VPN - Connecting with Cisco Secure Client (2025)

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • iPhone
    • Using the Secure Client VPN client iPhone application
  • iPad
  • Android
  • LAN Access While Connected


Virtual Private Networking (VPN) is a method of providing a more secure network connection from public or untrusted networks. When a VPN connection is established, it creates an encrypted communication path between your computer and the VPN server. This helps to protect your network traffic from many types of common network attacks, which could be used to expose your personal information. Because the Texas A&M VPN server is hosted within the university firewall, a VPN connection will also provide access to university resources that are not typically available from non-TAMU connections. Texas A&M uses the Cisco Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect) software for its VPN connection.

To connect via L2TP, click here.

If you are having trouble connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.


NOTE: Secure Client VPN software requires Windows 8.1 and later.

  1. To install the pre-configured VPN client, start by going toconnect.tamu.edu. Here you will need to log in with your NetID and your NetID password. A silent DUO push will be sent to your device on DUO, but no prompt will tell you it has been sent. The default DUO authentication method is a push notification, although you can use the passcode or phone call option as well. For more instructions on how to use different authentication methods for the VPN, please visit this article.

    NOTE: If you are unable to log in using your NetID and password, you will need to contact Help Desk Central at (979) 845-8300 for further assistance.

  2. On connect.tamu.edu you are presented with two options for GROUP - tunnel_all_traffic and tunnel_tamu_traffic. The tunnel_tamu_traffic option will only tunnel data destined for sites ending in *.tamu.edu. The tunnel_all_traffic option will tunnel all data through the VPN. This is necessary when using the VPN to access articles and journals from resources that require a connection from a Texas A&M-owned IP address.
  3. On the following screen, you will see the website attempt to recognize your operating system. Please allow the website a few moments to do so.
  4. Click the blue Download for Windows button to download the configured Secure Client VPN client.
  5. Once the VPN client has successfully downloaded, open the file to initiate the installation process. If you are prompted to allow the program to run, please click Run.
  6. The installer should start momentarily. Follow the on screen prompts to complete the client installation.
  7. After the installation completes with the Secure Client client running, enter connect.tamu.eduand clickConnect.
  8. Enter your NetID credentials and clickOK. You will automatically be sent a push notification to your Duo app. To authenticate another way, click here and see the section titled Different Methods of Duo Authentication.
  9. After authenticating with Duo, you will be connected. If you are having troubles connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.


NOTE: Secure Client software requires macOS 10.14 (Mojave) and later.

  1. To install the pre-configured VPN client, start by going toconnect.tamu.edu. Here you will need to log in with your NetID and your NetID password. A silent DUO push will be sent to your device on DUO, but no prompt will tell you it has been sent. The default DUO authentication method is a push notification, although you can use the passcode or phone call option as well. For more instructions on how to use different authentication methods for the VPN, please visit this article.

    NOTE: If you are unable to log in using your NetID and password, you will need to contact Help Desk Central at (979) 845-8300 for further assistance.

  2. On connect.tamu.edu you are presented with two options for GROUP, tunnel_all_traffic and tunnel_tamu_traffic. Thetunnel_tamu_trafficoption will only tunnel data destined for sites ending in *.tamu.edu. Thetunnel_all_trafficoption will tunnel all data through the VPN. This is necessary when using the VPN to access articles and journals from resources that require that you be connecting from a Texas A&M owned IP address.
  3. You will then be redirected to the following website which will analyze your computers operating system and CPU.
  4. Once the analysis has completed, you will then see theDownload for macOSbutton.
  5. If you are prompted for a location to save the file, you may save it anywhere on your Mac as long as you will be able to access the location. If you are not prompted, the file may be automatically saved to your downloadsfolder. Find the file which should start withSecure Clientand end in.dmg. Once you have located the file, double click to attach the installer to your computer which then will bring up the following window.
  6. Double click on the icon within the window which will bring up this installer window.
  7. Follow through the installation process until you have successfully completed the installation.

    NOTE:You will likely be required to enter your computer's administrative username and password at this point in order to grant and install the appropriate permissions.

  8. When installation is complete, you should see the Secure Client icon in the menu bar at the top right of your screen. Clicking on the iconwill present you with the options to bring the Secure Client interface to the front, to disconnect from the VPN, and also a quit option that will disconnect you from the VPN and close the program. If you do not find the Secure Client icon in your menu bar, you will be able to find if within yourApplicationsfolder entitledCisco. Once you've found the Secure Client application, double click to launch it.
  9. Enter connect.tamu.edu as the server, then click connect.
  10. Enter your NetID and NetID password. You will automatically be sent a push notification from Duo.
  11. Once you accept the Duo push, you are all set! An icon that looks like a globe will now appear in your menu bar. If you click on this icon, you will have the options of disconnecting from the VPN and quitting the application. If you are having trouble connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.


NOTE: Secure Client VPN software requires Red Hat 6.1 and later.

  1. To install the pre-configured VPN client, start by going toconnect.tamu.edu. Here you will need to log in with your NetID and your NetID password. A silent DUO push will be sent to your device on DUO, but no prompt will tell you it has been sent. The default DUO authentication method is a push notification, although you can use the passcode or phone call option as well. For more instructions on how to use different authentication methods for the VPN, please visit this article.

    NOTE: Contact Help Desk Central at (979) 845-8300 if you are unable to connect using yourNetIDand your NetID password.

  2. On "connect.tamu.edu" you are presented with two options for “GROUP:". Those are “tunnel_all_traffic” and “tunnel_tamu_traffic.” Thetunnel_tamu_trafficoption will only tunnel data destined for sites ending in.tamu.edu.
    Thetunnel_all_traffic option will tunnel all data through the VPN. This is necessary when using the VPN to access articles and journals from resources that require a connection from a Texas A&M-owned IP address.
  3. The website will detect your system. This will take a few minutes at most.
  4. When the detection process finishes, you should be taken to a screen that will give you a choice between a download option and an automatic provisioning option. Choose the download option
  5. When you click the Download for Linux button, you will be prompted to download a script file that should end up in your downloads folder
  6. Once the script file is downloaded, open a terminal window. Then navigate to the Downloads directory by inputting the command:
    cd ~/Downloads

    Once there, make the script file executable. The name and version may change depending on when you will be reading these instructions. We will be using the current name and version at the time this article was drafted:
    chmod +xSecure Client-linux64-4.6.00362-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.sh

    After the script is made executable, it can be run by inputting the command:
    sudo ./Secure Client-linux64-4.6.00362-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.sh

  7. The Cisco Secure Client client should now be found within the applications menu. Once found, run it.
  8. In the connect to field, type in connect.tamu.edu, then click on Connect. Afterwards, you will then be prompted for your NetID and your NetID password.
  9. Click onConnect and you will be automatically sent a Duo push notification. After the push is accepted, the connection should be established. If you are having troubles connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.


  1. From the iTunes App Store on your iPhone, install the free app: Secure Client VPN from Cisco Systems, Inc.
  2. After you launch the app, you will be presented with the Cisco Secure Client "Home Screen." Tap onConnectionsto set up a VPN configuration.
  3. On the "Add VPN Connection" screen, enter a description for this VPN connection, such asTAMU. In the "Server Address," enterconnect.tamu.edu. Then clickAdvanced.
  4. You will now be presented with the "Advanced" screen. Leave the "Network Roaming" toggle in theON position and click Certificate. Then select theDisabledoption. Finally, tap on theAdvancedtab to return.
  5. ClickSavein the upper right corner of the screen to save the TAMU profile on the Secure Client "Home Screen". If a prompt pops up select Allowand input your password or Touch ID.
  6. You have successfully installed the Secure Client VPN Client iPhone application and TAMU connection. At the Secure Client "Home Screen," you will see your available TAMU connection under "Choose a connection...".

Using the Secure Client VPN client iPhone application

At the Cisco Secure Client "Home Screen" move the "Secure Client VPN" toggle to the ONposition.

  1. At the Cisco Secure Client "Home Screen" move the "Secure Client VPN" toggle to the ON position.
  2. You will now be presented with the "Authentication" screen. In the "Username" and "Password" fields enter your NetID and your NetID passwordrespectively. ClickConnect in the upper right corner of the screen. You will then need to authenticate via Duo Two-Factor Authentication which should send a push notification to your device.

    NOTE: For assistance with Duo or your NetID credentials, call Help Desk Central at (979)845-8300.

  3. You are now connected to the VPN through the Secure Client iPhone app. While connected, the VPN logo will be displayed at the top of the screen on your mobile device. To disconnect from the VPN, simply slide the toggle to the OFF position.

    NOTE: If you are having troubles connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.


  1. From the iTunes App Store on your iPad, download and install the free Secure Client VPN from Cisco System, Inc.
  2. The first time you click on theSecure Client iconto run it, you will be asked to allow Secure Client to send you notifications. You can choose eitherAlloworDon't Allow.
  3. At the top of the screen, clickAdd VPN Connection.
  4. On the "Add VPN Connection" screen, enter a description for this VPN connection, such asTAMU. For the "Server Address," enterconnect.tamu.edu.
  5. Click onAdvancedin the Add VPN Connection window. Leave "Network Roaming" turnedON.
  6. Click onCertificate, andset "Certificate" todisabled.
  7. Return to the Add VPN Connection window and clickSave.
  8. ClickAllowto let Secure Client add a VPN configuration.
  9. You will be asked to enter youriPad passcodeor to authenticate usingTouchID, if your device has it enabled.
  10. When you turn "Secure Client VPN" on by toggling thesliderin the upper left of the application, you will be asked to enter "Authentication information." By default, the "Group" istunnel_all_traffic. This means that all information from your device will be sent through the A&M VPN system. The option "tunnel_tamu_traffic" will send only information destined to TAMU systems through VPN. All other information will not be sent through VPN. For "Username" and "Password," enter yourNetIDand your NetID Password.ClickConnect.

    NOTE:Please be aware that Secure Client does not store your password. Each time you connect to the Secure Client VPN system, you will need to re-enter your password.

  11. VPN access to the Texas A&M network requires two-factor authentication. Without approving the login request via Duo Security, you will be unable to complete the VPN connection. If you are having troubles connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.
  12. While connected, the "VPN logo" will be displayed in the upper left of your iPad screen. To disconnect from VPN, simply slide the "Secure Client VPN" slider toOFF.


  1. From the Google Play Store on your Android 4.0+ device, download theSecure Clientclient.
  2. After opening the app, clickConnections.
  3. ClickAdd New VPN Connection.
  4. On the "Add VPN Connection" screen, enter a description for this VPN connection, such asTAMU. For the "Server Address" field, enterconnect.tamu.edu.
  5. ClickDoneto finish the configuration.
  6. When you turn the VPN connection on, you will be prompted to enter a usernameandpassword. Enter yourNetIDfor the username, and your NetID password in the password field. By default, the Group is "tunnel_all_traffic." This means that all information from your device will be sent through the Texas A&M VPN system. The option "tunnel_tamu_traffic" will send only information destined to TAMU systems through VPN. All other information will not be sent through VPN. ClickOK.

    NOTE:Please be aware that Secure Client does not store your password. Each time you connect to the Secure Client VPN system, you will need to re-enter your password.

  7. While connected, the "VPN logo" will be displayedat the top of your Android screen. To disconnect from VPN, simply slide theSecure Client VPN SlidertoOFF. If you are having troubles connecting successfully, see troubleshooting directions here.

LAN Access While Connected

Perform the following steps while disconnected from the Cisco Secure Client Secure Mobility Client.

  1. Open Cisco Secure Client, but do not establish a connection at this time.
  2. Click the gear icon in the lower left corner of the Secure Client Secure Mobility Client window.
  3. Select the Preferences tab if it is not already selected.
  4. Place a check mark next to Allow Local (LAN) access when using VPN (if configured).
  5. Close the settings window.
  6. Connect to Cisco Secure Client VPN as normal.

You should now be able to access LAN resources such as local printers.

VPN - Connecting with Cisco Secure Client (2025)


VPN - Connecting with Cisco Secure Client? ›

Open ASDM and select Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Client Profile. Click Add. Enter a profile name. From the Profile Usage drop-down list, choose the module for which you are creating a profile.

How to connect to VPN using Cisco Secure Client? ›

VPN - Setup and Connect using the Cisco Secure Client for Windows
  1. Open the Cisco Secure Client Security Mobility Client application.
  2. Type vpn.colorado.edu into the VPN: textfield, then click Connect. ...
  3. When prompted to log in to the Federated Identity service, enter your IdentiKey username and password, then click Log in.

How do I add a VPN profile to my Cisco Secure Client? ›

Open ASDM and select Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Network (Client) Access > AnyConnect Client Profile. Click Add. Enter a profile name. From the Profile Usage drop-down list, choose the module for which you are creating a profile.

Is Cisco Secure Client a VPN? ›

AnyConnect VPN/ ZTNA User

Cisco Secure Client provides many options for automatically connecting, reconnecting, or disconnecting VPN sessions.

What to do if Cisco VPN is not connecting? ›

Cisco VPN not connecting – simple fix without a reboot
  1. Close CISCO VPN by right clicking it in the bottom right Windows tray bar.
  2. Open windows task manager with CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE.
  3. Go to services and find vpnagent.
  4. Right click it and select STOP, wait for it to stop completely.
  5. Right click it again and select START.
Nov 24, 2020

How to connect cisco VPN client automatically? ›

If you use the Always On option with Trusted Network detection option, this should allow the client to automatically connected when on an untrusted network (as in not the corp network). You would need to use the AnyConnect Profile Editor to configure these preferences.

How to setup VPN on Cisco? ›

Steps for setting up a VPN
  1. Step 1: Line up key VPN components. ...
  2. Step 2: Prep devices. ...
  3. Step 3: Download and install VPN clients. ...
  4. Step 4: Find a setup tutorial. ...
  5. Step 5: Log in to the VPN. ...
  6. Step 6: Choose VPN protocols. ...
  7. Step 7: Troubleshoot. ...
  8. Step 8: Fine-tune the connection.

How do I connect my Cisco AnyConnect VPN client to Windows 10? ›

Install the VPN client
  1. Download the Cisco Secure Client VPN for Windows installer.
  2. Double-click the downloaded installer file.
  3. When prompted with a message, "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" click Yes.
  4. Follow the Stanford Software Installer prompts to install Cisco AnyConnect.

Where is the config file for Cisco VPN client? ›

It is C:\ProgramData\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile .

How do I connect to Cisco Secure Client before login? ›

Using the Start Before Logon feature

With the latest version of VPN, you will see an icon denoted in the bottom right corner for the Cisco Secure Client Start Before Logon feature. Please click on the icon. You will see the Cisco Secure Client dialogue box. Click Connect and sign in as you normally would.

What is the difference between AnyConnect and Secure Client? ›

Cisco Secure Client vs AnyConnect

Cisco Secure Client is the latest version of one of the most widely deployed security clients. Secure Client is built upon Cisco AnyConnect, which provides Remote Access services and a suite of modular security services.

How do I know if my Cisco VPN is connected? ›

You can run the command "vpncli.exe" from the command prompt, this will tell you whether the VPN is connected or disconnected. Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client (version 4.7. 04056) . Copyright (c) 2004 - 2019 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Is Cisco Secure Client replacing AnyConnect? ›

Stanford's VPN client (Cisco AnyConnect) is being replaced by an upgraded version with a new name — Cisco Secure Client. The rebranded version of the app offers the same user experience and familiar functionality with enhanced security and performance.

Why is my VPN not connecting? ›

Your VPN software might be outdated. Your VPN settings might not be configured correctly. You might have poor internet connectivity or an intermittent network connection. The problem may not be a VPN issue at all – but it might be your internet connection preventing your VPN from connecting.

How do I add a Cisco VPN connection? ›

Open the Cisco AnyConnect app. Select Add VPN Connection. Enter a Description, for example, CMU VPN and the Server Address vpn.cmu.edu. If prompted, allow the changes.

Why is always on VPN unable to connect? ›

This could be because one or more network devices, such as routers, firewalls, or the Network Address Translation (NAT) between your computer and the remote server isn't configured to allow VPN connections. Contact your administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing the problem.

How do I connect to a VPN client? ›

Connect to a VPN from the Windows Settings page:
  1. Select Start > Settings > Network & internet > VPN.
  2. Next to the VPN connection you want to use, select Connect.
  3. If prompted, enter your username and password or other sign in info.

How do I connect to a secure VPN? ›

Use a VPN on your computer (Windows, Mac)
  1. Download a reliable VPN. We recommend NordVPN, which is super easy to use on both Windows and Mac.
  2. Install the VPN app onto your computer.
  3. Connect to your preferred server.
  4. That's it – now you can start browsing safely.
Jan 12, 2024

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.