How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (2025)

By Kevin ArrowsUpdated on March 9, 2023

Kevin is a certified Network Engineer

Microsoft Edge shows a list of search suggestions in the address bar to make it easier for the users. This feature is enabled by default in every Windows operating system. It also shows the favorites, history, and other browsing data when a user types in the address bar. This is a pretty common and useful feature in most browsers nowadays. However, some privacy concerned users may not like this feature on their browser. This also applies to a PC that is used by multiple users. There are methods through which users can simply disable this feature for the time being or for the long term.

How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (1)

Disabling Drop-down List through the Microsoft Edge Settings

The drop-down list suggestions can be disabled in the setting of the Microsoft Edge. This is the common and the default method for disabling and enabling this feature. However, if want to gray out this option or this option is grayed out for you in the Edge’s settings, then you can check other methods for that.

  1. Open the Microsoft Edge by double-clicking on the shortcut on the desktop or you can search it through the Windows search feature.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (2)
  2. Click on the Settings and more button (three dots) at the top right corner and then select the Settings option from the list.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (3)
  3. On the left pane, select the Privacy & Security option. Scroll down and turn OFF the toggle for the “Show search and site suggestions as I type” option. This will disable the drop-down suggestions list from Microsoft Edge.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (4)
  4. You can also enable it back any time by following the same steps and turning ON the toggle for that option.

Disabling Drop-down List through the Local Group Policy Editor

This method will disable the feature and also gray out the option from Microsoft Edge’s setting. The setting for this can be found in both the User Configuration and Computer Configuration categories of the Group Policy. Both will have the same path but different categories. It’s up to you if you want to set for a specific user or for the system. Follow the below steps to try it out:

Note: The Group Policy isn’t available in the Windows Home editions, so if you are using that operating system, then skip this method.

  1. Open a Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard, then type “gpedit.msc” in it and press the Enter key to open the Local Group Policy Editor.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (5)
  2. In the User Configuration category, navigate to the following path:
    User Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Windows Components\ Microsoft Edge\
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (6)

    Note: You can also find the exact same setting in the Computer Configuration category. Choose the one that you want to set for your system.

  3. Double-click on the “Allow Address bar drop-down list suggestions” policy setting and it will open up in another window. Change the toggle option from Not Configured to Disabled.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (7)
  4. Lastly, click on the Apply/Ok button to save the changes. This will disable the drop-down suggestions list from Microsoft Edge.
  5. If you want to enable this feature back again, you need to change the toggle option to Not Configured or Enabled in step 3 of this method.

Disabling Drop-down List through the Registry Editor

The alternative to the Group Policy method is by using the Registry Editor. Basically, the Group Policy setting will update our registry keys and value for that specific setting. We can also directly configure the setting in the Registry. Windows Home users can also use this method to gray out the drop-down list suggestion feature in the settings of the Microsoft Edge. It will have some of the technical steps for creating the missing key or value to make it work.

Note: We always recommend users to create a backup before making any new changes in the Registry.

  1. Press the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard to open a Run dialog box, then type “regedit” and press the Enter key to open the Registry Editor. If prompted by UAC (User Account Control), click on the Yes button.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (8)
  2. In the Current User hive, navigate to the ServiceUI key:

    Note: You can also use the Current Machine hive for the exact same setting.

  3. In the ServiceUI key, right-click on the right pane and choose the New > DWORD (32-bit) Value option. Name this newly created value as “ShowOneBox“.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (9)
  4. Double-click on this value and it will open in another dialog box. Change the value data to 0 and click on the Ok button to save it.
    How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (10)

    Note: Value data 1 is for enabling and value data 0 is for disabling. We need to disable the value to disable the drop-down suggestion list.

  5. Once you are done with all settings, make sure you restart your system to see the changes.
  6. If in the future you want to enable the drop-down suggestion list again, then simply change the value data to 1 or remove the value from the Registry Editor.


Microsoft Edge

By Kevin ArrowsUpdated on March 9, 2023

Kevin is a certified Network Engineer

How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? (2025)


How to Disable Address Bar Drop-down List Suggestions in Microsoft Edge? ›

Turn off search suggestions

How do I turn off typing suggestions in Edge? ›

If you are using the Edge browser, you can turn this off by doing the following:
  1. Click on the three horizontal dots icon near the upper right corner of the Edge browser.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Click on the "Languages" option on the left-hand side of the "Settings" screen.
  4. Look for the area on "Writing assistance".
Sep 6, 2023

How do I turn off Address bar search in Microsoft Edge? ›

If you click the 3 dots menu there is an option to "Auto-launch search bar" which you can turn off and then close the bar.

How do I delete autofill in Address bar? ›

Clear some autofill entries directly via the autofill tab of Chrome settings
  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click the three dot symbol in the top right corner.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click the Autofill tab.
  5. Here, you can individually edit or delete the different autofill categories: passwords, payment methods, and addresses and more.

How do I disable Address bar? ›

The only way to hide the address bar—a.k.a. "ominibox"—in Chrome is to enter full screen mode by pressing F11 (Windows) or Control+Command+F (Mac). Alternatively, you can use the full screen button in the menu. Click the three-dot menu icon in the top right and click the full screen icon.

How do I turn on auto suggestions in Edge? ›

To add, remove, and change your Autofill data, simply go to your Edge Settings > Profiles > Personal info. You must be signed into Edge to use and manage Autofill. How do I use Autofill to complete form fields in Edge? Autofill can automatically suggest completions when you're typing in a form field in Edge.

How do I turn off writing suggestions? ›

  1. Open your device's Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and select System, then tap on Languages & input. ...
  3. After that, tap on Virtual Keyboards.
  4. Select Gboard(or your active keyboard) on the list. ...
  5. Tap on text correction.
  6. Now toggle off Next-word suggestions (or Predictive text) to disable the feature.

How do I turn on autocomplete in Microsoft Edge? ›

Open Microsoft Edge's main menu. Click on Settings. Under “Advanced settings,” click the View Advanced settings button. Scroll down, and in the “Autofill settings” section, turn on the toggle for “Save and fill addresses” or “Save and fill payment info” depending on what type of information you want to autofill.

How do I get rid of suggestions under the search bar? ›

Tap "Settings" → "Search settings" → "Other settings" → toggle off "Autocomplete with trending searches." If you're logged into a Google account, tap "Settings" → "Search settings" → "Personal results" → toggle off "Show personal results". Hover over an individual suggestion and click "X" to remove it.

How do I change the address bar in Edge? ›

Open Edge and tap the three-dot menu at the top-right corner. Choose “Settings” from the dropdown menu. Click “Privacy, search, and services” from the left sidebar. From the “Services” section, click on “Address bar and search” to access more settings.

How do I hide the tabs and address bar in Edge? ›

Auto-hide Edge's address bar

On the other hand, by simply pressing the F11 key while browsing on Edge, you get a clean and uncluttered interface.

How do I remove recommended words when Typing? ›

Switch off Show text predictions while typing.
  1. On the status bar, choose Text Predictions: On.
  2. Switch off Suggest words or phrases as I type.

How do I get rid of predictive text on Microsoft keyboard? ›

Turn predictive text off in Windows 10
  1. Click on the “Start” button.
  2. Click on the “Settings” icon.
  3. From the Settings home screen, click on “Devices”
  4. Down the lefthand side, click on “Typing”
  5. Under the “Typing” heading, turn off the switch under “Show text suggestions as I type on the software keyboard”
Jul 16, 2022

How do I get rid of suggestions on Microsoft keyboard? ›

Navigate to the Typing section. Click on the toggle button next to the Show text suggestions when typing on the physical keyboard option. Please note that this will disable text suggestions for both physical and onscreen keyboards.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.