday, May 28,Mon. 20239:30-7 Tom:Wed. 605-661-2493 Wed. & Fri. 9:30-5:30 & Fri. 9:30-5:30 Day of Pentecost Don: 605-660-5494 766-2225 • Viborg, SD 766-2225 331467 • Viborg, SD


30565 455th Ave. Kari Harmer - LMT Kari Harmer - LMT Revised Common Lectionary © 1992 by the Consultation on Common Texts for Volin SD 57072









CHIROPRACTIC Tri County News 605-263-3941 Tri-County Oil Tri-County Oil VIBORG Dr. Greg Long, D.C. 605-263-3339 30565 455th Ave. KariPropane Harmer - LMT 605-766-7827 & Propane Volin& SD 57072 [emailprotected] Free: 1-800-333-2859 Mon. 9:30-7 113 E. Main, Irene




Tri-County Oil Your Ad Could &BePropane Here

Irene & Grill RAPPBar MOTORS

HAY LOGUE HAY Southeast STAR AY LOGUE Dr. Greg Long, D.C. 35b Greg Long, 1 Dr. Corinthians 12:3b-13D.C. John 20:19-23 Psalm 104:24-34, VIBORG CHIROPRACTIC

Be Here

& Propane




Area Church Directory Tri-County Oil Irene Your Ad Irene Bar & Grill BarCould & Grill

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1-800-333-2859 Irene, SD SD Wakonda, SD • 267-2081 263-3318 331463 331207

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Call Tri-County News at 605-263-3339 or Email: [emailprotected] Wakonda, SD • 267-2081 331460

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113 E. Main, Jessica Irene Arens 222647-0606 W. Main, &Irene, TammySD Ruter Daron Schenk Lennox Irene, SD • 605-263-3453 263-3395 219128 331469 331458 263-3328 331464

Tri-County Oil Irene Bar & Grill Open 11:00 a.m. &Tuesday-Saturday Propane

Complete Services 113 E.Auction Main, Irene 222 W. Main, Irene, 605-648-3111 Daron Schenk SD 605-263-3453 331458 263-3328 331464 287901

Southeast STAR



& Propane

& Propane





Meals on Wheels Program Area Church Directory Area Church Directory Directory Southeast STAR LOGUE HAY Area Church Tri-County Oil Tri-County Oil LOGUE HAY

Irene Bar & Grill Open 11:00 a.m.

Poll Yo

Mike Wa C 267 331468 Em


Ca a Em


church news 5.25.23 | The New Era | 9

you , me

& jesus


Alene Wiebesiek

Brought to His Knees Sue Schmidt | Correspondent Saul gave his approval to have Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, stoned to death. Stephen was the first martyr, the first to give his life for the gospel. Stephen had the courage to stand up for what he believed and who he believed in-Jesus Christ. Many were saved because of Stephen’s ministry and death. Saul, the reason for Stephen’s death, would soon become God’s chosen instrument to reach the unsaved. Saul had no idea he would be called to fill Stephen’s shoes; God’s ways are beyond our ways. Saul also known as Paul endangered Christians with death threats. He was so zealous for his cause he went to the high priest requesting letters to the synagogues in Damascus. Saul needed their cooperation in arresting the followers that believed Jesus was and is the way to salvation. His intention was to take them as prisoners back to Jerusalem in chains. But Jesus intervened with a blinding light from heaven shone down around Paul. He fell to the ground and heard God’s voice on the Damascus Road, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting,” Acts 9:5. Jesus explains believers are the body of Christ and if anyone persecutes believers, they are persecuting Christ. The men who traveled with Saul heard a voice but didn’t see anyone. When Saul stood and opened his eyes, he was blind. During the time Saul’s sight was taken from him he had many thoughts going through his mind. He was no doubt scared what would happen next and would he remain blind. He had visions of all the Christians he had persecuted. Jesus brought Saul to his knees literally and figuratively. God doesn’t explain Himself nor should He. Saul needed to learn to trust Him. The men led Saul to Damascus where he stayed for three days neither eating nor drinking. Saul was spiritually blind and God seized his attention by making him physically blind. Jesus knew who Saul would be for His honor and glory. Jesus transformed Saul to Paul, from murderer to missionary; from persecutor to persecuted. As scales fell from Paul’s eyes and he could see again, he was baptized and ate to regain his strength. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, gained a new perspective, a new purpose and a Savior to follow. Paul no longer battled with his notorious nature because God opened his eyes to see his sinfulness. This incident was enough to grab Paul’s attention, move him to repentance and live for the Lord until his last breath. Paul personally experienced Jesus’ forgiveness, acceptance and powerful love. Jesus opened his heart to a new life with his Savior. Paul was transformed and Jesus became so real to him he immediately began preaching in the synagogues, “He is indeed the Son of God.” Many were amazed because Paul had caused such devastation among the believers but Paul’s preaching became more and more influential. REFLECTION - Paul is only one example of millions of us today that no one is beyond the conversion power of God. He redeems us and prepares us for His purpose to spread the Gospel message. Paul’s message of salvation was the most important message in his generation and continues to be today. If you know Jesus as your Savior you are part of the message why Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected. This is your exciting even extraordinary life and it needs to be shared with people that don’t know they need Jesus. Paul lived his life with Christ at the center of his message. Paul came face to face with persecution time and time again but he didn’t or wouldn’t give up preaching about the cross. We need to share our Damascus Road testimony; it may bring someone to their knees in prayer and repentance.

100 Davis, SD May 17, 2023

Alene Wiebesiek, age 100, of Davis, SD, passed away Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at the Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Viborg, SD. Alene Ruth Bunger was born to Henry H. and Tetta (DeVries) Bunger, on May 14, 1923, on a farm near Davis. She attended Middleton District #23 rural school and then graduated from Davis High School in 1941. She went on to earn her teaching certificate from Northwestern Junior College in Orange City, IA and then earned extra credits from various colleges in South Dakota. Alene taught in ru-

Mickey C. Nelson 60 Sioux Falls, SD May 19, 2023

Mickey C. Nelson, 60, of Sioux Falls and formerly of Marion, SD, died Friday, May 19, 2023, under hospice care at the Good Samaritan Center in Sioux Falls. Memorial services will be at 3:00pm Friday, May 26, 2023 at the Heritage Funeral Home, 57th and Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD. Arrangements by Hofmeister Jones Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers memorials maybe directed

ral schools and at the Davis Primary Grade School before her marriage. She also directed the Davis High School Girls Choir. After her children were grown, she returned to teaching in rural schools in Turner and Lincoln counties. After school consolidation, Alene taught language arts and science at the Worthing Middle School, grades 5 to 8 for 9 years, retiring in 1979. On January 27, 1948 she married Lester L. Wiebesiek, at her mother’s home. Three children were born to this

union. The couple lived and farmed on the same place she and her father were born and where her grandparents had h o m e steaded in Middleton Township, near Davis. Alene grew up at Turner County First Presbyterian Church, where she taught Sunday school and played piano. After her marriage she transferred to Bethel Reformed Church in 1948, where she served as a Sunday school teacher, officer and in the Reformed Church Women. She was the church organ-

to Lifescape. Mickey Charles Nelson was born on November 11, 1962, at Viborg, SD to Dennis L. and Betty (Blumer) Nelson. He moved with his family to Marion where he attended school. until he was At the age of 16 he moved to Sioux Falls and became a resident of Sioux Vocational Services, which later became Lifescape. On March of 1991 he was united in

marriage to Sharon Roesler. Over the years he was employed at the Burlington Restaurant where he worked for 14 years and later for Pizza Hut forced to re-





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Haley Tucker Viborg 605.766.3000 605.647.2228 Chancellor 605.260.7852 Tyndall 605.766.3000 Viborg

Luke J. Loecker, D.C. 104 N. Main St., Lennox, SD Phone: 605-647-1300

tire for health reasons. His favorite team was the New England Patriots. Grateful for having shared his life are his wife Sharon; his mother Betty Nelson of Marion, SD; and a sister and two brothers, Joey (Teresa) Nelson, Sioux Falls, SD, Paula (Ed) Draskovich, Marion, SD and Tim Nelson (Laura Westphal), Maquokota, IA. He was preceded in death by his father Dennis.


Danielle Kloucek Tyndall 605.260.7852

Care for the entire family

ist since 1959 and sang with various groups. Alene also belonged to the Davis American Legion Auxiliary, Sioux Falls Area Retired Teacher’s Association and the Lennox Senior Citizens. Besides her parents, Alene was preceded in death by her loving husband, Lester, on May 25, 2001; son, Darwin on October 4, 2009; one granddaughter; brothers: Ernest, Carl, Henry and Walter Bunger. Grateful for having shared her life are her children: Laurie, Mankato, MN, Harlan (Fae), Davis and daughter-in-law, Susan, Hurley; her grandchildren; greatgrandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter, as well as a host of other relatives and friends.



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10 | The New Era | 5.25.23


Laneya: I want to work at the Shore Store like my Ada: I want to be a mom mom. She cleans and works at the Shore Store. Parker: I want to be a baker Harper: I want to be an animal doctor. I will take Oliver: I want to be a farmer care of puppies. Maverick: I want to be a dad Jaden: I want to be a junk yard man because they Ava: I want to be a singer have lots of dogs. Harlow: I want to be a singer Conley: I want to be a basketball player for the Orlando: I want to be a millionaire Cougars. Weston: I want to be a football player McKynli: I want to be a mom. I will have two kids. Madelynn: I want be a millionaire Mav: I want to be a firefighter and put out fires. Troy: I want to be a video game player Knox: I want to be a cop and pull over people. Clay: I want to be a millionaire Aldrik: I want to buy a new bike. Liam: I want to be an army man Norell: I want to have an air mattress for gymnasKinzley: I want to be a fire fighter tics so I can do a cartwheel and a handstand. Tirzah: I want to be a teacher Emma: I want to be a vet and barrel racer and a bird Hailee: I want to be a teacher helper. Addie: I want to be a mom Ainsley: I want to be a kindergarten teacher. Ella: I want to be a babysitter Hattie: I want to be a cowgirl because I like being a cowgirl. When I am 7 or 8. I am going to get a horse. Yalexsis: I want to be a painter. Eli: I want to be a hunter. Flynn: I want to be a cop and arrest people if they’re being bad. Emerson: I want to be a vet because dad can’t be a vet. He’s allergic to cats. Maren: I want to be a dog vet, and take care of Charli: I want to be a youtuber and a teacher. dogs. Charley: I want to be a doctor that fixes people. Hadley: I want to have kids and a husband. I want Harper: I want to be a zookeeper. to a be a teacher too. Sophia: I want to be a dancer and a youtuber. Carson: I want to be a football player for the Dayton: I want to be a farmer like my dad. I love Minnesota Vikings. I think a running back or a mom. receiver. Nolan: I want to be a figure 8 racer like Tyler. Landon: I want to be a truck driver. Reddic: I want to be a worker like my dad. He works Baylor: I want to be a sheriff. I will get bad guys. with Uncle Tod. Blake: I want to be whoever I want to be. Sterling: I want to be a cop. Hazel: I want to be a police officer. Kai: I want to be a cop. Ally: I want to sell horses. Jeb: I want to be a race car driver. Merritt: I want to be an artist. I would paint pictures Raebyn: I want to be a youtuber. and sell them. Jackson: I want to be a farmer. Cooper: I want to be a football player for the Coulson: I want to be a monster truck driver. Minnesota Vikings.





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Lochlann: I want to be a professional wrestler. Ariana: I want to be a mom Freya: I want to be a teacher Bryer: I want to be a nurse, because I want to help people and fix people. Arlee: I want to be a zookeeper of tigers. Ronald: I want to be a cop. I will arrest bad guys. Patrick: I want to be a football player. I want to Chiefs number 15. Morgan: I want to be a doctor, so I can help people. Huck: I am going to be a trash picker. Ximena: I want to be a cheerleader. I am going to live in an apartment. Kroy: I want to be a football player for the Chiefs and I will be 33. I will get married. McKenna: I want to be a cheerleader and I will live on the beach. And when I am 25 I will start cheerleading. Evelyn: I want to be a vet that likes snakes. I will have a house in Parker. Caleb: I want to be a military guy. Stiles: I will be a racecar driver. I will fix my car when it is broken. Adley: I want to be a zookeeper. I will feed the tigers. Tigers are my favorite animal. Tigers have lots of stripes. Levi: I want to be a dairy farmer. I will feed the cows and give them bedding. Ryker: I want to be a harvester. I will live at a farm. I will be a hunter. I will be a truck driver. Myles: I want to be a police officer. I will pull over bad guys. Whitney: I want to be a vet. I fix animals. I love puppies and dogs. I want to live in a big house. My two favorite foods is apples and mac-n-cheese. I will get a pet puppy. I will remember my whole family. Carter: I want to be a designer so I can design stuff. Dawson: I want to be a firefighter because I can spray hoses. Halle: I want to be a nurse because I want to help. Londynn: I want to be a daycare lady. Abigail: I want to be a vet. Ben: I want to be a cop because it looks fun. Amara: I want to be a cop so I then I can arrest people. Boe: I want to be a motorcycle seller so I can have a motorcycle for me. Aubrey: I want to be a doctor because I like to help people. JP: I want to be a vet so I can work with dogs and cats. Meredith: I want to be a makeup designer because I can design. Theo: I want to be a mechanic so I can fix cars. Scarlett: I want to a firefighter because I want to put the fire out. Braxton: I want to be like my dad who works at Central Farmers. Aspen: I want to be a cop so I can arrest people. Niraeh: I want to be a firefighter so I can save people from the fires. Gemma: I want to be a mom because I can tell my kids to clean the house. Kacie: I want to be a dentist so I can clean teeth. Korbin: I want to be a firefighter so I can wash out fires.

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public notices 5.25.23 | The New Era | 11

public notices STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA ) IN CIRCUIT COURT SS COUNTY OF TURNER) FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Estate of : 62 PRO 23-11 NAOMI HOFER, deceased : Notice to Creditors Notice is given that on May 2, 2023, Philip Hofer, whose address is 43980 267th Street, Bridgewater, South Dakota 57319, and Arlo Hofer, whose address is 26535 442nd Avenue, Bridgewater, South Dakota, 57319, were appointed as co-personal representatives of the Estate of Naomi Hofer. Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred. Claims may be filed with the personal representative or may be filed with the clerk, and a copy of the claim mailed to the personal representative. /s/ Philip Hofer Philip Hofer 43980 267th Street Bridgewater S.D. 57319 Telephone (605) 360-4630 /s/ Arlo Hofer Arlo Hofer 26535 442nd Avenue Bridgewater S.D. 57319 Telephone (605) 770-6157 Turner County Clerk of Courts PO Box 446 Parker S.D. 57053 Telephone (605) 297-3115 Mr. Mike C. Fink Attorney at Law PO Box 444, 225 N. Main Avenue Bridgewater S.D. 57319 Telephone (605) 729-2552 Tammy Tammera Hofer, Assistant Fink Law Office, P.C. McCook County States Attorney’s Office PO Box 444, 225 N. Main Ave. Bridgewater S.D. 57319-0444 Tel. 605-729-2552 Fax. 605-729-2445 [emailprotected] Published three times at the total approximate cost of $64.42 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0511/0518/0525-1)

STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA) IN CIRCUIT COURT SS COUNTY OF TURNER ) FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Estate of : 62 PRO 23-12 THEODORE HOFER, deceased. : Notice to Creditors Notice is given that on May 2, 2023, Philip Hofer, whose address is 43980 267th Street, Bridgewater, South Dakota 57319, and Arlo Hofer, whose address is 26535 442nd Avenue, Bridgewater, South Dakota, 57319, were appointed as co-personal representatives of the Estate of Theodore Hofer. Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or their claims may be barred. Claims may be filed with the personal representative or may be filed with the clerk, and a copy of the claim mailed to the personal representative. /s/ Philip Hofer Philip Hofer 43980 267th Street Bridgewater S.D. 57319 Telephone (605) 360-4630 /s/ Arlo Hofer Arlo Hofer 26535 442nd Avenue Bridgewater S.D. 57319 Telephone (605) 770-6157 Turner County Clerk of Courts PO Box 446 Parker S.D. 57053 Telephone (605) 297-3115 Mr. Mike C. Fink Attorney at Law PO Box 444, 225 N. Main Avenue Bridgewater S.D. 57319 Telephone (605) 729-2552 Tammy Tammera Hofer, Assistant Fink Law Office, P.C. McCook County States Attorney’s Office PO Box 444, 225 N. Main Ave. Bridgewater S.D. 57319-0444 Tel. 605-729-2552 Fax. 605-729-2445 [emailprotected] Published three times at the total approximate cost of $62.27 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0511/0518/0525-2)

Viborg-Hurley School District School Board Election NOTICE OF DEADLINE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION Voter registration for the Viborg-Hurley School District School Board Election to be held on June 20, 2023 will close on June 5, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at www.sdsos. gov or call the county auditor at 605-297-3153. Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor’s office, municipal finance office, secretary of state’s office, and those locations, which provide driver’s licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at

Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration. Matt Jensen - Business Manager (Person in charge of election - Title) Viborg-Hurley School District 60-6 (Political Subdivision) Published twice at the total approximate cost of $34.21 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0518/0525-1)

CLAY COUNTY NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Clay County, South Dakota will meet in the Commissioner Room in the basem*nt of the Clay County Courthouse on the 6th day of June, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. at which time and place, bids and proposals will be received, publicly opened, and read aloud for the furnishing of the following described equipment for the Highway Department: 2023 F550 XL package, 4x4 crew cab chassis dually 6.7 diesel motor, 10 speed auto torqueshift transmission, 225/70R19.5 tires, 4.3 ratio limited slip axle, running boards, 19,500 pound GVWR, engine block heater, skid plates, 50 state emissions, 120v/400w outlet high capacity trailer tow package, 40 gallon aft of axle fuel tank, 350 amp alternator, dual batteries, rear view camera, cloth 40/20/40 seats, XL chrome package, or equivalent. Bids and proposals will be received at the office of the County Auditor in the Courthouse at 211 West Main, Suite 200, Vermillion, S.D., up to but not later than 9:00 a.m. on the 6th day of June, 2023, and such bids must be placed in a sealed envelope and endorsed on the outside of the envelope with the bidder’s name and address. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities, and to accept the bid, which they deem to be in the best interest of Clay County. Carri R. Crum Clay County Auditor Published twice at the total approximate cost of $27.50 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0518/0525-2)

NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION MUNICIPALITY OF DAVIS A Municipal Election will be held on June 6, 2023 in Davis, South Dakota. If the polls cannot be opened because of bad weather, the election may be postponed one week. The election polls will be open from seven a.m. to seven p.m. central time on the day of the election. At the election, the following questions will be voted upon or offices will be filled. One, threeyear board member term: Candice Lagler or Harlan Wiebesiek The polling place in each precinct of this municipality is as follows: Solace Farm General Store, 106 West Highway 18, Davis, S.D. Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the municipal finance officer at (605) 929-6516 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities. Cinda Wilson Temporary Finance Officer Published twice at the total approximate cost of $20.09 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0525/0601-1)

OFFICIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION BALLOT DAVIS, SOUTH DAKOTA June 6, 2023 To vote use a cross (X) or a check mark ( ) in front of the name. DO NOT cast more votes than are allowed in each race. For Trustee, 3-year term, you may vote for up to one or leave it blank. - Candice Lagler - Harlan Wiebesiek Published twice at the total approximate cost of $9.52 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0525/0601-2)

TOWN OF WAKONDA BOARD REGULAR MEETING May 8, 2023 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees for the Town of Wakonda, South Dakota was held in the council room at the Town Office located at 111 Ohio St. on the 8th day of May 2023, 5:30 p.m. members present: Council Members Nelson, Andresen, Fischer, Maintenance Super. Steffen, Finance Officer: Carpenter, Code Enforcement Andresen Visitor(s): Riva Sharples Code Enforcement City Wide Cleanup April 27-May 8th . Notices will be sent to residents on yard conditions Swimming Pool Tentative Opening Date June 1st or sooner, weather permitting

Swim Lessons: Session 1: June 19-22, and 26-29, Register by June 1st Session 2: July 10-13, and 17-20, Register by July 1st Finance Past Due/Connection Notices will be placed AAA Collections will be used as Collection Agency for Unpaid Water Bills


SDRS ( R e t i r e m e n t ) 553.46AFLAC (Insurance) 53.95 FIRST PREMIER (Credit Card ) 355.72 FIRST PREMIER (Payroll ACH Fee) 26.25 WELLMARK (Insurance) 1,130.52 CLAY UNIOIN ELECT (Utilities) 949.70 BLUE PEAK (Telephone) 105.48 CLAY RURAL WATER (Supplies) 2,408.00 SD PUBLIC HEALTH (Supplies) 15.00 HAWKINS (Supplies) 30.00 NEW CENTURY (Publishing) 30.80 FISCHER DISPOSAL (Utilities) 110.00 SD ONE CALL (Locates) 2.10 ONE OFFICE (Office Supplies) 101.54 DAN’s DRAIN & DUCT (Maintenance) 497.50 SDRS (Retirement) 553.46 Comm Club (Alum Cans) 91.60 M&M Farm Supply (Supplies) 72.40 NEW CENTURY PRESS( Publications) 29.12 EAGLE STOP (Fuel Charges) 925.65 SD MUNICIPAL LEAGUE (Budget Training) 30.00 Maintenance Drinking Water Report distributed with Water/Sewer Bills There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Next Meeting June 5th at 7:30. /s/ Adam Nelson Adam Nelson, Chairman /s/ Michelle Carpenter Michelle Carpenter, Finance Officer Publlished once at the total approximate cost of $25.76 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0525-1)

Irene-Wakonda School Board Minutes Wednesday, April 12, 2023 The regular meeting of the Irene-Wakonda School Board was held on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the memorabilia room in Wakonda. Members present were Mike Logue, Amanda Healy, Carla Marshall, Brian Spurrell and Eric Anderson. Administrators present were Pam Rudd, Dave Hutchison, Joel McNeely and Deb Lyle. Mike Logue, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. Motion was made by Amanda Healy and seconded by Carla Marshall to adopt the agenda. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brian Spurrell and seconded by Eric Anderson to approve the following consent agenda items: Minutes of the regular meeting in April Financial reports – General Fund, Capital Outlay, Special Ed, Food Service, Driver’s Ed, Trust & Agency Bills Bus diesel quote – CFC - #2 - $2.97 Accept quote from CFC. Motion carried. Upcoming meetings and events were discussed, the Superintendent and the Principal’s gave their reports. Graduation May 13th at 1:00 p.m., Last day of school for students – May 23rd, Last day for teachers – May 25. Review of the “Return to School” Plan and ARP Esser Plan Motion was made by Carla Marshall and seconded by Amanda Healy to approve the high school graduates. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brian Spurrell and seconded by Eric Anderson to approve the preliminary budget. Motion carried. Motion was made by Amanda Healy and seconded by Brian Spurrell to approve the certified contracts. Motion carried. Carla Marshall abstained Motion was made by Brian Spurrell and seconded by Amanda Healy to approve the classified work agreements. Motion carried. Eric Anderson and Mike Logue abstained. Motion was made by Eric Anderson and seconded by Carla Marshall to approve the SDHSAA amendments. Yes on Amendment 1, Yes on Amendment 2, and Adam Shaw for Division III – Secondary Principal. Motion carried. Motion was made by Brian Spurrell and seconded by Amanda Healy to approve summer bus usage. Motion carried. Motion was made by Amanda Healy and seconded by Brian Spurrell to approve the Southeast Area Comprehensives Plan. Motion carried. Motion was made by Amanda Healy and seconded by Eric Anderson to go into executive session at 6:40 p.m. Motion carried. Mike Logue, Board President,

declared executive session over at 7:30 p.m. Motion was made by Eric Anderson and seconded by Carla Marshall to adjourn at 7:31 p.m. Motion carried. Mike Logue, Board President Pam Rudd, Business Manager BILLS GENERAL FUND Amazon Capital Services – supplies - $274.51; Aramark – laundry - $301.94; BluePeak –Telephone$1548.58; BMO – credit card $1460.84; Bomgaars – supplies - $134.97; Cash Wa – FFVP - $1259.91; CFC – Heating fuel/ bus diesel - $3847.48; Charlie’s Bus Service – repair - $150.00; Chesterman – pop - $12.65; City of Irene – water - $647.35; Clay Union Electric – electricity - $5374.23; Clubhouse – travel - $390.64; Connor Ganschow – fall worker - $20.00; Coyote Enterprises – repair/system reload - $229.95; David Hutchison- cell phone stipend - $75.00; Eagle Stop – gas - $272.71; Fischer’s Disposal – garbage pick up - $475.00; Health Equity – H S A fee - $14.00; Heath Marshall – supplies - $73.45; Hometown Groceries – teacher appreciation - $56.90; IreneWakonda School – impressed fund - $5380.65; JW Pepper – music - $76.77; M&M Supply – supplies - $25.54; Menards – repair - $148.87; Mike Sees – supplies/ physical - $1042.12; Mr. G’s Tires – tires - $1468.52; New Century Press – minutes/ads - $439.75; New Era – subscriptions - $250.00; Olson’s Pest Control – pest control - $116.00; Plain Talk – subscriptions - $39.00; Prochem – supplies - $3604.21; Ron’s Auto – glass - $300.00; SASD – Membership $774.00; SDSTE – dues - $30.00; Southeastern Electric – electricity - $4985.14; Town of Wakonda – water - $408.85; Tri County Propane – heating fuel/tank monitor - $1831.53; Truck Trailer – repair - $1862.64; TruGreen – lawn care - $353.13; Wex Bank – gas - $83.00; Wex – gas - $431.94; Yankton Winnelson – supplies $15.08 Total - $40286.85 CAPITAL OUTLAY Amazon Credit – W library books - $31.84; Automatic Building Controls – Fire Alarm Check - $480.00; Century Business – Copier lease - $2083.96; Dakota Scapes – timbers - $1182.00; Foundation for Ed – website/notifier - $2281.00; G&S Contracting – gutter repair - $663.00; Ganschow Lawn Care – grass - $250.00; Menards – supplies - $1114.70; Midwest Ready Mix – lift - $225.00; Miracle Recreation – playground $15000.00; Natalie Grimm – books - $143.23; Nelsen Electric – light fixtures - $719.14; Popplers – mallets - $31.99; Software Unlimited – accounting software - $6650.00 Total - $30855.86 SPECIAL EDUCATION BMO Financial – credit card $200.00; Children’s Care – SPED Student - $11458.00; Sped Parent – mileage/travel - $2226.40; Southeast Area Coop – SPED Costs - $7060.83 Total - $20945.23 FOOD SERVICE Bimbo – purchased food $626.17; Cash-Wa – purchased food - $10044.56; Chesterman – Ala Carte - $238.50; East Side Jersey – milk - $926.91; SD Dept of Ed – purchased food - $435.98 Total - $12272.12 TRUST & AGENCY Alannah Aesoph – supplies $98.75; BMO Financial – Credit Card - $566.35; Coach Rozy Program – in season program - $10000.00; Pam Erickson – supplies - $30.39; Viborg-Hurley School – Kobee Sherman Fundraiser - $7268.35 Total - $17963.84 IMPRESSED FUND Alcester-Hudson – throwers meet - $150.00; Avon School – golf meet - $20.00; Bon Homme School – JH Track - $30.00; Cash – postage - $50.00; Central Catering – prom meals - $1715.00; Clay Union Electric – electricity - $3912.59; Family of Kobee Sherman – donation in and out - $1699.00; Fox Run – golf meet - $66.00; Freeman Academy – Golf Meet - $25.00; Freeman High School – Track Meets - $320.00; Gayville-Volin – Track Meets - $125.00; Irene Bar & Grill – gift card - $40.00; Lisa Libby – supplies - $12.06; Menno School – track meet - $280.00; Merician Décor – prom decorations - $1408.00; Mohr Designs – track shirts - $4934.50; Parker Boosters – track meet - $150.00; Scholastic – in and out - $15.00; Steph Ganschow – Prom napkins - $35.11; Wagner School – track meet - $100.00; Yankton High School – track meet - $250.00 Total - $15337.26 PAYROLL GENERAL FUND Elementary - $56226.62; Junior High - $12814.91; High School $44124.86; Preschool - $4994.09; Title One - $5982.53; Counselor - $5705.10; School Nurse $813.44; Library - $6679.74; Tech Coordinator - $7356.01; Board Member - $333.72; Superintendent - $11455.58; Elementary Principal $7870.78; JH/SR High Principal - $8273.31; Business Manager $7672.39; Custodial - $13839.17; Bus Driver - $9209.36; Male Co Curr - $2438.88; Female Co Curr - $2478.70; Combined Co Curr - $4227.51 Total - $212496.70 SPECIAL EDUCATION

Special Ed - $45784.73 Total - $45784.73 FOOD SERVICE Food Service - $11226.04 Total - $11226.04 PAYABLES With Holding - $12083.41; Social Security - $11884.92; Medicare $2779.57; SDRS - $10973.24; H S A - $250.00; The Standard - $433.32; AFLAC - $2464.40; Ameriprise $31.00; Axa - $500.00; Washington National - $199.30; NPIP - $8055.43; Meals - $384.39; Child Support $227.00; Garnishment - $50.00; Garnishment - $805.61; Horace Mann - $83.64; Horace Mann Auto - $154.31; IRS - $1000.00; Legalshield - $186.75; Putnam - $31.00; SDRS Supplemental $425.00; Short Term Disability $35.92; VSP - $328.38 Total - $53366.59 RECEIPTS GENERAL FUND Other - $112.00; County Taxes - $72281.90; Interest - $129.03; State Aid - $91191.00; Title IV - $10000.00; Title I - $28707.00; REAP - $15293.00; IWEA Pop $69.60; Honor Society Pop $143.10; Voided checks - $8359.51 Total - $226286.14 CAPITAL OUTLAY Other - $307.47; County Taxes - $68767.01; Interest - $457.45; Voided checks - $5379.93 Total - $74911.86 SPECIAL EDUCATION County Taxes -$51122.25; Interest - $551.30; Voided checks - $22428.49 Total - $74102.04 FOOD SERVICE Interest - $35.17; Student Meals - $99795.35; Adult Meals $1021.45 Total - $10851.97 DRIVER’S ED Interest - $.02 Total - $.02 SAVINGS General Fund - $136198.87 + Capital Outlay - $144313.68 + Special Ed - $14579.04 = $295091.59 FINANCIAL REPORTS GENERAL FUND Beginning balance - $324546.47 + receipts - $226286.14 – accounts payable - $38786.14 – payroll $213753.05 – bank charges - $51.15 + Unemployment - $26587.72 + CD - $50000.00 = $374829.99 CAPITAL OUTLAY Beginning balance $1164097.81 + receipts - $74911.86 – accounts payable - $3213.17 + CD - $200000.00 = $1435796.50 SPECIAL EDUCATION Beginning balance $1389264.11 + receipts - $74102.04 – accounts payable - $14119.05 – payroll - $46715.79 = $1402531.31 FOOD SERVICE Beginning balance - $96094.74 + receipts - $10851.93 – accounts payable - $10990.00 – payroll $12117.10 = $83839.60 DRIVER’S ED Beginning balance - $2.06 + receipts - $.02 = $2.08 BANK REC Beginning balance $3111715.34 – outstanding checks - $64715.77 – bank mistake - $.09 = $3046999.48 TRUST & AGENCY Beginning balance - $63699.91 + receipts - $12044.72 – accounts payable - $18270.89 = $57473.74 SCHOLARSHIPS CLIFFORD ANDERSON Balance - $2382.00 CD - $36935.25 JOE LOGUE Balance - $1013.65 JOHN NELSON Balance - $13634.90 CD - $5342.97 WAKONDA SCHOLARSHIP Balance - $1136.47 COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP Balance - $1812.67 BOB & BARB SATTER Balance - $1536.95 CD - $9457.11 Published once at the total approximate cost of $143.98 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0525-2)

MARION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR ANIMAL PERMIT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Council in and for the City of Marion, South Dakota on the 5th day of June, 2023 at the hour of 7:20 P.M. at the meeting room of the City Building will meet in regular session to consider new applications for an Animal Permit at 304 E Washington Ave. and at 404 S Main Ave to the City Council and filed in the City Finance Office. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT any person, persons or their attorney may appear and be heard at said scheduled Public Hearing who are interested in the approval or disapproval of any such application. Dated this 25th day of May, 2023 at Marion, South Dakota. Alicia Petersen Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $7.84 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0525-3)

DOLTON TOWN BOARD PROCEEDINGS The Town of Dolton held their regular meeting, Friday, May 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. All Board members and the Finance Officer present. Rentschler called the meeting to order. On a motion by Borah, seconded by Mitchell, supported by Rentschler, the agenda, April minutes, and the Financial Report

was approved. CITIZENS CONCERNS: NONE OLD BUSINESS: GARAGE DOOR: Mitchell reported that he gave the go ahead to order the parts to fix the garage door. GRAVEL: Gravel was delivered and spread. Rentschler reported that it would take six more loads to finish the Town. The cost so far is under the allotted budget so Rentschler will order the remaining loads. ELECTION OF BOARD PRESIDENT: Borah nominated Rentschler, Mitchell seconded. Rentschler will remain Board President for one more year. NEW BUSINESS: NONE BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT: X-Cel Energy $565.96, New Century Press $26.88, City of Marion $400.00, Dolton Township $175.00, Rechnagel Const $3,697.50, Les Borah $120.00, Chad Rentschler $300.00, Sue Hepner $138.52. Since there was no further business Borah made motion, Mitchell seconded that meeting be adjourned. Rentchler closed the meeting at 7:25 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Friday, June 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Sue Hepner Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $14.00 and may be viewed free of charge at (N0525-4)

Board of County Commissioners Minutes of Proceedings May 09, 2023 The Turner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. Present were Chairman Miller, Ciampa, Hybertson, Kaufman & Van Hove. Also present was Auditor Dahl. Motion by Van Hove, seconded by Kaufman, to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Hybertson, seconded by Van Hove, to approve the May 02, 2023 minutes. Motion carried. COUNTY BUSINESS Hwy. Superintendent Kent Austin met with the Board to discuss county business. States Atty. Katelynn Hoffman met with the Board to discuss county business. 4-H Program Assistant Chris Wirt & 4-H Youth Program Advisor Deanna Gall met with the Board to discuss the applications/interviews that they have been doing. Fair President Darcy Andersen, Fair Manager Lavonne Meyer and Fair Vice President Dan Viet met with the Board to discuss the fair manager position. Sheriff Steven Luke met with the Board to discuss hiring a part time deputy and starting deputy wages. Auditor Dahl advised the Board that we will be having a tax deed property available on May 15, 2023 in Dolton, S.D. The Board will table it until the next meeting on May 23rd, 2023. The Board discussed the 30X30 resolution and wanted to table it until the next meeting on May 23rd, 2023. Miller advised the Board of the Quote that was given to the Courthouse from CP Bat Mitigation. The Board wanted to table it for the next meeting May 23rd, 2023. HARDING COUNTY BIDS LOISEAU CONSTRUCTION & TEAM LABS Motion by Van Hove, seconded by Kaufman, to accept Harding County bids from Loiseau Construction & Team Labs. Motion carried. NEW PART-TIME DEPUTY SHERIFF Motion by Van Hove, seconded by Hybertson, to approve hiring Colton Laubach as a new parttime Deputy Sheriff starting certified hourly salary $24.52. Motion carried. PUBLIC INPUT Trevor Jones with Summit Carbon Solutions updated the Board on the easem*nts and pipe size for the project. CLAIMS Motion by Van Hove, seconded by Kaufman, to approve the following claims. Motion carried. A & B Business Solutions 139.45 copier/main. agree., Amazon 732.99 supp., Appeara 394.72 service, Mary R Ash 444.93 ct. appt. atty., AT & T 55.20 phone, AT & T Mobility 445.71 phone/ wifi, Axon Enterprise Inc. 5583.04 equip., Billion Southtown 1126.84 repairs, Blackstrap, Inc. 15,861.54 supp., Bluepeak 2504.01 phone, Brock White Company 16,776.57 supp., Parker City 1187.36 util., Capital One 199.98 supp., Century Business Products 693.01 copier/ main. agree., Tony Ciampa 48.96 mileage, Misty Dahl 303.38 meals/ mileage, Dakota Data Shred 113.03 service, Detectachem 362.00 supp., Dykstra Body Shop 195.00 repairs, Election Systems & Software 5008.50 equip., Victor Espinoza 6.00 reimb., Daniel Glover 211.80 meals/fuel, Jared Hybertson 137.70 mileage, Interlakes Community 395.92 allot., I State Truck Center 294.93 repairs, Jones Food Center 32.73 supp., Mark Kaufman 73.44 mileage, Kruse Law Office 5920.83 cont., Lawn’s Unlimited 75.00 service, Lawson Products 622.62 supp., Wilfredo Lima-Batres 34.00

Public notices on Page 13 

12 | The New Era | 5.25.23

Phone 605-297-4419 or 800-621-0801 to place an ad, or E-mail to [emailprotected]

Help Wanted HEAD CUSTODIAN NEEDED at Faulkton Area Schools. Applications can be obtained on website @ or by calling 605-598-6266 ext 502. Salary is negotiable. JERAULD COUNTY is accepting applications for a Director of Equalization. Full benefits and retirement. Salary based upon experience. Please contact the Jerauld County Auditor office for more information at (605)539-9301. NEW STARTING PAY! The Mobridge Police Department is hiring for full-time 911 Dispatchers. Pay is DOE. Applications may be obtained through the Mobridge Police Department website or by calling 605845-5000.


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Thank you for all the cards, thoughts and prayers after the passing of our Dad. A special thank you to Jay Klusman, Pastor Marc de Waard, Kathy de Waard, Duane Smit, and the ladies of the Chancellor Society in Canistota for their great care and concern. We will miss him. Gary Dannen Family




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5.25.23 | The New Era | 13

clay county sheriff ’ s office 5/14/23 3:16 PM A juvenile was transported from the Juvenile Detention Center in Sioux Falls to his home in Vermillion. 5/14/23 5:46 PM A deputy investigated a report of someone driving a motorcycle through a yard without permission and causing damage at an Irene residence. 5/14/23 6:55 PM A deputy assisted the Yankton County Sheriff’s Office with the recovery of a vehicle stolen from Yankton County and located in Clay County. 5/14/23 7:59 PM An inmate was transported from the Union County Jail to the Clay County Jail. 5/15/23 9:48 AM The school resource officer assisted school administration with removing a disruptive and non-compliant student from the high school. The student will be subject to school disciplinary policy. 5/15/23 4:50 PM An inmate was transported from the Union County Jail to the Clay County Jail. 5/16/23 1:09 PM A wanted person was transported from the Yankton County Jail to the Clay County Jail. 5/16/23 2:05 PM A deputy responded to assist a rural resident with resolving a problem involving a chicken that was attacking her dog. 5/16/23 9:50 PM A person participating in the 24/7 sobriety program was found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was arrested and was booked into the jail. 5/16/23 10:33 PM A deputy responded along with

fire units to a report of smoke from a fire near a Meckling residence. The fire was found to be in a burn bin. It was put out by fire units. 5/17/23 1:11 AM A deputy assisted Vermillion police officers with a response to a report of a person trying to break into an occupied home in Vermillion. The intruder was found to be an intoxicated person who was under 21. The person was cited for underage consumption and assisted with finding his own residence. 5/17/23 10:39 AM A vehicle was stopped and the driver was cited for speeding on Main Street in Irene. 5/17/23 1:20 PM A deputy responded to a report of a woman being attacked by a rooster in downtown Wakonda. 5/17/23 3:53 PM Three inmates were transported from the Clay County Jail to be held in the Union County Jail. 5/18/23 1:48 PM A deputy assisted a Vermillion Police Officer with a response to a residence where there was a child custody dispute and one of the people involved was wanted. The matter was resolved and the wanted person was arrested. 5/18/23 8:45 PM A deputy responded to a report of a driver in the wrong lane of travel on Highway 50 west of Vermillion. Upon arrival, the vehicle was not located. 5/18/23 9:07 PM A deputy responded to a report of an intoxicated driver on a motorcycle in Irene. Upon

arrival to the area, the motorcycle and driver were not located. 5/19/23 12:21 PM A deputy responded to investigate a minor two vehicle accident in Wakonda. 5/19/23 2:10 PM A deputy located a wanted person at a Vermillion residence. The man was arrested and was booked into the jail. 5/19/23 2:58 PM A deputy located and arrested a wanted person at a Vermillion residence. 5/19/23 4:27 PM Two inmates were transported from the Clay County Jail to be held in the Union County Jail. 5/19/23 4:53 PM A caller reported an out of state plated vehicle had been left parked along a rural road. A deputy responded and found no one near the vehicle. After an additional 24 hours, the vehicle was towed and impounded to remove it from the road. 5/19/23 7:34 PM A vehicle was stopped and the driver was cited for speeding on 302nd Street. 5/20/23 8:26 AM A deputy responded along with EMS to a report of a medical emergency due to an accidental fall in Irene. 5/20/23 1:22 PM A deputy provided an escort from a Vermillion funeral home to a rural cemetery west of Vermillion. 5/20/23 6:51 PM A vehicle was stopped and the driver was cited for speeding on 306th Street.

turner county sheriff



May 16, 2023 RICHTER, JENNIFER – Spokane, Wash.; Open Container, Broken Seal in Motor Vehicle; Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Possession of Marijuana 2 oz or less; Possession Controlled Drug or Substance; Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility; Improper Left Turn. OLSON, DILLON – Parker S.D.; Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Possession Controlled Drug or Substance; Operation of

motor vehicle without visible license plates prohibited-Removal of unauthorized plates--Violation as misdemeanor. MINCKS, JOSEPH ALLEN – Centerville S.D.; Possess, Distribute or Manufacture Schedule IV Drugs; Ingest, Inhale Substance to Become Intoxicated; Resisting Arrest; Obtain Drug By Fraud, Misrepresentation, Deception. GLICKMAN, ROSSCenterville S.D.; Simple Assault Domestic. DEVRIES, SHAWN

CURTISDavis S.D.; Resisting Arrest; Simple Assault - Against Law Enforcement Officer; Obstructing Officer, Jailer, Firefighter; Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages to Persons 18 - 20 yrs old; Furnish Alcoholic Beverage to Person Under 18. CHRISTIANS, ASHLEY FAYE –Wakonda S.D.; Possession Controlled Drug or Substance; Possession of Marijuana 2 oz or less; Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Speeding Obey Speed Limits.

session at 10:15 a.m. for personnel matters per SDCL 1-25-2(1). Motion carried. Motion by Ciampa, seconded by Kaufman, to come out of executive session at 10:31 a.m. Motion carried. No action taken. Motion by Ciampa, seconded by Van Hove, to enter into executive session at 10:41 a.m. for personnel matters per SDCL 1-25-2(1). Motion carried. Motion by Van Hove, seconded by Kaufman, to come out of executive session at 10:55 a.m. Motion carried. No action taken. RAISES Amanda Nielsen will receive a $16.25 monthly quarterly raise, new monthly salary $3452.90 effective for the 5-15-23 payroll. Coral Nordmann will receive a $16.25 monthly quarterly raise, new monthly salary $2954.58

effective for the 3-15-23 payroll. Alexis Andersen will receive a $16.25 monthly quarterly raise, new monthly salary $2820.78 effective for the 5-15-23 payroll. Robert Kirvin will receive a .10 cent hourly quarterly raise, new hourly salary $24.22 effective for the 5-15-23 payroll. REPORTS The following reports were filed with the Auditor’s Office for the month of April: Auditor’s Account with the County Treasurer total amount of deposits in banks 859,900.24, total amount of actual cash 4,354.86, total amount of checks and drafts in Treasurer’s possession not exceeding three days 809,415.68, credit/debit cards 6,779.50, Treasurer change fund 600.00, Register of Deeds change fund 100.00, Sheriff change fund 617.20, Petty change fund 400.00,

money market 13,960,129.90, total 15,639,297.38 , Official Statement of Fees Collected by the Register of Deeds total 8,263.00. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Kaufman, seconded by Hybertson, to adjourn. Motion carried. Next meeting, a regular meeting, is set for May 23, 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TURNER COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA /s/ Mick Miller Mick Miller, Chairman ATTEST: /s/ Misty Dahl Misty Dahl Turner County Auditor Published once at the total approximate cost of $71.12 and may be viewed

Public notices from Page 11 reimb., Lyle Signs 2347.55 supp., Erinn McGarry 416.66 escrow, McLeod’s Printing 250.00 supp., Marco Technologies 106.28 copier/main. agree., Marion Lumber Company 121.60 supp., Marion Oil Company 23.00 supp., Mick Miller 73.44 mileage, Microfilm Imaging 215.00 rent, Minnehaha JDC 1112.28 per diem, New Century Press 337.68 publ., Northwestern Energy 1240.20 service, Old 19 95.00 fuel, Parker Ace Hardware 62.94 supp., Parker Farm & Supply 3962.55 supp., Parker Pharmacy 8.51 supp., PharmChem 95.85 service, Pictometry International Corp. 33,644.66 service, Pioneer Memorial Hospital 5913.50 cont., Presto X 96.05 service, Pump N Stuff 48.00 fuel, RBS Sanitation 284.00 service, Ramkota Hotel 708.00 lodging, Amanda Rand 266.95 meals/mileage, SDAAO

985.00 reg., SDACC 100.00 reg., SDACO 465.00 m & p., SD Dept. of Health 175.00 service, SD Narcotics Officer Assoc., 50.00 reg., Jay Sanner Construction 39,754.50 repairs, Software Services 3124.00 service, SD Dept. of Revenue 1707.78 service, SD Dept. of Revenue 218,617.23 fees, SD Dept. of Revenue 221.19 sales tax, SD Dept. of Transportation 2760.53 service, South Eastern Electric 16.50 service, Spencer Quarries, Inc. 1356.31 supp., Kipp Stearns 298.88 equip., Ashley Surber 50.00 service, Wayne Swenson 489.00 service, Phillip Terwilliger 200.00 met ill., The Emblem Authority 410.50 supp., Tri-State Ready Mix 1568.00 supp., Ulteig 306.00 supp., Union County Sheriff 3840.50 jail/care of poor, Verizon 205.42 phone, Weidenbach Concrete Works 553.00 supp., Wheelco

Brake & Supply 1243.30 supp., Yankton County Sheriff 9605.00 jail, total 399,513.53. EXECUTIVE SESSIONS Motion by Kaufman, seconded by Hybertson, to enter into executive session at 9:04 a.m. for pending legal matters per SDCL 1-252(3). Motion carried. Motion by Kaufman, seconded by Hybertson, to come out of executive session at 9:32 a.m. Motion carried. No action taken. Motion by Hybertson, seconded by Van Hove, to enter into executive session at 9:35 a.m. for personnel matters per SDCL 1-25-2(1). Motion carried. Motion by Hybertson, seconded by Kaufman, to come out of executive session at 9:51 a.m. Motion carried. No action taken. Motion by Ciampa, seconded by Hybertson, to enter into executive





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sports 14 | The New Era | 5.25.23

viborg-hurley track and field

Cougar boys second at Region 4B track meet Faydra Christensen | Viborg-Hurley Sports The Viborg-Hurley Cougars boys track team came in 2nd behind Menno at the Region 4B Track Meet. Region Meets are the last chance meets for Class A and B teams in the state. ViborgHurley was led by Luke Campbell who placed first in the 110 meter hurdles, 300 meter hurdles and the 4x200 relay team. Wyatt Huber came in first in both the 100 meters, 200 meters, and also ran on the 4x200 relay team. Rafe Goettertz placed first in discus, and Andrew Madsen placed first in high jump. The girls team was led by Haley Nelson who came in first in high jump. The kids who qualified for the state track meet will begin competition on Thursday, May 25 in Sioux Falls at Howard Wood. I spoke with George Johnson and Shame Harms, who have been injured with hamstring pulls, and both say they will be running at the state track meet. We wish all our state qualified athletes the best. Go Cougars! Womens Varsity Team Results- 1. Centerville 156, 2. Menno 116, 3. Freeman 94, 4. Gayville-Volin 77, 4. Irene-Wakonda 77, 6. Alcester-Hudson 76, 7. Freeman Academy/Marion 44, 8. Scotland 41, 9. Viborg-Hurley 32

Chance Schoellerman hands the baton off to Luke Campbell in the 4x200 Presley Skonvold crosses the finish line in the 4x100. (photo\Faydra Chrisrelay. The Cougars would take first place in the race. (photo\Faydra Chris- tensen) tensen) 30-10.00PR, 7. Zoey Christensen 2803.00, 19. Callie Barnes 23-04.00 Discus Varsity - 8. Aubree Schwartz 9201PR, 12. Zoey Christensen 81-04.50, 17. Giahna Miller 69-09.50PR High Jump Varsity 1. Haley Nelson 4-08.00 Mens Varsity Team Results- 1. Menno 159, 2. Viborg-Hurley 127, 3. Freeman Academy/Marion 91, 4. Centerville 83, 5. IreneWakonda 75, 6. Alcester-Hudson 68, 7. Freeman 65, 8. Gayville-Volin 41, 9.

Parker track runs regional meet




























in the 4x800 where Kippes, Alec Kuchta, Jake Coleman and Jonas Sattler took third in the event. Parker was also fifth in the 4x400 and seventh in the 4x200. Parker will now head to the state meet with all girls participating. Qualifiers include, Berens in the 4x100, 4x200, 100m and 200m, Janae Olson in the 4x100, 4x200, long jump and 200m, Shea Lang in the 4x400, Mya Beyer in the 4x400, Mitzner in the 4x400, Lessman in the Discuss VanVelzen in the 4x100, 4x200, 4x400 and Voeltz in the 4x100, 4x200 and long jump. Mara Mohr will also serve as an alternate in the relays.


THE NEW ERA 605.297.4419 | 133 N. Main Main• Ave, Parker, SD 161 N. Parker, SD 57053


and Mya Beyer running. Parker was also fifth in the 4x200 and sixth in the medley. Other place winners included Voeltz taking second in the long jump, Parker Lessman taking fifth in the discus, and VanVelzen taking eighth in the long jump. On the boys side, Ethan Kasten was fifth in the high jump while Colin Robertson was sixth in the same event. Myles Meyer was also sixth in the 110m Hurdles while Jevin Erickson was eighth in the 3200m relay. In the boys relays, Parker took seventh in the 4x100 with Ray Travnicek, Landon Beck, Lincoln Kippes and Jake Stone leading the way. The Pheasants best finish was


By Shane Merrill The Parker track teams once again had a strong showing last week at the region 4A meet held in Tea. Braelyn Berens once again led in the sprints, winning the 100m and taking second in the 200m. Shayla Voeltz was also seventh in the 200m. Shea Lang rounded out the pace winners with a fifth place finish in the 400. In the relays Parker was fourth in the 4x100 with a new group of runners as Voeltz, Jenna VanVelzen, Hailey Phillips and Berens ran in the event. Parker was also fourth in the 4x400 with Shea Lang, Mallory Mitzner, VanVelzen


• Viborg-Hurley Estelle Lee, Madelyn Vasgaard, Jacob Campbell, Shane Harms

son, Gage Schoellerman, Kyson Mansfield, Lincoln Mansfield 10:50.56a SMR 1600m Varsity 7. Josh Roth, Lincoln Mansfield, Nick Hanson, Evan Campbell 4:28.82a Shot Put Varsity - 2. Jacob Campbell 42-05.50, 9. Rafe Goettertz 37-09.00, 10. Garrett Dangel 36-10.50PR Discus Varsity - 1. Rafe Goettertz 139-01PR , 11. Jacob Campbell 10705, 18. Justin VanHull 87-01.50 High Jump Varsity - 1. Andrew Madsen 5-10.00, 7. Nick Hanson 5-04.00 Long Jump Varsity - 8. Godwin Johnson 16-03.50

parker track and field


Academic All State Spring 2023

Mens Results- 100 Meters Varsity1. Wyatt Huber 11.73a, 2. Chance Schoellerman 12.01aSR, 7. J o s h Roth 12.55a 200 Meters Varsity 1. Wyatt Huber 23.73aPR, 2. Chance Schoellerman 23.90a, 8. Luke Campbell 25.11a 400 Meters Varsity - 8. Andrew Madsen 59.92aPR, 9. Nick Hanson 1:00.55aPR, 18. William Whiddon 1:20.15aPR 800 Meters Varsity 5. Godwin Johnson 2:40.32aPR, 8. Lincoln Mansfield

3:19.55aSR 110m Hurdles Varsity 1. Luke Campbell 15.63a, 7. Jenner Menezes 19.00a 300m Hurdles Varsity 1. Luke Campbell 41.47aPR, 5. Jacob Graves 45.66a, 10. Jenner Menezes 51.29a 4x100 Relay Varsity 6. Josh Roth, Andrew Madsen, Evan Campbell, Ben Ferdig 50.03a 4x200 Relay Varsity 1. Wyatt Huber, Chance Schoellerman, Luke Campbell Devin Sayler 4x400 Relay Varsity 4. Devin Sayler, Chance Schoellerman, Wyatt Huber, Ben Ferdig 3:46.38a 4x800 Relay Varsity 4. Godwin John-


South Dakota Cross Country Track & Field Coaches Association

Scotland 16


Womens Results- 100 Meters Varsity- 7 .Presley Skonhovd 14.53, 10. Madelyn Vasgaard 15.12, 12. Charley Nelson 15.47 200 Meters Varsity - 8. Estelle Lee 30.10, 13. Madelyn Vasgaard 31.32, 300m Hurdles Varsity - 11. Haley Nelson 58.09, 4x100 Relay Varsity 7. Madelyn Vasgaard, Estelle Lee, Charley Nelson, Presley Skonhovd 1:00.37, 4x200 Relay Varsity - 7. Charley Nelson, Aubree Schwartz, Presley Skonhovd, Estelle Lee 1:57.36a 4x400 Relay Varsity - 5. Charley Nelson, Aubree Schwartz, Presley Skonhovd, Estelle Lee 4:35.92a SMR 1600m Varsity - 7. Madelyn Vasgaard, Tatum Lyons, Isabella Voog, Haley Nelson 5:29.45a Shot Put Varsity - 3. Giahna Miller

sports 5.25.23 | The New Era | 15

phoenix softball

The Phoenix dropped four in softball quad May19

Alan Astleford | Writer The Phoenix were in five games that past week, and lost allfive, dropping their season record to 5-10. Tuesday May 16, they fell to Scotland/ Menno 3-8. They surrendered seven runs in the first three innings. The Phoenix scored two runs in the sixth and one in the seventh, but the rally fell short. Player and game stats were not available. Friday, May 19, the girls lost a close contest to Alcester-Hudson Cubs 2-3 in the first game of a triple header. They were unable to rally and the season record fell to 5-8. The Cubs raised theirs to 10-1. The next game was against Winner. Winner pounded out numerous hits and drove many deep into the outfield. Avery Thomas was the losing pitcher. Avery Thomas and Harli Ross shared pitching duties in the night cap as they dropped the final game of the weekend to Arlington 1-7. Arlington with the win raised their season record to 14-3. No stats were available for the game. Tuesday, May23, the Phoenix are slated to play Viborg-Hurley in Freeman at 6:30pm in Class B SoDak 16 action..

freeman academy marion track and field

FAM track

Alan Astleford | Marion Sports Mens 100 6 Dominic Sperling, 12.52a; Taylor Goodwin, 9, 13:08; Domani Butler, 13.1 Mens 200, Maddox Kihne, 24.85a; 9., Dominic Sperling 25.24, Taylor Goodwin, 26.2 Mens 400, 3, Liam Ortman, 54.66; 16, Caden Tieszen, 1:07.41 Mens 800 4, Finley McConniel, 2:13.58; 6. Caden Tieszen, 2:43.27 Mens 1600, 1. Finley McConniel, 4:51.92 Mens 3200, 2. Hauyden Schmidt, 11:49.41 Mens 4x100, 1 Fre3man Academy/Marion 46.29 Mens 4x200, 2. Freeman Academy/Marion - 1:35.43a Liam Ortman, Maddox Kihne, Karter Weber, Keaton Preheim Mens 4x400, 1. F r e e m a n Academy/Marion - 3:39.69a Liam Ortman, Jackson Donlan, Karter Weber, Keaton Preheim Mens 4x800, 2. Freeman Academy/Marion, 9:29.94a, Jackson Donlan, Seth Balzer, Jonatan Lopez, Hayden Schmidt Mens Merdley(200, 200, 400,

800, 4., Freeman Academy/Marion - A 4:10.36a Titus Sperling, Taylor Goodwin, Domani Butler, Jonatan Lope Womens Womens 100 14., 8 Avary Thomas , 16.60 Womens 200 16., 8 Avary Thomas 34.02; 17., 11 Hadley Luke 36.59 Womens 800 1.12, Jada Koerner, 2:22.77; 2. Estelle Waltner2:25.97 Womens 4x100 5., 55.62, Alivea Weber, Elizabeth Piehl, Karley Luke, Alexa Gortmaker Womens 4x200 6.1:57.04 Elizabeth Piehl, Avary Thomas, Kallie Johnson, Estelle Waltner Womens 4x100 3. 4:26.57a, womens SMR Alivea Weber, Elizabeth Piehl, Estelle Waltner, Jada Koerner Womens Medley (200, 200, 400, 800) 4. 6. 5:16.75 Avary Thomas, Annaliese Olson, Karley Luke, Kallie Johnson Womens 4kg Shot 5., 11 Alexa Gortmaker, 30-03.00 Womens 1kg Discus, 11 Alexa Gortmaker, 87-10

viborg-hurely softbll

Cougars begin SoDak 16 Play By Faydra Christensen/ Viborg-Hurley Sports The Cougars went 1-3 this week in softball play. There were two nights of double headers back to back against both Scotland/Menno and Alcester-Hudson. The Cougars head into postseason action ranked 9th in Class B with a record of 7-9. The Cougars will play the Phoenix, the 8th place team from Freeman/Freeman Academy/Marion. If the Cougars win, they will advance to the first inaugural Class B Softball Championships at the Players Softball Complex in Aberdeen on June 1-3. Go Cougars!!! VH 1, Menno/Scotland 9 Scotland 9

VH 18, Menno/

In the first game vs Menno/Scotland, Lexie Lindemann was the only player to make it home to score. All other hitters were left on base at the end of innings. Lexie and Zoey Christensen would each hit triples. Lexie would also hit a double, while Shelby Lyons and Zoey would hit singles. In the second game, the Cougars came out hot with the bats. Lexie Lindemann had four hits, scoring one run and three RBI’s. Shelby Lyons had two hits, but made it across the plate three

Dean Moller, coach of Alcester-Hudson, and father of Alcester’s Emma Moller, gave all the VH players a sticker for their helmet in honor Lauren Petersen catches a ball in Menno. Petersen is one of the best catchers in the league. She of Kobee Sherman. Emma was a Cougar for rarely lets a ball get past her, and her range in precision of throwing is spot on. The Cougars will the past two seasons with our team, and Dean miss Lauren as she graduates this year. (photo/Faydra Christensen) is still a Cougar fan at heart. (photo/Faydra Christensen) times. Zoey Christensen had two runs on VH 1, Alcester- a doubleheader sweep over the Cougars. two hits and one RBI. Charley Nelson had VH 0, Alcester-Hudson 6 three runs on two hits and a bunt along Hudson 3 Shelby Lyons had a pair of hits for ViborgViborg traveled to Alcester to take on the Hurley in game one. She was the only with an RBI. Tatum Lyons scored three runs on three hits and had two RBIs. Raegan cubs. This game was special for Viborg- one that hit off Emma, as she eliminated Smith also had two runs on two hits along Hurley as they would be facing their pitcher the Cougars quickly. In the second game, with three RBIs. Lauren Petersen had one of the past two years from Fall Ball, Emma Charley Nelson did score the lone run, and run on two hits along with one steal and Moller and other cub/teammate Delta Raegan Smith doubled and singled for Vione RBI. Gia Miller had one run on one hit, Pies. Well,unfortunately for the Cougars borg-Hurley. Charley Nelson also doubled. Emma can still fire away at the pitching, Lexie Lindemann added a hit. and one RBI. and Delta was injured. The Cubs earned

centerville mushy ’ s bean bag league results Mushy’s Bean Bag League – Week 1

Mushy’s Bean Bag League – Week 2



Team Standings: Ty K. and Cody S 5-0, Ann W and Jason S. 5-0, Shanda B. and Adam S. 3-2, Tyler L and Stephen H. 2-3, Darren B and John L. 0-5, Eric L. and Trey V. 0-5 Wins Losses Ty K. & Cody S. 5 0 Ann W. & Jason S. 5 0 Shanda B. & Adam S. 3 2 Tyler L. & Stephen H. 2 3 Darren B. & John L. 0 5 Eric L. & Trey V. 0 5

Team Standings: Ty K. and Cody S. 10-0, Shanda B. and Adam S. 8-2, Ann W. and Jason S. 6-4, Tyler L. and Stephen H. 6-4, Darren B and John L. 0-10, Eric L. and Trey V. 0-10 Ty K. & Cody S. Shanda B. & Adam S. Ann W. & Jason S. Tyler L. & Stephen H. Darren B. & John L. Eric L. & Trey V.

Wins Losses 10 0 8 2 6 4 6 4 0 10 0 10

sports 16 | The New Era | 5.25.23

Centerville had four athlete qualify for the State Javelin Class A and B event held in Canton. The top 24 of each class from the state were able to head to this meet to compete. Our throwers were Kiylee Weetra, Lillee Shearer, Miles Eide, and Christian Perry. The top nine throwers went into finials and our very own Kiylee Westra not only broke her own school record, she is your South Dakota Class B State Champion! Congratulations throwers! (photo/Tricia Eide)

centerville track and field

CHS girls are Region 4B champions Eide 4:23.97 4x800 Relay: 2. Brea Austin, Ly d ia

Tricia Eide | Centerville Sports Congratulations to the first placed Centerville Girls as they crushed the competition by 40 points at the Region 4B track held in Freeman. Centerville boys came in a close fourth place finish. Both girls and boys team had a successful day! The nine teams that our in Region 4B are Alcester Hudson, Centerville, Freeman, Freeman Academy Marion, Gayville-Volin, Irene Wakonda, Menno, Scotland, Viborg- Hurley. Here are your results: High School Boys 400M dash: 4.Remi Daumus 55.89 1600M run: 4. Boche Knight 5:44.12 5. Luke Knight 5:53.68 3200M run:6. Boche Knight 12:48.32 7. Luke Knight 14:48.06 110 M Hurdles: 4. Covin Wattier 18.38 8. Miles Eide 19.03 300M Hurdles: 7. Miles Eide 46.83 4x100 Relay: 6. Lane Johnson, Logan Bobzin, Alec Austin, Noah Schoenfelder 47.73 4x200 Relay: 5. Lane Johnson, Noah Schoenfelder, Ethan Bobzin, Remi Daumus 1:40.45 4x400 Relay: 6. Alec Austin, Miles Eide, Isaac Marohl, Remi Daumus 3:58.72 4x800 Relay: 3. Luke Knight, Isaac Marohl, Ethan Bobzin, Boche Knight 9:52.80 Medley Relay: 1. Ethan Bobzin, Isaac Marohl, Remi Daumus,


Ella Ruter, Tessa Eide, 10:53.40 Medley Relay: 3. Harp0er Wattier, Izzie Eide, Lillee Shearer, LIllie Eide 4:38.44 Discus: 3. Kiylee Westra 97-00 Pole Vault: 2. Bailey Hansen 8-06.00, 4. Mackenzie Meyer 8-00, 5.

Emery Shubeck (right) broke the school record in the 300 hurdles, however Bailey Hansen (left) broke her own Lane Johnson starts the 4x200 (photo/Tricia Eide) school record to maintain on the leader board! Congratulations girls on a tough race! (photo/Tricia Eide) Lane Johnson 3:59.50 Discus: 2.Alec Austin 130-03.50 Pole Vault: 4. Covin Wattier 9-06.00, 5. Miles Eide 9-00.00 High Jump: 4. Covin Wattier 5-08.00 Long Jump: 5. Noah Schoenfelder 17-08.50 Triple Jump: 6. Luke Knight 35-

5. Emery Shubeck 2:41.77 7. Lydia Austin 2:46.59 1600M run: 6. Tessa Eide High School Girls: 100M dash: 5.Rylie Tieman 6:12.83, 7. Lydia Austin 6:14.59 3200m run: 2. Tessa Eide 14.13 400M dash:1. Lillie Eide 1:02.12 14:14.70 6. Haley Childress 1:10.81, 8. 100 M hurdles: 3. Bailey Hansen 17.48, 5. Emery Shubeck 18.66 Keira Austin 1:11.25 800M run: 3. Ella Ruter 2:38.56, 300 M Hurdles: 3. Bailey Han05.50

sen 49.89, 4. Emery Shubeck 50.19 4x100 Relay: 3.Rylie Tieman, Keira Austin, Izzie Eide, Harper Wattier, 54.29 4x200 Relay: 4.Harper Wattier, Keira Austin, Bailey Hansen, Lillee Shearer 1:53.33 4x400 Relay: 1. Lillee Shearer, Harper Wattier, Izzie Eide, Lillie

Emery Shubeck 7-06.00 High Jump: 2. Ashlyn Hagena 4-06.00, 4. Addison Buckneberg 4-04.00, 5. McKenzie Carstensen 4-04.00 Long Jump: 2. Lillie Eide 1507.25, 3. Rylie Tieman 15-03.75, 7. Izzie Eide 14-02.50 Triple Jump: 3. Rylie Tieman 3107.50, 7. Tessa Eide 29-02.50

Headed to state track

Tricia Eide | Centerville Sports Congratulations to these boys and girls who have qualified for the State Track Meet held May 25-27 in Sioux Falls at Howard wood field. Way to go Tornadoes! We are proud of you all!

Boys: Alec Austin: Discus Remi Daumas: 1600m Miles Eide: Pole Vault Lane Johnson: Pole Vault Covin Wattier: 110m Hurdles, High Jump, Pole Vault Girls: Brea Austin: 4x800 Lydia Austin: 4x800 Izzie Eide: Medley, 4x400 Lillie Eide: 400m, 4x100, 4x200, 4x400 Tessa Eide: 4x800 Bailey Hansen: 100m Hurdles, 300m Hurdles, Pole Vault Mackenzie Meyer: Pole Vault Ella Ruter: 4x800, Medley Lillee Shearer: 4x100, 4x200, Medley, 4x400 Emery Shubeck: 300m Hurdles, Pole Vault CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CHS GOLF TEAM AT THE IW INVITE. Rylie Tieman: Long Jump, Triple Jump, 4x100, 4x200 L-R coach DeJong, Jase Brouwer, Corbin Tople placed sixth, Cullen Pollard placed first, Grace Bjordal placed ninth, Addyson Brand- Harper Wattier: 4x100, 4x200, 4x400, Medley Kiylee Westra: Discus srud placed fifth, and Brooke Pingrey placed third! Way to go kids! (photo/Tricia Eide)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.